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iNOW. Teacher Training. Objectives. Log in to iNOW Navigate through menus Post attendance Set up seating chart, comments , categories, grade book options Add activities and lesson plans Enter scores . iNOW --- Always…. Refresh Refresh   Refresh  Refresh Refresh  Refresh

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Presentation Transcript

  1. iNOW Teacher Training

  2. Objectives • Log in to iNOW • Navigate through menus • Post attendance • Set up seating chart, comments , categories, grade book options • Add activities and lesson plans • Enter scores

  3. iNOW --- Always…. Refresh Refresh   Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close

  4. You will log in with a username  and password available from your trainer.

  5. Home Page - Announcements

  6. School Events Calendar Can’t see Saturday? Press Control+Minusto change Zoom on your screen

  7. iNOW AttendanceClassroom > Attendance Always take attendance in the first 10 minutes of Homeroom/Attendance period! Att is Blank

  8. iNOW AttendanceOpen the appropriate class

  9. iNOW Attendance Add a check by any missing students then click the Missing Button Look for the Red icons by any missing students’ names. Check the count at the bottom of the screen. NOTHING sticks unless you click the POST button.

  10. iNOW Attendance Most common mistake most teachers make when posting attendance: They put a  then click post. What step did they skip? They do not identify who is missing. Click the “missing” button!

  11. iNOW Attendance • Click Classroom > Grade Book • Notice the Att Column to the right now shows Y Att

  12. iNOW Attendance • Video for Attendance 7 minutes • We will not mark students as “tardy” from the classroom! This will be handled through the office only. • Questions • When do you post attendance?

  13. Setup for Grade Book • Users Guide – 51 pages • InformationNOW for Teachers - Classroom Grade Book.pdf

  14. Classroom > Grade Book > Choose class

  15. Alert Symbols Hover over alerts or click for information—see next slide!

  16. Alert Symbols • Explorer Icon: The student has been marked as having permission for Internet access. • Cross: The student has been marked as having a medical alert. Click this icon to view the student’s alert. • Graduation Cap: The student has been marked as Active for their Special Education Status. • Balloon: The student has been marked with a special alert. Click on the icon to view the special alert. • T: The student has met the truancy threshold as established by the district.

  17. Setup for Grade Book—Seating Chart • Classroom > Grade Book > Choose your class • Find the Manage section on the left-hand side of the screen

  18. Seating Chart • Change seats across / seats deep and drag photos to correct location. This is a great tool for management, subs, and learning names! Photos must be loaded in locally!

  19. Set up CategoriesMenu on the left > Manage > Categories • To add a Category, click on the blue Add icon. The Add Category screen will appear. In iNOW, fields marked with * are always required. Only use letters to name categories; other symbols and punctuation could crash your entire gradebook!

  20. Set up CategoriesMenu on the left > Manage > Categories • Use Points--or ensure that Category Points total 100! Homework and classwork combined should not exceed 30%! Tests, quizzes, projects, essays and other “summative assessments” should be 70-80%. Consider two categories: Summative Assessments totaling 70% and Classwork/Homework totaling 30%.

  21. Set up CategoriesMenu on the left > Manage > Categories • If you use categories, set your percentages for the YEAR and DO NOT CHANGE THEM! This can change averages across all grading periods!

  22. How do you calculate grades? • Points (1st recommended choice; most forgiving; easiest to explain to students and parents) • Category Points (2nd recommended choice) • Average (averages the averages) • Category Average (averages the averages of averages—not statistically sound!)

  23. How do you calculate grades? • Points932/1000 = 93.2 • Category PointsAll Tests = 273/300 = 91.0All Homework = 659/700 = 94.1 60% times 91.0 = 54.6 40% times 94.1 = 37.6454.6 + 37.64 = 92.24 • Average91/100=91.048/50=96.0 23/25=92.0 91.0 + 96.0 + 92.0 / 3 = 93.0 • Category AverageTest 91.0 + 96.0 /2 = 93.5 Homework 92.0 + 93.0 /2 = 92.5 60% times 93.5 (56.1) 40% times 92.5 (37.0) (56.1 + 37.0) = 93.1 Grade differences are even greater if a solid grading plan for categories is not in place!

  24. Setup OptionsMenu on the left > Manage > Options • View by Date Descending • Round Displayed Averages • Display Student Averages • Display Letter Grades • Category Average ___________________

  25. Always “Include Withdrawn Students” until the end of the grading period or all final grades have been recorded and the STI Manager has this information. You can move these students to the bottom of your gradebook using “custom order” if that is helpful. OPTIONS These will probably be the most often selected!

