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Keystage 1 planning for term 6. literacy : continue RWI sounds air, ir , ou , ea oi , a-e Practising handwriting joins, Practising writing CVC words & making up a class story Practising reading Numeracy: Focusing on different numbers to 20
literacy: continue RWI sounds air, ir, ou, eaoi, a-e • Practising handwriting joins, Practising writing CVC words & making up a class story • Practising reading • Numeracy: Focusing on different numbers to 20 • Revision of subtraction, money including problem solving and weight • Understanding the world: Learning about Noah. Visit to Odd’s Farm • Expressive Arts: Clay pots Reception
Numeracy– Problem solving relating to time, capacity, position and direction. Number – doubles, addition facts, counting in steps of 2, 5, and 10. • Literacy – Cross-curricular link to history topic ‘Seasides’. Non-fiction book on animals. Poetry. Recount of school trip – Braywick Nature Park. • Science – animals including humans – carnivores, herbivores and omnivores, why animals live in their habitats and how they have adapted, five senses, body parts. • RE - year 1 we are looking at the Festival of Hannukah. • In PSHCE we will be exploring 'It's good to be me' focussing on our achievements and the good thing in our lives including our hobbies and enjoyments. • We will be teaching Geography and History together to incorproate The History of Seaside holidays and Barnaby Bear by visiting the seaside with him and discovering along with him how things have changed from the past. • ICT - Handling data - creating pictograms. Modelling - using mouse confidently, using a talking book, playing simple games, using tools in paint package • Art- What is scuplture - looking at different sculptures and sketching them, discussing materials used, creating own sculpture of an animal and if time sculpture using fruit. • DT - Eat more fruit and veg - making a smoothie • PE - Athletics and creating dance for wake up and shake up festival, skipping Year 1
Numeracy – Data Handling, Mental Maths, Solving Problems in the context of numbers, measures, time and money. Negative numbers, review of 2, 5 and 10 times tables and doubling halving and quarters. • Literacy – Letters – informal and formal, Traditional stories from other countries, Instruction texts and poems by Tony Mitton. (Phonics covered will be: or, aw, air/are, ir/ur, ir/ur,/er, o/aw/oa, oo/u_e/ew) • Science- Electricity, Health and Growth and Visit to Amersham Field Centre to study ‘Animals in the local environment’ (Woodland and Pond 26.06.13) • D&T – Making Puppets • Art & Design –Collage, Art Day (Year 2 only) theme Carnival to tie-in with our topic on Tobago. • Geography – An Island Home–looking at differences between our locality and Tobago. • HistoryFlorence Nightingale • ICT-learning to use PowerPoint in order to create a presentation working with Year 6. • P.E. – Athletics. • R.E. – Rites of Passage and Good Works – Judaism. • Year 2 Class Assembly 26/06 Year 2
Literacy- instructions, performance poetry, letter writing. Book reviews. • Science- rocks • DT- sandwiches • Art-can we change places? • ICT- finding things out • Geography- How we can improve what we see through the window. • RE-Sikhism Year 3- View from our window.
Literacy-Poetry forms, historical stories. Discussion texts. • Science- light and electricity. • ICT- control and modelling. • History- Victorians. Includes a trip to Milestones museum(18/7/13) • RE- Do Christians need a church. • DT- Light it up. • Music- singing games. • PE- rounders, athletics. Year 4- The Victorians.
Literacy- Poetry, persuasion, film narrative. • Science- animals, including humans. • STEM day at Charters. (3/7/13) • ICT-Video production. • History- important people in history. • Art- people in action • PE- invasion games, athletics • RE- Christianity. Year 5.- Important people in history.
Literacy – Extended narrative writing, journalistic writing. Performance rehearsals for end of year play, Oliver! • Science – Light. This will be taught as part of the transition programme by Charters. • D&T – Biscuits and cooking • History– Britain since 1948. • ICT-word processing and multimedia. Year 6 will also teach year 2 how to create a PowerPoint. • P.E. – Athletics taught by Charters PE teacher. Swimming at Windsor Leisure Centre. • R.E. –Islam. Year 6- Transitions.
We will be having a whole school focus week from the 1st of July. This will be a sport focus and incorporate our sports day on Thursday 4th July. Focus week.