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对标和节能工具 (BEST ,最佳水泥 ) 在中国水泥行业中的应用 Benchmarking and Energy-Saving Tool (BEST) for the Cement Industry in China 最佳水泥培训 BEST Cement Training Workshop 2008 年 7 月 July 2008. 能源分析处 环境能源技术室 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室 Energy Analysis Department Environmental Energy Technologies Division
对标和节能工具(BEST,最佳水泥) 在中国水泥行业中的应用 Benchmarking and Energy-Saving Tool (BEST) for the Cement Industry in China 最佳水泥培训 BEST Cement Training Workshop 2008年7月 July 2008 能源分析处 环境能源技术室 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室 Energy Analysis Department Environmental Energy Technologies Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
项目背景Project Background • 国家发改委要求能源研究所开发对标工具用以支持千家重点用能企业项目。 • China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) requested that the Energy Research Institute (ERI) develop benchmarking tools in support of the Top-1000 Energy Consuming Enterprise Program • 通过与以下单位的合作,LBNL针对中国水泥行业开发了对标和节能工具(BEST)。 • LBNL developed a benchmarking and energy saving tool for the Chinese cement industry (BEST-Cement) in collaboration with: • 能源研究所Energy Research Institute • 中国水泥协会 China Cement Association • 中国建筑材料科学研究院 China Building Materials Academy • 山东大学 Shandong University • 开发此工具的资金来自美国环保局,能源基金会中国可持续能源项目以及陶氏化学公司。 • Funding for tool development is from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Energy Foundation’s China Sustainable Energy Program, and Dow Chemical Company
对标Benchmarking • 对标是用于评估设备或企业绩效(资金、生产、能源)的一种普遍性方法。 Benchmarking is a common way to evaluate facility or company performance: financial, production, energy, etc. • 全球已经开发了一定数量的工业节能项目的节能对标工具。 Energy efficiency benchmarking tools have been developed for use in a number of industrial energy efficiency programs around the world • 节能对标的不同类型 Various types of energy efficiency benchmarking: • 与同行对比 Peer to peer • 定期自我对比 Self performance over time • 与国家或地区平均或最佳实践对比 Self performance to national or regional average and best practice • 与国际最佳实践对比 Self performance to international best practice • 不同类型的优缺点 Advantages and disadvantages to all types
对标和节能工具 (BEST)BEST: Benchmarking and Energy Savings Tool BEST • 将企业能耗与中国和国际最佳实践进行对比 Compares an facility’s energy consumption to Chinese and international best practice • 只比对能源情况,其他变量不变 Compares only energy to best practices, keeping other variables the same • 例如:最佳实践的水泥企业生产量同等,同样标号的水泥,使用同样的原材料,但使用高效技术。 For example for cement , the best practice facility is the same size, produces the same amount of cement, the same grades of cement and uses the same input raw materials but it (or they) uses the most efficient energy technologies to do so • 深入研究最不节能的环节 Evaluation done by process step, giving insights into which processes are most inefficient • 对标和节能工具(BEST) 给出了一份能效菜单(包括成本,节省资金和投资回收期);用户也可以运用BEST设定一个节能目标,更有效地进行能源管理。BEST gives a menu of energy efficiency opportunities (with costs, savings, and payback periods) as well as a target that you set in order to establish a management plan for your facility.
设定边界Defining Boundaries 准备添加剂 (石膏,粉煤灰等) Preparing Additives (gypsum, fly ash, etc.) 准备添加剂prepared additives 原料开采& 矿材 Quarrying & Mining Materials 准备燃料 Preparing Fuels 干燥 Drying Additives 烘干添加剂dried additives 生料 raw materials 燃料 fuels 生料准备 Raw Materials Preparation 熟料烧成 Clinker Making 研磨生料Raw meal 水泥粉磨 Finish Grinding 熟料clinker 水泥cement 运输 Transport