  26. iNOW --- Always…. Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close

  27. Add Activities • Creating Grade Book Activities Video 9 minutes • See Setting up Graded Activities handout • Attention: We DO NOT use ASSESSMENT. It is another STI product that we do not have in Blount County Schools. • Work between the Plan and Scores Tabs

  28. To Show All Activities • To display all existing activities regardless of date, clear the Date field and click Refresh

  29. Copy Activities to Another Class • Set up activities in one class • Return to the main grade book screen and select the next course • On the left-hand Tasks menu choose Copy Grade Book. • This must be done the first grading period and then copied to other grading periods if you want to use this feature.

  30. Copy Activities to Another Class • Choose the section from which you want to copy activities • Click OK

  31. Copy Activities to Another Class • Put  by activities you want to copy • Only those with  will be included • Click OK • Activities and Lesson Plans will be included in the course.

  32. Comments Setup • Add positive comments for students • State facts only – no personal feelings • Remember any notes stored here are considered a legal document and can be subpoenaed and used in court • To add a comment click on the blue Add icon

  33. Entering Comments for Students • To add a comment on a student, click on the Comments tab.

  34. Entering RTI as a Comment • To track intervention students, you can add T2 (Tier 2) or T3 (Tier 3) to designate levels of intervention under the Comments tab by clicking on the student number. You can then easily monitor your RTI efforts through the Comments tab.

  35. Add Student Comments • Select the student for whom a comment is to be added by clicking the student’s ID number link • Choose comments from the Comment List Dropdown box. Add additional notes. Notice Custom Order

  36. Custom Order on Comments Tab • Custom Order: Allows teachers to arrange students in a custom order. This is most often used to move new students to the bottom of the gradebook. From the gradebook Comments tab, click to View a comment for a student and enter a unique number in the Custom Order field. It is not necessary to add a Custom Order to every student. It is only necessary to add a Custom Order to new students or withdrawn students. Then, when selecting to sort students by Custom Order, students with a unique identifier will drop to the bottom of the gradebook list. • Example: for the new student who comes in after you have written names in your gradebook, add a 1 in the Custom Order Field and it will move his/her name to the bottom of the list in your computer gradebook. If a second student comes in later, add a 2 in the Custom Order Field, etc.

  37. Enter Scores • Practice entering scores for an activity. • You may want to use a sample page from a real gradebook to enter some grades.

  38. Enter Scores • ALWAYS Click the Recalculate Button after you have changed any grade.

  39. Scores – Tips and Tricks • Move between plan and scores tab always recalculate after making changes to any scores • Blue cell means you can enter a grade • Blue box means that child was absent that day • Enter the grade and use the down arrow key the first time then the active cell will follow the direction of the arrow • To fill a grade you must also enter it before the right-click fill option will show • If you drop a grade, you can UnDrop • right-click Late will put a red corner on the cell, • right-click incomplete will not count the grade in the average • Red grade means it is above the grade number allowed for this activity; remember no averages should be posted above 100. • Check Display maximum score in options to show max score in the grade book

  40. Scores – Tips and Tricks

  41. iNOW --- Always…. Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Refresh Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Recalculate Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close

  42. Grade Book Setup / Scores Questions • What do you click every time you make changes to scores? • Recalculate • What is your Plan B? • Keep a copy of grades in the paper gradebook • Keep a copy of student work with grades

  43. Average Setup for EXAMS

  44. Average Setup - Adding Exam Grades Exam activities are set up differently for “Points” and “Category Points”! Points: You can still have an exam category; build a Semester 1 or Semester 2 exam activity under the Plan tab. Go to “Average Setup,” and select your semester exam. Go to the “Averaging Method,” and select Single Activity. Click O.K. Make sure the activity says “Single” under “Type.” Category Points: In addition to the steps above, you must have an exam category which is setup as 100%. That means that the exam activity will be 100% of the total exam grade. Regardless of the averaging method selected, the semester exam should not be calculated into the 9-weeks’ average.

  45. Average Setup - Adding Exam Grades • Notice Exam Averages default to Current Grade under “Type.” Make sure that you are entering exam activities in the correct grading period! If you use Category Points, you will have to build an exam category worth 100% and then an Exam activity for that category. If you enter exam grades and it changes the 9-weeks’ average, then you do not have it set up correctly!

  46. Average Setup - Adding Exam Grades • Create an activity in 2nd 9 weeks for the Exam Grade • Plan Tab • Activity – Exam •  Graded • Click Create

  47. Average Setup - Adding Exam Grades • Exam Activity Created in Plan Tab

  48. Average Setup – Adding Exam Grades • Go to Semester 2 Exam

  49. Average Setup – Adding Exam Grades • Averaging Method Tab Set your exam up as a “Single Activity!” This will exclude it from the 9 weeks’ average!

  50. Average Setup – Adding Exam Grades • Click in Single Activity (Activity will be ex…..) Set your exam up as a “Single Activity!” This will exclude it from the 9 weeks’ average!

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