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ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. 1 September 2013. AGENDA (1/2). Welcome by the President ad interim Association activities & progress report Approval of 20 12 Financial report EC election results  Association objectives 201 3 /201 4 Volunteers acknowledgement Motions Life time member.

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  1. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 1 September 2013

  2. AGENDA (1/2) Welcome by the President ad interim Association activities & progress report Approval of 2012 Financial report EC election results  Association objectives 2013/2014 Volunteers acknowledgement Motions Life time member

  3. AGENDA (2/2) EDTNA/ERCA Manuscript and Scholarship award EDTNA/ERCA Accreditation & Endorsement of Education programmes Future Conference Any other business Date and venue for next AGM Close of the meeting

  4. Association activities & Progressreport Maria Saraiva EDTNA/ERCA President ad interim

  5. Did weachieve our objectives in2012/2013?

  6. Collaboration with industry Nextsteps in Go Green in Dialysis Joint EDTNA/ERCA & FreseniusMedical Care Project A campaign to achieve more sustainability in dialysis care Project Co-ordinators: Jürgen Kastl, Jitka Pancířová

  7. Collaboration with Industry Guidelines on Vascular Access Cannulation and Care - Joint EDTNA/ERCA & FreseniusMedicalCare’sproject to achieveenhancedmultidisciplinaryrenal team practice in HD and produce VA guidelines. Jean Pierre van Waeleghem, Jitka Pancířová, Maria Teresa Parisotto

  8. Collaboration with Industry IQD (IndividualizedQuality-assuredDialysis) A Guide to ImplementingRenal Best PracticeinHaemodialysis Joint EDTNA/ERCA & Gambro Projectto definemultidisciplinary clinical guide for HD Project Co-ordinatorsuntil 31.8.2012: Jitka Pancířová, AnkiDavidson

  9. Collaboration with Industry IQD (IndividualizedQuality-assuredDialysis) A Guide to ImplementingRenal Best PracticeinHaemodialysis Joint EDTNA/ERCA & Gambro Projectto definemultidisciplinary clinical guide for HD Project Team Members

  10. Collaboration with Industry • 6th Fresenius Middle East Renal Education Programmewas held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates John Sedgewick, FacultyChair

  11. Collaboration with Industry • New project: Joint EDTNA/ERCA & Shire Pharmaceuticals survey of Renal Dieticians Project Objectives • To understand attitudes and policy regarding dietary management and phosphate-binder prescribing • Locally, nationally, internationally and regionally • To disseminate the findings of the survey both among its participants and the wider renal care community • Participants will remain anonymous

  12. Industry Endorsement • ExistingAwards • Peritoneal Dialysis EducationProgramme • FreseniusMedical Care (Middle East & Africa) • Competence in Practice Programme • Diaverum Renal Services Group • PEP= Phosphate-Unit-Programme • Genzyme GmbH (Germany) • Dialysis Nurse Development Programme • B.Braun Avitum

  13. JournalofRenal Care Personal changes in theJournal of Renal CareTeam: • Dr. Nicola Tomas has takenoverthe Editor role from Dr.Cordelia Answanden. • Avril Redmond from Northern Ireland has taken over the Continuous Education co-ordinator role from Margaret McCann • Strategy for next year: Supplement on Home Therapies Regular publications

  14. News CzechDutch English French GreekGerman Italian Lithuanian Polish PortugueseRussianSerbianSlovenianSpanish Turkish • Quarterly publication available in 15 languages thanks to EDTNA/ERCA Volunteers: • The most read publication on our web • The strategy for next year is to keep this publication as an informative tool on EDTNA/ERCA activities and projects as well as short educational pieces.

