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Alberta Library Conference SirsiDynix Customer Meeting

Alberta Library Conference SirsiDynix Customer Meeting. 26 April, 2007. The SirsiDynix Team. Steve Donoghue Vice President Sales, Canada & Alaska Susan Buchanan Vice President Sales, Strategic Accounts. Meeting Agenda. SirsiDynix product announcement Unicorn/Rome introduction

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Alberta Library Conference SirsiDynix Customer Meeting

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  1. Alberta Library ConferenceSirsiDynix Customer Meeting 26 April, 2007

  2. The SirsiDynix Team Steve Donoghue Vice President Sales, Canada & Alaska Susan Buchanan Vice President Sales, Strategic Accounts

  3. Meeting Agenda • SirsiDynix product announcement • Unicorn/Rome introduction • Path Forward for Dynix, Horizon and Unicorn customers • Information sources and planning for Rome • Topics and questions of interest • General Q & A

  4. SirsiDynix Product Announcement

  5. SirsiDynix Product Announcement • Horizon 8.0 updates at ALC and Focus Day at CPL in 2006 • 6 beta sites (plus 4 other sites) in production with Horizon 8.0 • Planned release of Horizon 8.0 was Q4 2006 • Announcement in March 2007 to abandon Horizon 8.0 product and focus our development efforts on the Unicorn/Rome platform • Since announcing Rome, we’ve spoken with hundreds of customers. Throughout those discussions, several common themes emerged. • What REALLY happened with Horizon 8/Corinthian and why? • When did you know you were going to change product direction? • Do you understand the inconvenience this has caused many of your customers? • How can we have confidence that this newly announced direction will really happen?

  6. What REALLY Happened and Why? • October 2006 CODI Conference Talin Bingham, SirsiDynix CTO, announced using Compuware tools for better control of development process. • November and December 2006 Development team implemented the tools on Horizon 8.0 • January and February 2007 results of testing indicated serious problems that could take 18 months to fix. • Bandwidth • Hardware • Stability • Horizon 7.3 Feature Parity

  7. Previous Projections for 8.0, 8.1 & 8.2 Rollout • Horizon/Corinthian 8.0 • GA beginning of 2007 • TeleCirc, Talking Tech, Debt Collect, base language support • Horizon/Corinthian 8.1 • Beta Q2 2007 • GA beginning Q3 2007 • Media Scheduling, search enhancements, additional language support • Horizon/Corinthian 8.2 • Beta Q3 2007 • GA beginning Q1 2008 • Electronic Resource Management

  8. What REALLY Happened and Why? • Detailed review of Unicorn as platform for future • 70% of Code had already been re-engineered • New Java Interface • HTML-based Interface development work started • Runs on Relational Database • Unicode compliant • More functionally rich than Horizon 8.0 • Stable, Proven, High Quality • Decision was made to use Unicorn as base code moving forward • Much easier to infuse Unicorn with key Horizon functionality than to continue to delay 8.0 release (18 months or more) • 8.0 show-stoppers not an issue with Unicorn

  9. When did you know you were going to change product direction? • Decision made by senior management week prior to announcement • CODI and UUGI boards contacted Monday morning • 8.0 production customers contacted Monday and Tuesday • Internal email Monday afternoon • Company meeting Tuesday morning • Customer notification Tuesday afternoon

  10. Do you understand the inconvenience this has caused many of your customers? • Communicated decision immediately • Decision based on critical stability, quality and performance • Allows SirsiDynix to spend more time and resources developing new and improved functionality to all customers as apposed to spending time stabilizing Horizon 8.0 performance. • Many Dynix and Horizon customers have been waiting years for the functionality promised in Horizon 8.0 • Unicorn/Rome offers an upgrade path for all customers now

  11. How can we have confidence that this newly announced direction will really happen? • SirsiDynix knew that the announcement could impact your trust in us as a vendor • Attend a demo of Unicorn • See what we release this year • We’ll prove to you that this is the best decision by what we deliver

  12. Rome Introduction

  13. What is Rome? • New technology platform that blends best of Unicorn, Horizon/Corinthian, and other solutions • Unicorn GL3.1 is the base for Rome • Stability, scalability, and full features immediately available • All R&D resources now focused on a single platform • Result: Greater capacity to deliver strategic solutions • New ILS core functionality • New faceted search • New visual search • Additional new portal functionality • Upgrade path for Dynix, Horizon and Unicorn customers

  14. Library/Consortium • Management Solutions • Comprehensive ILS functions • Web-based staff software • Complete consortia support • Fully documented APIs • Add-on solutions • Coming • Consortia record ownership • for cataloging • Consortia hierarchical settings • Group holds function • New international features • Expanded reporting options • User Experience • Solutions • Search and discovery portals • Faceted/visual search • Federated search • OpenURL linking solutions • Security and authentication • Coming • User reviews • User recommendations • Tagging • Personalization • Expanded JSR168 • portlet solutions • Content Management • Solutions • Digital asset management • ERM solutions • Content-building solutions • Specialized K-12 content • Coming • More comprehensive ERM • Digital object solutions Foundation Quality ● Stability ● Performance ● SaaS ● RDBMS Options Rome: Overview Shared Shared Unicorn Unicorn Shared Horizon Unicorn

  15. 2007 “Rome” wasn’t built in a day … this product can’t possibly be released in 2007?

