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Astrophysics with spallation sources. Franz Käppeler Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. (n, g ) cross sections for the s process operating spallation facilities: LANSCE, J-PARC, n_TOF & examples for time-of-flight studies comparison of spallation facilities and future options.
Astrophysics with spallation sources Franz Käppeler Karlsruhe Institute of Technology • (n,g) cross sections for the s process • operating spallation facilities: LANSCE, J-PARC, n_TOF & examples for time-of-flight studies • comparison of spallation facilities and future options
status of s-process(n,g)cross sections and remaining quests • current quests in s-process nucleosynthesis • model tests:16 s-only isotopes ± 1% • nn,T, r via branchings • ~20 unstable isotopes ± 5% • presolar grains:anomalies in ~20 elements • with 75 isotopes ± 1% • bottle neck15 n-magic nuclei ± 5% • reactions: • neutron poisons:abundant light elements • neutron sources:(a,n) reactions on 13C • and 22Ne • thermally excitedel. and inel. scattering • states: • yields at A < 60:(n,a) and (n,p) cross • sections even-even nuclei
status and requests needed: cross sections with uncertainties between 1 and 5% for complete set of isotopes from 12C to 210Po, including unstable samples
Maxwellian averaged cross sections s(En) measured by time of flight and folded with stellar neutron spectrum ‹sv› 2 ∫ s(En) En exp(-En/kT) dEn ‹s› == vT √π ∫ En exp(−En/kT) dEn • MACS directly measured via activation
s-process energies s(En) via TOF for 1 < En < 300 keV • low mass stars: kT = 8 keV and 25 keV massive stars: kT = 25 and 90 keV
high energy with moderator (spallation sources, e-linacs) pulsed neutron sources En = ½ m v2resolution DEn/En = 2Dt/t + 2Ds/s g low energy (VdG, FRANZ) g
LANSCE @ Los Alamos 800 MeV proton linac plus PSR 17 n/p Luhan Neutron Scattering Center: pulsed, moderated spallation source for time-of-flight studies thermal < En < 300 keV, Dt = 250 ns WNR: unmoderated tungsten spallation target using the 800 MeV pulsed proton beam from the LANSCE linac 0.5 < En < 750 MeV, Dt ~150 ps
DANCE @ Luhan (FP 14) „designed for neutron capture reactions on small quantities, of order 1 mg, of radioactive or rare stable nuclei“ • pulse width: 250 ns • rep rate: 20 Hz • moderator: water • neutron energy: th – 300 keV • flight path: 20 m • neutron beam diameter: 10 mm • equipment: BaF2 calorimeter, • 160 modules http://lansce.lanl.gov/about.shtml Nucl. Sci. Eng. 106 (1990) 208
DANCE array: 160 BaF2 modules (n,g) reactions →small samples, small cross sections the 62Ni problem: integrated neutron flux in massive stars too small, reaction flow NOT in equilibrium → strong impact of single cross sections
62Ni(n,g)63Ni 35 abundance ratio 22.6 12.5 mass number • TOF 25.8 ± 3.7 (2008) 37.0 ± 3.2 (2005) 12.5 ± 4.0 (1983) 26.8 ± 5.0 (1975) (courtesy I. Dillmann) • activation 20.2 ± 2.1 (2009) 23.4 ± 4.6 (2008) 26.1 ± 2.6 (2005) the 62Ni problem
smallest sample ever used in TOF 237Np, 400 mg
J-PARC in Japan Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex Japan Spallation Neutron Source
J-PARC beam parameters LINAC 3 GeV synchrotron 50 n/p 50 GeV synchrotron
ANNRI @ J-PARC Accurate Neutron-Nucleus Reaction measurement Instrument
