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Towards Content Distribution Networks with Latency Guarantees

Towards Content Distribution Networks with Latency Guarantees. Chengdu Huang and Tarek F. Abdelzaher University of Virginia. Outline. Background Challenges Contributions Formulation Architecture Evaluation Conclusion. Overview.

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Towards Content Distribution Networks with Latency Guarantees

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  1. Towards Content Distribution Networks with Latency Guarantees Chengdu Huang and Tarek F. Abdelzaher University of Virginia

  2. Outline • Background • Challenges • Contributions • Formulation • Architecture • Evaluation • Conclusion

  3. Overview • Our goal is to guarantee a subsecond upper bound on response time • Latency bound formula specified in contract with content provider • Existing research: optimizing average response time • Client perceived latency consists of • Latency from client to a CDN server • Latency from a CDN server to some other CDN server (request forwarding) • Processing time within CDN servers

  4. Need and Feasibility-- Observations from the Internet • Establishing the Need: (Latency Analysis) • Average latency for web objects are a significant fraction of a second • A large portion of latencies exceed a second  Bounded-delay CDN is needed • Establishing the Feasibility: (Cost Analysis) • Internet latencies (for a fixed pair) are not time invariant but only oscillate with a small range • Spikes are not very common • Can be attributed to underutilization of Internet backbone  Replica locations are relatively static – maintenance cost is low

  5. Contributions • Mapping the latency bound guarantee problem to a well-studied graph theoretic problem • Designed and implemented a real-time CDN system on a WAN platform • Extensive evaluation results drawn from an Internet deployment of the service prototype

  6. Mapping • The problem of achieving latency bound is mapped to a graph domination problem • Formulation • Given a set of CDN servers S= {S1,…, Sn}, a content object C, and its latency bound L • Construct a graph G whose vertices are S • Edge SiSj is added to G iff server Si can download C from server Sj within a time less than L • To find minimal dominating set D: a subset of S with minimal cardinality that for all u in S - D, there is a v in D for which uv is in G • Nodes represent servers, edges connect neighbors reachable within latency bound  dominating set is reachable within latency bound from any server

  7. B G E C F A D Mapping

  8. Mapping B G E C F A D Graph Domination Problem

  9. Existing Graph Domination Algorithms • Centralized greedy heuristic • Repeatedly selects the vertex with highest remaining degree • Best approximation known • Distributed algorithms • DDCH (INFOCOM’00) • LRG (PODC’01) • Kuhn and Wattenhofer (PODC’03) • Limitations • Performance in asynchronous environment • Need multiple rounds to finish: long termination time • We developed a new distributed, asynchronous algorithm

  10. Architectural Challenges • The CDN system runs in a highly dynamic and asynchronous environment • How to handle content objects with different sizes • Absence of global knowledge

  11. Challenge: Asynchronous environment • Our distributed algorithm • Goal: Decentralized, asynchronous, fast termination • Idea • Inspired by the centralized counterpart • Nodes independently nominate the neighbor with the highest degree • Receiving nomination makes a node join the dominating set and send out dominator announcement • Receiving dominator announcement makes a node refrain from sending nomination • Insights: • High degree nodes quickly join the dominating set • Joining of high degree nodes quickly inhibits further nominations

  12. E: 3 F: 3 G: 3 C: 5 E: 3 F: 3 G: 3 A: 4 B: 3 C: 5 A: 4 B: 3 C: 5 D: 2 E: 3 Degree=3 Degree=3 Degree=3 A is reachable Degree=5 A is reachable A: 4 B: 3 C: 5 D: 2 Degree=3 A: 4 C: 5 D: 3 E: 3 F: 3 G: 3 Degree=4 A is reachable Degree=2 A, B, D, E send NOMINATION to C F, G send NOMINATION to E (random tie-breaking) Algorithm -- example B G E C F A Reachable D

  13. Degree=3 Degree=3 Degree=3 Degree=5 Degree=3 Degree=4 Degree=2 Mapping B G E C F A D

  14. Challenge: probing objects of different sizes • Probing is needed to estimated latency • Latency depends on file size which can be any size, making probing challenging • Solution • Probe a series objects of certain sizes • Assuming latency has a simple linear relation with object size • Use a recursive least square (RLS) estimator to estimate the parameters and • More sophisticated probing techniques can be plugged in

  15. Challenge: objects of different sizes • Validation of our latency-size model

  16. Challenge: absence of global knowledge • The system should perform well without global knowledge • Introduce a parameter: visibility • Percentage of servers in the system each server knows when it starts • Low visibility incurs more replicas • Two heuristics to reduce number of replicas • Reciprocal mode • Highest degree node exchange

  17. Implementation • Instrument Squid Proxy Cache • Deployed on PlanetLab • PlanetLab is a WAN platform with more than 100 sites across 20+ countries • Deployed on 30~80 nodes

  18. Experiment on PlanetLab

  19. Evaluation outline • Efficiency • Latency bound guarantee • Absence of global knowledge

  20. Evaluation • Number of replicas Latency Bound:

  21. 30 Nodes 80 Nodes Evaluation • Termination Time

  22. Evaluation • Latency bound guarantee • Baselines • Single Server • Random (with the same number of replicas) • Average Latency Greedy (Qiu INFOCOM’00)

  23. Evaluation • Latency bound guarantee

  24. Latency Bound Guarantee • Number of Replicas Evaluation • Absence of global knowledge

  25. Conclusion • Designed and implemented a CDN system that provides latency bound • Based on a distributed algorithm that performs well in asynchronous environment • Experiment results show that latency bound can be achieved with a very high confidence

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