输入表格Input Sheets • Production Data 生产数据 • Raw materials input (t/year) 原材料的投入 (吨/年) • Limestone 石灰石 • Additives by type 添加剂种类 • Kiln Type 窑型 • Clinker output (t/year) 熟料产量(吨/年) • Cement output by type (t/year) 水泥产量(吨/年) • Grades of cement 水泥型号 • Mill Types 粉磨类型
输入表格Input Sheets • 每年生产电量 Electricity generation per year • 用于生产的燃料,包括来自于窑的废热(千克标煤/年) Fuels used for generation, including waste heat from the kiln (kgce/year) • 每年生产电量 (千瓦时/年) Electricity generated (kWh/year) • 在本工厂生产的电量,但是没有用于此工厂或者卖给别家工厂的电量(千瓦时/年) Electricity generated onsite and used or sold offsite (kWh/year) • 能源数据 Energy data per year • 煤、焦炭、生物质(千克标煤/年) Coal, coke, biomass (kgce/year) • 电量(千瓦时/年)Electricity (kWh/year) • 其他 Other • 工序用能 By process step • 原料准备(采矿,输送,预均化、配料和回收,破碎,粉磨,混合材制备,混合材烘干,燃料制备,均化)Raw material preparation (quarrying, conveying, prehomogenization, proportioning, reclaiming, crushing, grinding, additives preparation, additive drying, fuel preparation, homogenization) • 熟料烧成(预热器,分解炉,窑,冷却机) Clinker making (preheaters, precalciners, kiln, cooler) • 水泥粉磨Finish grinding • 其他(运输、辅助、包装、非生产用能) • Other (other conveying, auxiliaries, packaging, non-production energy use)
输入表格Input Sheets • 能源费用数据 Energy Billing Data • 年燃料成本(元/千瓦时或元/千克标煤) Cost of energy per year (yuan/kWh or yuan/kgce) • 设定目标 Target Setting • 用户工厂的目标,可为百分比(%)或绝对值的减少量(吨标煤/年)Target for your facility in percentage (%) or absolute reduction (tce/year)
能效指数Energy Intensity Index (EII) EII = energy intensity index 能效指数 n = number of processes to be aggregated累计产品数量 EIi = actual energy intensity for process I 产品l实际能耗 EIi,BP = best practice energy intensity for process i产品i最佳能耗 Pi = production quantity for process i产品i质量 Etot = total actual energy consumption for all processes 所有产品的实际总能耗
比较“最佳实践”“Best Practice” Comparisons • 对标与节能工具(BEST)将用户工厂和国际国内的“最佳实践”的技术及措施相比较。 BEST compares your plant to Chinese and international “Best Practice” technologies and measures • “最佳实践”的技术是可在市场上获得的,并已用于水泥厂实际操作中的技术。 “Best Practice” technologies are commercially available and in operation in a cement plant • 没有一个水泥厂是绝对的“最佳实践”;在这里我们结合许多“最佳实践”的技术,构建一个虚拟的“最佳实践”水泥厂。这个水泥厂利用与用户水泥厂同样的原料投入,并生产与用户水泥厂同样型号的水泥。 There is no one “best practice” cement plant – rather, there are “best practice” components that are used to construct a hypothetical “best practice” plant that uses the same inputs and makes the same types of cement as your plant
国际上“最佳实践”的技术International “Best Practice” Technologies • 在生产的每一阶段,有关“最佳实践”技术的数据(包括工厂和设备生产商的数据)从公开的文献材料中得到—这包括网站,能源效率组织,案例研究,和期刊。 At each stage of production, data on best practice technologies were gathered from public literature sources – websites, energy efficiency organizations, case studies, journals – plants, and vendors of equipment • 此工具包括了超过100种的参考资料。 Over 100 references are included in the tool.
中国的“最佳实践”的技术 Chinese “Best Practice” Technologies • 中国国内“最佳实践值”:Chinese (domestic) best practice values: • 通过对四家现代化国内水泥厂的审计,能源研究所和中国水泥协会确定了每家水泥厂的“最佳实践值”。 Four modern Chinese cement plants were audited and best practices determined at each plant by ERI and CCA • 其中两家水泥厂每天生产水泥2000吨(tpd),另外两家每天生产水泥4000吨(tpd)。 Two of these plants were 2000 tonnes per day (tpd) and two were 4000 tpd • 每一生产阶段的中国“最佳实践值”也从这些水泥厂中得到确定。若没有可用数据(如,非生产能耗),则使用国际“最佳实践值”。 Chinese best practices for each stage of production were determined from these plants. Where no data was available (for example, non-production energy use), international best practices were used.