  15. Books • Continuing with handbooks strategy – A Guide to Clinical Practice – Publications Objectives for 2012 were consolidated with the launching of the following new books:

  16. Books • Additionally, the Environmental Guidelines for Dialysis Handbook was translated to the following languages: Czech Italian Spanish Russian ...and soon in: • Portuguese • French

  17. Other publications Project results • Project carried out in cooperation with Takeda: IV Iron Resource and Utilization in Patients with Iron Deficiency Anaemiain CKD • Surveyperformed in: • United Kingdom • Italy • Spain • Leaflet with summary of results

  18. Partnership with EKHA Maintained our current partnership with European Kidney Health Alliance(EKHA) Jitka Pancirova, EDTNA/ERCA Executive Director & Professor Norbert Lameire, EKHA Chairman

  19. Cooperation with other Associations • CYNMA • FNB • SEDEN • HENNA • EDTNA/ERCA ItalianBranch • RCN • BASW RSIG • FS Nephro Challenges & Opportunities for Renal Care Across Europe - A survey of National Presidents of Renal Health Care Associations“ AnEuropean Network of Renal Care Association (ENRCA) project Participating National associations participating in the qualitative part: • TNNA • ANNA • APEDT 12NAsparticipated in the quantitative part and answered to the questionnaire Session: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR RENAL CAREACROSS EUROPE, Sunday, 16 September‚Tivoli 2, 12:45-13:45

  20. Cooperation with other Associations Establish closer links withrenal/non-renalinternational Associations EDTNA/ERCA signedan collaborative agreementwithEfCCNa and HENNA forwriting the Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) – Guide to Clinical Practice

  21. EDTNA/ERCA & Social Media New ways of communication with EDTNA/ERCA establishedusingSocial Media SinceJanuary 2012 EDTNA/ERCA is on TWITTER Dailytweetingaboutthelatestnews on EDTNA/ERCA and renal care

  22. 40th Anniversary Organized a special Annual Conference in Ljubljana Celebrationof40th Anniversary of EDTNA/ERCA

  23. Presentation and approval of Financial Report 2011 Alessandra Zampieron Treasurer

  24. In the financial year 2011, the Association continued with the consolidation of the financial status. Membership services and educational offerings were maintained at a good level. The Association worked on new projects, organized a successful 40th Anniversary Conference. We published a scientific journal, a newsletter and five new pocket books for education of renal workers. Budget frames for expenses were respected and many of the income goals set were reached. Financial Conclusions 2011

  25. The basic reserve required wasmaintained. The new capital is at 466.615 Swiss Francs(CHF). The flexible assets are found in bank account and short term investment accounts. Settlement accounts are cleared or have fully explained and consolidated balances. Accrued expenses and income are at low, so normallevels, transactions listed here continue to be fully transparent and explainable. Financial Conclusions 2011

  26. The result of the year 2011 shows a surplus of 145.459 CHF. The main reason for this result is the cost conscious working in all areas and further reduction of expenses, a solid response to the conference by delegates and excellent support from industry partners. The results indicate that EDTNA/ERCA need to keep membership development and services in focus and that planning and development of educational budgets need to be continuously monitored. Financial Conclusions 2011

  27. Balance Sheet 2011 vs. 2010

  28. Balance Sheet 2011 vs. 2010

  29. Operating statement 2011 vs. 2010

  30. Total Assets CHF 851.513 Total Budget CHF 1.1243.455 Result of the year CHF 145.459 Project Reserves CHF 350,000 New Capital CHF 466.615 Financial Aspects and Results 2011

  31. The official Revision and Audit of the Finance Accounts 2011 took place on 16th March 2012 atAlpinaTreuhand, Seestrasse 91, 6052 Hergiswil. All bank statements were available at the revision. The bank accountbalances were found to be equal to assets booked. Final open issues resulting from the Finance Management of MCI France are closed herewith. All transactions are correctly booked and transparent. All financial documents were presented in electronic or paper form, mostly available in both forms. Theinvestmentstrategyprovidessufficient flexibility forrequiredliquidity. Financial Audit 2011

  32. A positive aspect in our finances was the stabilization of the currency exchange rate of Euro against CHF. The National Bank of Switzerland stopped the increase of value of CHF in comparison to EURO by setting the minimum rate at CHF 1,20 for one EURO. The process to safeguard the financial independence and viability of the Association remains a challenge for the near future, in a period of worldwide economical instability. Cost containments, safe investment of reserves and support to the organization of a successful conference will be the main goals for the Finance Team also in 2012. Future

  33. I would like to thank: All my colleagues in the Executive Committee and in particular Mr. Alois Gorke, the Finance Coordinator, and other professional providersfor their support during the year 2011.