  16. Today’s Unicorn • Java Staff Client GL3.1 • Full range of staff modules • Oracle RDBMS • Unicode • Enterprise Portal with integrated OPAC • Rooms • School Rooms

  17. Rome Version 1 Preview • Web Reporter • Web Staff Client (beta Q2 07) • Faceted/Visual Searching (Q3 07) • Books by mail in CIRC • Family Links features in CIRC • Patron credits feature in CIRC • Updates to Floating Collections • Improved bibliographic load process • Tax handling improvements in ACQ • Ordered hold fills feature

  18. Migration/Upgrade Path for All Customers

  19. Unicorn GL3.1 Unicorn GL3.1 Unicorn GL3.1 Dynix Classic Horizon 7.3 Unicorn Migration /Upgrade Paths Rome

  20. Information SourcesPlanning for Rome

  21. Learning More about Unicorn/Rome • Sales demonstrations • Focus days • Pre-recorded overview demonstrations • Unicorn Overview • Unicorn Administration • Circulation • Collection Exchange • Cataloguing • Acquisitions • Serials • Enterprise Portal Solution • Rooms • Customer website • http://customer.dynix.com/ • SirsiDynix TechTalk • Contact your Sales Representative

  22. Learning More about Unicorn/Rome • Sales demonstrations • Focus days • Pre-recorded overview demonstrations • Unicorn Overview • Unicorn Administration • Circulation • Collection Exchange • Cataloguing • Acquisitions • Serials • Enterprise Portal Solution • Rooms • Customer website • http://customer.dynix.com/ • SirsiDynix TechTalk • Contact your Sales Representative

  23. Topics and Questions of Interest

  24. What are the hardware & database requirements? • Client workstation recommended minimums • Windows 2000, XP, or Mac OS X (10.4 or higher on Intel or PowerPC) • Minimum CPU speed: 700 MHz • Recommended CPU speed: 1 GHz • Minimum memory: 512 MB • Recommended memory: 1 GB • Screen resolution: 1024 x 768 or better • Server requirements • Oracle recommended; cost-effective embedded licensing available • Numerous platforms supported • 32-bit and 64-bit supported • Situations vary, so contact your SirsiDynix account representative for specific needs

  25. What Add on products will be supported? • 3rd Party Product Support • Web Reporter • Envisionware • Self-Check / RFID (3M, ITG, Tagsys, OneStop) • eBooks • Wireless • Federated Searching • Digital Library • Enriched Content • Any SIP or NCIP Certified System • API’s for custom interfaces and connection to non-standards based system such as financial / accounting systems

  26. What features does Unicorn have for consortia? • Unicorn already has most robust consortia features including: • Multiple Search Scoping Options • Robust Holdings Display Features • Local Portal & WorkFlows Branding • Display / Maintenance Policies • Unlimited Local Policies (patron types, item types, indexes, etc.) • Custom Policy Lists • Unlimited Holds Priority Levels • Support for MARC21, UniMARC, Dublin Core, and other custom formats in same database • Access Control • Hierarchical Circulation Matrix • Local Reporting • Transaction Reporting • Consortia SIG (Special Interest Group) • Many consortiums and State-wide systems already using Unicorn

  27. Library/Consortium • Management Solutions • Comprehensive ILS functions • Web-based staff software • Complete consortia support • Fully documented APIs • Add-on solutions • Coming • Consortia record ownership • Mass record changes • Consortia hierarchical settings • “Netflix-ation” of holds • New international features • Expanded reporting options • User Experience • Solutions • Search and discovery portals • Faceted/visual search • Federated search • OpenURL linking solutions • Security and authentication • Coming • User reviews • User recommendations • Tagging • Personalization • Expanded JSR168 • portlet solutions • Content Management • Solutions • Digital asset management • ERM solutions • Content-building solutions • Specialized K-12 content • Coming • More comprehensive ERM • Digital object solutions • More Foundation Quality ● Stability ● Performance ● SOA ● SaaS ● RDBMS What Horizon 8.0 features will be in Rome? Shared Shared Unicorn Unicorn Shared Horizon Unicorn Will publish Horozon7.x/8.x features in Rome

  28. What are the SaaS options? • Software as a Service is available now • More than 550 customers already using SirsiDynix hosted services • All library types – large or small sites • International capabilities • SaaS hosting facility in Canada

  29. Other Questions and Topics of Interest • How long will Horizon 7.3x/7.4 be supported? • No plans to drop support • Not pushing customers to move to Rome • What is the life expectancy of Horizon 7.3.4 given Sybase 12.5 EOL in September 2008? Is Horizon 7.3.4 compatible with ASE 15? • We anticipate a release of Horizon in Q1 2008 that will support ASE 15 • What is the life expectancy of Classic Dynix? • No plans to drop support • Will give two years notice when we do

  30. Other Questions and Topics of Interest • Will MSSQL be supported as a database environment? • Under investigation • Will Community Resources functionality be supported? • Yes, this functionality is there today in Unicorn • How long will SirsiDynix support Telecirc? • TeleCirc II is still currently supported for Horizon 7.3x • Telephone Messaging 3 and SVA supported on Rome • Messaging 3 product communicates via SIP • What are the data extraction fees and other costs? • Migration services published for Horizon 8.0 are valid for Rome • Will be updating this document

  31. General Q & A

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