试例结果:国际最佳实践Example Results: International Best Practice
试例结果:中国最佳实践Example Results: Chinese Best Practice
对标和节能工具 (BEST)BEST: Benchmarking and Energy Savings Tool • BEST工具不仅提供对标分数,还为制定的目标和能源管理提供进一步的能效菜单。 • Provides not only benchmarking scoreBUT ALSO provides additional energy efficiency menu for target setting and energy management • 低成本和易评价的潜力 • Allows low-cost and easy evaluation of potential • 只进行快速测评—则在购买技术前,需要得到关于此技术的更详尽的信息和对它的进一步的评估 • Only a quick assessment – additional information and further evaluation of the technologies is needed before purchasing • BEST制定提高能效计划和目标制定 • In this way, BEST allows for development of an efficiency improvement plan and target-setting
节能机会Energy Efficiency Opportunities • 可实施的能效或减排措施清单 Extensive menu of energy-efficiency or carbon emission reduction measures that could be implemented • 跨行业:电机系统、空压机、照明 Cross-cutting: motor systems, compressed air, lighting • 同工艺相关:所有主要的工艺(窑炉升级,混磨) Process-related: all major process technologies (kiln upgrades, blending) • 措施 Each measure • 产品单耗(熟料或水泥) Typical energy savings per ton product (clinker or cement) • 实施成本 Cost of implementation • 投资回收期 Typical payback period • 在以下网站上可获得所有技术/设备的生产商名单 A vendor list for all technologies is available on the website http://china.lbl.gov/best-cement-china • 一旦实施方案选定,BEST将会计算工厂新的能效指数 Once options for implementation are selected, BEST calculates new, potential EII for plant
工具的使用Uses of the Tool • 对标和节能工具(BEST)可以用于: BEST can be used for the following: • 为用户工厂设定目标,并通过利用能效菜单达到所定目标 Setting a target for your facility and using the energy efficiency menu to meet that target • 如,降低20%的能耗,或者为能耗降低设定一个绝对值(吨标煤) For example, 20% reduction or an absolute tce reduction • 在一个已定的预算上,运用此工具,可计算出使用能效措施的多种参考情形,使用户工厂能够最有效地利用资金预算。 Having a certain budget and using the tool to calculate several scenarios of energy efficiency measures to use that budget most effectively for your facility • 如,将100万人民币是用于购买新的粉磨设备还是用于购进新的窑燃烧控制系统,密封系统,电机系统,并升级照明设备。 For example, 1 million RMB to spend on just new grinding equipment or new combustion controls for your kiln, new seals, new motors, upgraded lighting equipment • 此工具可为一系列的节能措施计算出一个总的投资回收期。通过此工具,用户可以更好地综合利用节能措施。 Having a payback period for a package of measures and using the tool to see what package you could put together • 制定一个降低碳排放的目标,并利用此工具达到目标。 Having a carbon target and using the tool to meet that carbon target
下一步Next Steps • 周南(来自劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室)将会演示此工具,并通过一个例子来展示如何使用BEST工具 Zhou Nan (LBNL) will demonstrate the tool and go through an example of how to use it 2. 参加者(在工具开发人员的帮助下)将会分小组使用此工具,并利用上一页所讲到的例子,熟悉工具的使用。参加者有机会向工具开发人员提问。 Participants (with the help of tool developers) will break into small groups to try the scenarios on the previous slide to get familiarized with the tool and have a chance to ask questions of the developers 3. 在培训的最后,水泥企业将会与能效组织进行会谈。能效组织将会为水泥企业的节能措施提供更进一步的技术帮助,例如:如何找到供应商,如何融资等。 At the end of this workshop, a session will be held to link cement plants to energy efficiency support organizations who will provide future technical assistance for energy conservation activities, on how to find vendors, and on how to finance future activities
鸣谢Acknowledgments • 出资者 Funders: • Suzanne Giannini-Spohn, 美国环保局 U.S. EPA • 张瑞英,何平,能源基金会中国可持续能源项目 Zhang Ruiying and He Ping, Energy Foundation’s China Sustainable Energy Program • 陶氏化学公司 Dow Chemical Company • 合作者和技术支持 Collaborators and Technical Assistance: • 周伏秋,熊华文,刘晶茹,刘志平,能源研究所 Zhou Fuqiu, Xiong Huawen, Liu Jingru, Liu Zhiping, Energy Research Institute • 汪澜,中国建筑材料科学研究院 Wang Lan, China Building Materials Academy • 曾学敏,中国水泥协会 Zeng Xuemin, China Cement Association • 柯晶,山东大学 Ke Jing, Shandong University • 审评者 Reviewers: • Andy O’Hare, 波特兰水泥协会 Andy O’Hare,Portland Cement Association • 周大地,能源研究所 Zhou Dadi, Energy Research Institute • 王新春, 建筑材料工业技术情报研究所 Wang Xinchun, Institute of Technical Information for the Building Materials Industry • David Fridley, 劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室 David Fridley, LBNL • Beta-测试 Beta-Testing: • 琉璃河水泥厂 Liulihe Cement Plant • 北京水泥厂 Beijing Cement Plant
联系信息For Further Information Lynn Price (LKPrice@lbl.gov) Christina Galitsky (CGalitsky@lbl.gov) Zhou Nan (NZhou@lbl.gov) 最佳水泥在中国的应用网址: BEST-Cement for China website: http://china.lbl.gov/best-cement-china LBNL中国能源与环境研究网址: LBNL China Group Website: http://china.lbl.gov LBNL工业终端用能分析网址: LBNL Industrial End Use Analysis Website: http://industrial-energy.lbl.gov/
BEST 最佳水泥演示 BEST-Cement Demonstration