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Changes of Syntactic Patterns in the Textual Tradition of the Book of Isaiah. Reinoud Oosting. Introduction. Differences between syntactic patterns in the Masoretic Text of the Book of Isaiah
Changes of Syntactic Patterns in the Textual Tradition of the Book of Isaiah Reinoud Oosting
Introduction • Differences between syntactic patterns in the Masoretic Text of the Book of Isaiah • Differences between the text of Isaiah in MT and in the Ancient witnesses, especially the Qumran scrolls
Method of Working • Definition of the concept of valency • Short introduction to our method of working • Syntactic patterns of the verb )rb in the Hebrew Bible
The Concept of Valency ‘Valency is thus to be seen as the capacity a verb (or noun, etc.) has for combining with particular patterns of other sentence constituents’ (Allerton 2006: 301)
The Program Val2csv The program val2csv enables us to search through the WIVU database on clause level for verbal forms and their satellites.
Changes within MT • Interchange of the Prepositions l)and l in Combination with the verb rm) Isaiah 1-39 • rm)(qal) + l): to say + to (27 times) • rm)(qal) + l: to say + to (10 times) Isaiah 40-66 • rm)(qal) + l): to say + to (1 time) • rm)(qal) + l: to say + to (23 times)
Transmission of the Text Aramaic Influence Isaiah 2:2 – MT • In days to come the mountain of the house of Yhwh will be established as the highest of the mountains and shall be raised above the hills; all the nations shall stream to it (wyl)). Isaiah 2:2 – 1QIsaa • all the nations shall stream to it (yhwl().
Conclusions • The program val2csv requires some improvements • There is no single explanation for the various prepositional shifts within MT Isaiah • There is no single explanation for the shifts from l) to l( or vice versa in the textual tradition of the Book of Isaiah