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AT&T Center Events for September 2017. You know what they say.Read here for more info https://zeronosebleeds.com/venue/att-center-2259<br>
AT&T CenterEvents for September 2017 https://zeronosebleeds.com/blog/sports/att-center-events-sept2017/
AdvoCare Classic: Michigan vs. Florida The 2017 college football season is kicking off at the AT&T Center once again for the AdvoCare Classic.
Dallas Cowboys tickets can be expensive, especially now that the ‘Boys are doing so well. If things are a little tight right now, you can still be a part of the ultimate Cowboys Rally Day September 09, 2017 and September 30, 2017 experience with Rally Days.
Dallas Cowboys vs. New York Giants September 10, 2017 This weekend, the New York Yankees will also be in town to face off against the Texas Rangers – and they’ll be playing right across the street, so look out for all the New Yorkers coming out!
Southwest Classic: Arkansas Razorbacks vs. Texas A&M Aggies September 23, 2017 This college football rivalry dates all the way back to 1903. From 1992 to 2008, Arkansas left the Southwest Conference and joined the Southeastern Conference – which meant they didn’t play each other for all those years.
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