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ASQ Section 1401 Executive Meeting July 12, 2008 8:30 am – 11:30 am EPCC ATC BLDG. Present Enriquez, Alfonso Kittlitz Jr, Rudy Lissberger, Joe Lugo, Hector Piper, Lisandra Schaefer, Steve Tahiliani, Rajesh Urbina, Fernando Vargas-Cortes, Miguel
ASQ Section 1401 Executive MeetingJuly 12, 2008 8:30 am – 11:30 amEPCC ATC BLDG Present Enriquez, Alfonso Kittlitz Jr, Rudy Lissberger, Joe Lugo, Hector Piper, Lisandra Schaefer, Steve Tahiliani, Rajesh Urbina, Fernando Vargas-Cortes, Miguel Vaughn, Jack submitted by: Lisandra Piper
H I G H L I G H T S • Joe Lissberger encouraged each Executive Committee member to dutifully fulfill their responsibilities to the Section. If, for any reason, a member feels he/she is no longer able to actively participate on the committee, the Chairperson or Secretary should be notified immediately in order to seek a replacement. • The ASQ mailing list is a tool to be used exclusively by members and should not be released to the public. • Miguel Vargas-Cortes announced his resignation as Section 1401 Treasurer. He will meet with Rajesh Tahiliani and Hector Lugo to finalize the financial report which is due at the end of August 2008. The current financial report as of July 11, 2008 is as follows: ASQ Reserve Fund 24,309.87 Checking Account 8,226.90 Petty Cash 118.65 $32,655.42
H I G H L I G H T S cont’d • Regional Director, Belinda Sanchez, expressed her interest in attending our four (4) hour training scheduled for August 16, 2008. Joe Lissberger will contact her with details. Ms. Sanchez’ lunch will be paid by the Section. Motion to accept made by Jack Vaughn and unanimous by the committee. • The ASQ regional positions list was not available for distribution to committee members due to a problem with the server. • Steve Schaefer suggested the committee discuss the next month’s activities in order to adequately prepare for decision-making. • After adjournment of each regular monthly meeting, the Executive Committee will remain to handle other miscellaneous business.
H I G H L I G H T S cont’d • With regard to the bi-weekly newsletter, a maximum of three (3) changes may be made before the final print; any additional requests for changes will not be accepted. Information should be submitted no later than the last week of the month in order to prepare printing of the newsletter by the first week of the following month. • A one time complimentary meal will be presented to each TQM certification award recipient as recognition of his/her accomplishment. • Following the example of the Dallas Section, Section 1401 will attempt to avoid scheduling managers or engineers from being guest speakers for more than two (2) consecutive meetings. Additional speakers may be sales representatives, technicians, processors, etc., who may offer valuable information as well.
H I G H L I G H T S cont’d • In an effort to work more closely with other nearby member groups, this Section may attend a meeting with the Las Cruces, NM group. We would need to enlist their cooperation to set up a date and meeting place (possibly the Golden Eagle Restaurant in La Mesilla). Additional discussion is scheduled for the August meeting. • Trivia: the El Paso Section 1401 (formerly Greater Rio Grande Section) began in White Sands, NM. Ten (10) years later, the meetings were moved to El Paso, Tx. due to members not having military clearance to attend.
H I G H L I G H T S cont’d • Alfonso Enriquez will contact Fernando Bernal, an employee of Siemens who occasionally teaches at the University of Phoenix. Mr. Bernal is interested in joining the ASQ Section 1401 and would like to receive CQE certification. • CQE training courses must have a minimum of four (4) students in order to form a class. • Reservations for regular monthly meetings may be arranged through the Sunland Park Holiday Inn Hotel office. A tax exempt contract for one (1) year at $136 per month may be submitted.
H I G H L I G H T S cont’d • The following is a schedule of topics to be presented at the next ten (10) regular monthly meetings: Sept Border Steel (have a speaker talk about work culture) Oct Northwire tour Nov EPISD Partners in Education (Terrace Hills, Canyon Hills, and Nolan Richardson schools) Dec EPISD Terrace Hills Choir for Christmas party to be held the 2nd week of December Jan ISO TC69 – Statistical Methods in Beijing, China Feb Bhutanese education Mar Nomination of new officers Desalinization Plant tour 4 or 8 hr training conference with speakers on various subjects. Sell memory joggers & notepads Apr Vision testing equipment presentation May HACEP tour with Public Relations Guide Jun Six Sigma Lean with Forrest Breyfogle
H I G H L I G H T S cont’d • The Executive Committee and newly elected officers and positions for ASQ Section 1401 for year 2008-2009 are as follows: Mr. Joe Lissberger Chair*, Membership^, Exams Mr. Steve Schaefer Vice Chair*, Recertification Ms. Lisandra Piper Secretary* Mr. Hector Lugo Treasurer* Mr. Rajesh Tahiliani Auditor^, Student Section Mr. Rudy Kittlitz, Jr. Consultant Dr. Don Haney (?) Education Chair^ (Joe Lissberger will contact him) Mr. Kim Pries Newsletter Mr. Alfonso Enriquez Plans & Programs Mr. Fernando Urbina Publicity Mr. Jack Vaughn Webmaster, Video/Photographer * = elected position ^ = mandatory position
H I G H L I G H T S cont’d • Jack Vaughn stated the FBI hosted a Crimes Against Elderly Conference at the EPCC ASE Bldg several months ago. Approximately 250 Sheriff, Police, various outreach agency social workers, and the general public attended. Cost was $25 per person, which totaled $5,000 income. Flyers were distributed to hospitals and outreach agencies and attendees came as far away as Albuquerque, NM. The FBI recruited sponsors and donations were received in order to cut costs. This type of conference may be beneficial to our local Section should we decide to use it. • In response to Lisandra Piper’s question, annual ASQ membership fees are tax exempt. However, it was not clear whether meals and mileage could be deducted from her personal taxes. • Ms. Piper will e-mail the list of meeting attendees to Jack Vaughn. • Adjourned