  34. Approval of the Financial report 2011 by the AGM

  35. EC electionresults Maria Saraiva Executive Committee Secretary

  36. EC elections results Executive Committee elections 2012 with effect as per 1 September 2012 • A total of 115 ballots counted, 0 of which were invalid • 1474 members with voting right (June 2012) • A quorum for a postal ballot shall be 7% of the voting Members • = > minimum103votes

  37. EC elections results Executive Committee elections 2012 with effect as per 1 September 2012 Candidates: Yes Votes           NoVotes                   Abstain Susan Rogers110                   1                                 4 elected as Executive Committee member as per 1 September 2012                                     Yes Votes           No Votes                   Abstain Alessandra Zampieron107                  3                                 5 Ratified as EDTNA/ERCA Treasurer, with effect as per 1 September 2012 Elections were closed and are declared valid.

  38. Objectives 2012/2013Anastasia LaskariEDTNA/ERCA’s Immediate Past President

  39. EC responsibilities 2012/2013

  40. Objectives 2012/2013 Enhance and maintain the continuity of the effective collaboration with industry partners and corporate members Currently, EDTNA/ERCA provides a platformforinternationalindustry partners to collaborateactivelyin educational and research activities in order to improve the global quality of renal care and disseminate scientific results among renal care professionals.

  41. Objectives 2012/2013 Collaboration with National associations on new projects to continue the good relationship for the benefits of both sides • Proposal for a new Project to develop further collaborationofEDTNA/ERCA withtheEuropeanRenal Care National Associations– ENRCA to bediscussed in Strasbourg

  42. Objectives 2012/2013 Implement environmental approach throughout the Association • EDTNA/ERCA believes that we have a responsibility to care for and protect the environment in which we operate • EDTNA/ERCA is fully committed to improving environmental performance across all of our business activitiesand will encourage our IndustryPartnersand Members to join us in this effort

  43. Objectives 2012/2013 Implement environmental approach throughout the Association EDTNA/ERCA will strive to: • Adopt the highest environmental standards in all areas of operations • Assess organizational activities and identify areas where we can minimize impacts • Purchase/work with sustainable products wherever feasible with focus on the international Conference • Promoteand useelectronic communication whenever possible • Develop educational and research projects that will encourage adopting environmental approach throughall activities(e.g. Go Green in Dialysis)

  44. Objectives 2012/2013 To collaborate at European and world wide level in education and research to improve quality of renal care • EDTNA/ERCA believes that has the responsibility to help to improve quality care in the renal field through education and research • EDTNA/ERCA is committed and deeply involved in programs, projects and accreditation processes with several organizations worldwide • EDTNA/ERCA is aiming to act as bridge between renal caregivers, patients and families through the production of educational materials respecting the cultural background of all

  45. Objectives 2012/2013 To collaborate at European and world wide level in education and research to improve quality of renal care EDTNA/ERCA will strive to: • Continue the close collaboration with Universities, Health Institutions and Industry partners to enhance research and educational programs and projects. • Cooperate with Renal National Associations in order to develop educational materials for all professionals involved in renal care • Collaborate with Renal patient’s Associations to enhance development of patients/families' educational materials respecting their cultural background

  46. Objectives 2012/2013 To implement the regular use of Social Media in order tostrengthen EDTNA/ERCAbyincreasing communication and visibilityworldwide • EDTNA/ERCA believes that it is mandatory to build meaningful communication, being accessible and approachable to every one • EDTNA/ERCA is committed spreading information, knowledge, and education materials suitable for all nephrology multidisciplinary care team • EDTNA/ERCA aiming to increase its search profile, enhancing Association’s visibility in major search engines

  47. Objectives 2012/2013 To implement the regular use of Social Media in order to strengthen EDTNA/ERCA byincreasingcommunication and visibilityworldwide EDTNA/ERCA will strive to: Make the Association’s Webpage more attractive Become an important participant in Nephrology Social Media forums on the web Patients, Industry partners and Nephrology expertswebsites Updatethe website frequently to be more interesting and meets the expectations

  48. Objectives 2012/2013 Quality Management Systemapproach • A quality management principle is a comprehensive and fundamental rule for leading and operating an organization, aiming at continually improving performance over the long term by focusing on customers while addressing the needs of all other people involved in the activity of the organization • EDTNA/ERCA will Identify, understand and manage its processes in order to contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency in achieving the Associations’ objectives.

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