ANNRI specifications • proton beam power: 17.5 kW → 120 kW (→ 1 MW) • pulse width: double pulse (100 ns separated by 600 ns) • rep rate: 25 Hz • moderator: coupled hydrogen moderator • neutron energy: 0.0015 eV < En < 50 keV • intensity at 1 MW at 21.5 m: 4.3×107 n/cm2/s (1.5 < En < 25 meV) 9.3×105 n/cm2/s (0.9 < En < 1.1 eV) 6.0×106 n/cm2/s (0.9 < En < 1.1 keV) • beam diameter: 3, 7, 22 mm • equipment: Ge spectrometer at 21.5 m NaI spectrometer at 27.9 m http://j-parc.jp/MatLife/en/instrumentation/ns_spec.html JKPS 59 1781, 2011
107Pd(n,g) with Ge spectrometer sample mass 137 mg
n_TOF - the CERN spallation neutron source • 20 GeV protons on lead block • 300 neutrons per proton • most luminous n-source worldwide • high resolution TOF facility
J-PARC in Japan Neutron detection Neutron creation 1.4 GeV 50 MeV
1st collimator (Ø=11 cm) halo cleaning and first shaping + filter station 2nd collimator (Ø=1.8/8 cm) beam shaping • Experimental Area • 185 m from the spallation target • location of samples and detectors neutrons from spallation target
n_TOF coordinates • proton beam power: 20 GeV, 9 kW • pulse width: 6 ns • rep rate: 0.4 Hz • moderator: (borated) water • neutron energy: th < En < 1 GeV • intensity at 185 m: 0.2 – 2·105 n/s/decade • energy resolution: 0.4% @ 1 MeV • neutron beam diameter: 30 (70) mm • equipment: TAC, C6D6 for (n,g) FIC, PPAC for (n,f) pCVD, Mgas for (n,cp) https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/NTOF/ CERN / INTC-O-011
-ray detection: C6D6 scintillators Sample changer C6D6 C6D6 Neutron beam high resolution in neutron energy • 186Os (2 g, 79 %) • 187Os (2 g, 70 %) • 188Os (2 g, 95 %) • Al can environmental background • 197Au (1.2g) flux normalization (using Ratynski and Macklin high accuracy cross section data) • natPb (2 g) in-beam gamma background • natC (0.5 g) neutron scattering background
n_TOF n_TOF n_TOF results for 62Ni previous TOF measurements (courtesy Iris Dillmann) n_TOF campaign to determine (n, g) cross sections of all stable Fe and Ni isotopes and of 63Ni
x13 x1.2 2009: new target with separate moderator in-beam g rays from 1H(n,g) substantially reduced (borated water in saturated conditions, 1.28% H3BO3) gravitational cut-off at 0.02 eV
63Ni(n,g) – first results from n_TOF (2011) courtesy by Claudia Lederer
TAC data for 241Am(n,g) present URR limit about 320 keV Increase of the RRR limit above 150 eV
astrophysics measurements at n_TOF campaign 2009-13 (n,g) 54,56,57Fe 58,60,62,63Ni 33S(n,a) 26Al(n,p) 59Ni(n,p) campaign 2002-4 (n,g) 151Sm 204,206,207,208Pb, 209Bi 24,25,26Mg 90,91,92,94,96Zr, 93Zr 186,187,188Os, 139La 19 isotopes (2 radioactive) 19 full publications
n_TOF upgrade NewExperimentalArea (EAR-2) EAR-2 ~ 20 m 10 m n_TOF target EAR-1 (at 185 m) Flight-path length : ~20 m at 90° respect to p-beam direction expected neutron flux enhancement drastic reduction of the t0 flash
Feb 2, 2012 Dear Colleagues, I'm very proud to announce that this morning the INTC committee "strongly recommended " to the Research Board our proposal for EAR-2. Sergio Bertolucci, Director for Research and Computing, was present during the discussion and gave a positive reaction. Kind regards Enrico EAR2 @20 m from pit, above ground To be built ISR Technical gallery (@10 m from pit) Existing hole n_TOF target pit proposed EAR-2 n-flux x25, n-rate x10, lower background
Upgrades Neutron flux at sample FRANZ 1∙107 Lansce 5∙107 J-PARC 3·107 n_TOF 2·106 Facility n/p Lansce 17 J-PARC 45 n_TOF 300 comparison of pulsed neutron sources