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Social Movements of the 1960s. Role of Civil Disobedience. Example: In 1960, when 4 African American college students sat down at a “whites only” restaurant counter in Greensboro, NC. Freedom Riders challenging the new federal law banning racial segregation in interstate travel.
Role of Civil Disobedience • Example: In 1960, when 4 African American college students sat down at a “whites only” restaurant counter in Greensboro, NC. • Freedom Riders challenging the new federal law banning racial segregation in interstate travel. • Members of CORE (Congress of Racial Equality), established in 1942. • People practicing civil disobedience often suffered resistance to their efforts.
Chavez’s Movement • César Chavez, a Mexican American labor activist, led the fight for improved working conditions for America’s migrant workers • In 1962, Chavez began to organize other migrant workers in Arizona & California. • As a leader, he advocated nonviolent action through boycotts & strikes • Grape boycott – 5 years – 17 million people participated • Unionized migrant workers & in 1972, the AFL-CIO recognized his union, the United Farm Workers of America (UFW).
Women’s Movement • Even though women entered the workforce during wartime, after years, they were still not allowed to hold higher level positions, nor were they paid on the same scale as men. • Many were fired after the war & encouraged to adhere to traditional roles for women • Women’s liberation movement, or the “second wave” of feminism, gained momentum. • Feminism is the belief in the social, political, & economic equality of women to men. • Focused on discrimination, negative stereotypes, child care, & medical issues for women.
NOW • In 1966, Betty Friedan organized the National Organization for Women. • Worked on issues including the passage of the equal rights amendment (ERA). • First introduced by Alice Paul in the 1920s • In 1972, the amendment did pass in Congress, but was not ratified by enough states – but it did prompt federal legislation that outlawed discrimination against women in the workplace. • Women today still on average do not earn as much as men for the same work.
Environmental Movement • Led by Rachel Carson • Wrote the book Silent Spring in 1962 • Created public awareness of the effects of the pesticide DDT on the reproduction of birds • Led to an inquiry ordered by President Kennedy & the eventual ban of DDT • Heightened interest in the environment led to the 1970 creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at the federal level, state environmental agencies, and Earth Day • An annual citizen effort to improve the environment through tree planting and river cleaning
Conservative Movement • 1964 Presidential Election: • Democratic candidate: President L.B. Johnson • Republican candidate: Barry Goldwater • Major conservative movement started by Goldwater – played on Americans that were sick of the turmoil in the U.S. while Democrats were in office – too extreme • Not successful until the 1968 election when Richard M. Nixon won the presidency. • Nixon pledged to represent the “silent majority”, civic minded individuals who wished to restore law & order to society. • Appealed to conservative ideals of many older Americans & proved successful, especially in the South.
Antiwar Protests • Protests were not new to college campuses, but peaceful protests were now mixed with tense confrontation & even violence • May 1970: Ohio National Guard soldiers on campus killed 4 student protesters at Kent State University & police killed 2 at Jackson State in MS. • The campus violence affected public opinion by altering how people viewed both government & protesters, & signaled an end to the antiwar protest movement. • Nixon began to withdraw troops & discontent with the war took more normal political form.
Practice Questions • Mary Beth Tinker was suspended from school for wearing a black armband as a way to protest the Vietnam War. She was engaging in • A) civil disobedience • B) judicial review • C) civic participation • D) illegal activity
Practice Questions • What did the election of Richard Nixon signal? • A) a new conservative movement • B) support of demonstrations • C) growing sectionalism • D) an end to Vietnam War protests
Practice Questions • What impact did Rachel Carson have? • A) she united farm workers • B) she created an awareness of environmental problems • C) she spoke out against civil disobedience • D) she advanced ratification of the 24th amendment