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TC 1600 Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Customer Partnership Meeting John Doll - Commissioner for Patents

TC 1600 Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Customer Partnership Meeting John Doll - Commissioner for Patents. November 10, 2005. Contact Information. John Doll Commissioner for Patents e-mail: john.doll@uspto.gov Phone: 571 272 8800 . Application Filings and

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TC 1600 Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Customer Partnership Meeting John Doll - Commissioner for Patents

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  1. TC 1600 Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Customer Partnership Meeting John Doll - Commissioner for Patents November 10, 2005

  2. Contact Information • John Doll Commissioner for Patents e-mail: john.doll@uspto.gov Phone: 571 272 8800

  3. Application Filings and Examiner Production

  4. UPR Applications Filed • FY 05 plan 375,080 (7% above FY 04) • 383,000 as of 10/30/05 (preliminary) • Current projection1.7% over plan

  5. Production 1 “UPR” = Utility, Plant, and Reissue Applications. 2 “FAOM” = First Action on the Merits – first action count by an examiner after the filing of an application (does not include restrictions or other miscellaneous actions). 3 “Disposal” = An examiner allowance, abandonment, or disposals following a board decision. 4 “Production Unit” = First action count plus disposal count divided by 2. 5 “PCT” = Patent Cooperation Treaty. PCT applications are processed differently and tracked separately from US National stage applications. For FY 05, 15,147 PU’s is 35,389 processed applications.

  6. PENDENCY . . . vs the Backlog

  7. FY 05 Patent Pendency (as of 10/1/2005) 1“Average 1st action pendency” is the average age from filing to first action for a newly filed application, completed during July-September FY 2005. 2“Average total pendency” is the average age from filing to issue or abandonment of a newly filed application, completed during July-September FY 2005. * Assuming current input and output estimates, the agency should achieve first action pendency of 21.3 months by the end of FY 2005 and total pendency of 30.2 months.

  8. First Action Pendency by Art Areas 1“Average 1st action pendency” is the average age from filing to first action for a newly filed application, completed during July-September FY 2005.

  9. Inventory by Art Examples *The number of months it would take to reach a first action on the merits (e.g., an action addressing patentability issues) on a new application filed as of Jan 2005 at today’s production rate. Today’s production rate means that there are no changes in production due to hiring, attrition, changes to examination processing or examination efficiencies, and that applications are taken up in the order of filing in the given art unit/area. Of course, USPTO is taking aggressive steps to ensure changes that will significantly lower the inventory rates in high-inventory art areas.

  10. TC Application Inventory 1 “New Application inventory” is the number of new applications designated or assigned to a technology center awaiting a first action. 2 “Overall Pending Application inventory” is the total number of applications designated or assigned to a technology center in an active status. Includes new applications; rejected awaiting response; amended; under appeal or interference; suspended; reexams and allowed applications awaiting grant publication. *Total inventory includes applications not assigned to a particular TC, awaiting processing either pre- or post-examination.

  11. Pendency Achieved Target 30.2 Months Target 21.3 Months

  12. Patent Quality (Shared Responsibility)

  13. Quality of Products – FY 05 *Compliance and error rates as measured by OPQA. 1Compliance is the percent of office actions reviewed and found to be free of any in-process examination deficiency (an error that has significant adverse impact on patent prosecution). 2Patent allowance error rate is the percent of allowed applications reviewed having at least one claim which is considered unpatentable on a basis for which a court would hold a patent invalid. “Allowance” occurs before a patent is issued, so these errors are caught before any patent is actually granted.

  14. Percent of Allowed Applications with Material Defect Target 4%

  15. Re-Work

  16. Technology Centers Rework* Statistics * Rework first actions are those actions that are in a Continuing (CONs and CIPs), RCE, CPA or 129(a) applications (excludes Divisionals).

  17. Hiring and Retention

  18. Hires and Attritions

  19. FY 05 Attrition of Average Staff

  20. Pendency Projections

  21. Historic Without Strategic Plan

  22. 1,000 Hires & Low Attrits Historic Without Strategic Plan

  23. 1,000 Hires & Low Attrits Plus Claims & Continuation Limits Historic Without Strategic Plan

  24. Historic Without Strategic Plan 1,000 Hires & Low Attrits Plus Claims & Continuation Limits Plus Patentability Report

  25. Production

  26. Stats and Stuff

  27. Continuation* Applications Filed *Straight Continuations 37 CFR §1.53 (b)(1) – No Divisionals or CIPs – as of 10/23/05

  28. RCE/CPA Filing Rates as of 10/23/05

  29. Total Continuation Filing Rates *Straight Continuations 37 CFR §1.53 (b)(1) – No Divisionals or CIPs – as of 10/23/05

  30. Total Continuation* Filing Rates *Continuation = Straight Continuations 37 CFR §1.53 (b)(1) + RCE + CPA – Not Divisionals or CIPs as of 10/23/05

  31. Continuation Filing Rates

  32. Continuation Filing Rates As of 10/24/2005

  33. Distribution of Independent Claims at Filing

  34. TC 1600 Distribution of Independent Claims at Filing

  35. Distribution of Total Claims at Filing

  36. TC 1600 Distribution of Total Claims at Filing

  37. Total Claims at Filing and Issue

  38. Distribution of the Number of References Cited in Applications

  39. Markush Practice

  40. A cell adhesion protein of formula (1), • A-(B)-(C)-(D)n-E • or a pharmaceutically acceptable derivative thereof , wherein . . .

  41. Accelerated Examination Would You Like Your Patent In 12 Months ?!?

  42. Accelerated Examination • Features of the proposed revision: • Move to the head of the line • Final Disposition within 12 months • Program for expedited Issuance of Patents • e-file application and all follow on papers • Single Invention • Limited Number of Claims • Patentability Report • Possible Interview before 1st Action • Shortened Statutory Period • Enforcement of special status in the Corps

  43. Contact Information • John Doll Commissioner for Patents e-mail: john.doll@uspto.gov Phone: 571 272 8800

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