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Alternative Delivery Modes(ADMs). ROBERTITA M. FERNANDO Education Program Supervisor I, ALS. The Department of Education is tasked to provide quality basic education that is equitably accessible to all and lay the foundation for life long learning and service for the common good.
Alternative Delivery Modes(ADMs) ROBERTITA M. FERNANDO Education Program Supervisor I, ALS
The Department of Education is tasked to provide quality basic education that is equitably accessible to all and lay the foundation for life long learning and service for the common good.
Aside from formal education DepEd offers alternative delivery mode of interventions to meet the needs of young people in different communities.
IMPORTANCE OF ADMs • The ADMs in formal basic education are implemented to improve certain performance indicators in order to achieve the 2015 targets of Education For All (EFA) and the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) on achieving the universal primary Education. • The ADMs address the learning needs of the marginalized pupils and those learners at risk of dropping out in order to help them overcome social and economic constraints in their schooling.
ADMs BOTH IN ELEMENTARY & SECONDARY LEVELS The ADMs both at the elementary and secondary Levels include the following: • Elementary Level A. Modified In-School, Off-school Approach (MISOSA); B. Enhanced Instructional Management by Parents, Community and Teachers (e- IMPACT)System; C. Home Schooling Program D. Multigrade Program in Philippine Education (MPPE) • Secondary Level E. Dropout Reduction Program (DORP)
“THE MISOSA” M-odified I - n School S - chool O - ff S - chool A - pproach
WHAT IS MISOSA as ADM? • Originally designed Currently designed • To address issue of congestion plus • helps pupils who are enrolled but habitual/ seasonal absentees, • living in conflict/ • disaster areas, • chronically -ill, or engaged in earning a living to augment • family income To address issue on congestion
HOW IS MISOSA IMPLEMENTED? 1.Use of Self-Instructional Materials (SIMs). • that contain the lessons to be learned for the day. • include learning objectives, • activities to work on, • exercises and questions to answer. • enrichment activities utilizing the community resources.
HOW IS MISOSA IMPLEMENTED? 2.Utilization of community school • as a laboratory for learning aside from the classroom i.e. half of the class stays with the teacher while the other half stays with the teacher-facilitator in the community school.
HOW IS MISOSA IMPLEMENTED? 3. In compliance with existing policies: 3.1.DepEd Order #23,s.2005 re time allotment 3.2. DepEd Order No. 33, s. 2004 re grading system 3.3. DepEd Order No. 53, s. 2011 re policy guidelines
HOW IS MISOSA IMPLEMENTED? 4.Involvement of the following school internal/external stakeholders: 4.1.Grade IV, V, and VI pupils 4.2.Classroom Teachers 4.3.Teacher-Facilitators
Benefits in implementing the MISOSA Aside from addressing the issue of congestion, MISOSA implementation may also contribute to the following: • Resolving the issue of shortage of instructional materials • Improving classroom management • Promoting equal access and opportunity for learning
Benefits in implementing the MISOSA • Institutionalizing systematic monitoring • Developing pupils study habits love for learning and self-esteem • Attending to the unique needs of individual pupils
Updates on Expanded MISOSA • Previous number implementing MISOSA
Proposed Expansion of MISOSAElementary Schools with High Incidence of Drop-out More than 20 drop-outs
Thank you & Mabuhay…
The e-IMPACT System • A Quality Alternative Delivery Mode for Elementary Education a. A technology-enhanced alternative delivery mode; b. Developed to address high student population and high percentage of dropouts; c. Management system where the parents, teachers and community collaborate to provide the child with quality education at less costs.
Principles of the e-IMPACT System • 1. Children become active participants of the learning process. Three Primary Modes of Delivery a. Programmed Teaching b. Peer Group Learning c. Individual Study
Principles of the e-IMPACT System • 2. Learning Materials are based on the national curriculum standards of DepED. a. PRODED b. NESC –New Elementary School Curriculum c. BEC – Basic Education Curriculum d. PELC – Phil. Elementary Learning Competencies
Principles of the e-IMPACT System • 3. The essence of education is the learning process a. Education in the e-IMPACT system encourages and develops in the children the skill to learn independently and eventually become self-and lifelong learners. b. IMPACT also encourages peer learning and peer mentoring as important strategies for empowering learners as active partners in the instructional process.
Curriculum Enhancements • Use of audio tapes in English, Science, Mathematics and Filipino • Use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in teaching the lessons