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ACP 42: Staff Cadet Interview

ACP 42: Staff Cadet Interview. Lesson 6. Chapter 6. Instructional and Organizational Ability. Instruction & Organization Aims. By the end of this chapter, the student should be able to: Understand the need for Instructional & Organizational ability for a Staff Cadet

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ACP 42: Staff Cadet Interview

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  1. ACP 42: Staff Cadet Interview Lesson 6 722 (Chivenor) Squadron ATC ACP 42 Staff Cadet Interview

  2. Chapter 6 Instructional and Organizational Ability 722 (Chivenor) Squadron ATC ACP 42 Staff Cadet Interview

  3. Instruction & OrganizationAims By the end of this chapter, the student should be able to: • Understand the need for Instructional & Organizational ability for a Staff Cadet • Recall the skills required for Instructing and Organizing activities 722 (Chivenor) Squadron ATC ACP 42 Staff Cadet Interview

  4. Instruction & OrganizationDefinition • Instruction • “The process of teaching” • Passing on knowledge and/or experience • Organization • “The process of arranging or systemizing” • Planning a structured approach to controlling an event or activity 722 (Chivenor) Squadron ATC ACP 42 Staff Cadet Interview

  5. Instruction & OrganizationSequence of Execution • Produce Task Plan • Arrange for location, time, equipment, etc • Brief personnel • Execute plan • Debrief personnel if required • Review and revise plan if required 722 (Chivenor) Squadron ATC ACP 42 Staff Cadet Interview

  6. Instruction & OrganizationProduce Task Plan • Task (What?) • Purpose (Why?) • Timescale (When?) • Location (Where?) • Personnel (Who?) • Equipment (With?) • Method (How?) 722 (Chivenor) Squadron ATC ACP 42 Staff Cadet Interview

  7. Instruction & OrganizationProduce Task Plan • When planning: • Write everything down • Don’t be over-ambitious • Use templates • Cover every angle • Get other people’s opinions of your plan • Draw on the experience of others for information • Remember, it’s better to run a successful simple event than a complex event that is a failure! 722 (Chivenor) Squadron ATC ACP 42 Staff Cadet Interview

  8. Instruction & OrganizationProduce Task Plan • The six “P”s • P roper • P rior • P lanning • P revents • P oor • P erformance 722 (Chivenor) Squadron ATC ACP 42 Staff Cadet Interview

  9. Instruction & OrganizationBrief Personnel • “SMEAC” • S ituation • M ission • E xecution • A ny Questions? • C heck Understanding 722 (Chivenor) Squadron ATC ACP 42 Staff Cadet Interview

  10. TASK TEAM INDIVIDUAL Instruction & OrganizationExecute Plan 722 (Chivenor) Squadron ATC ACP 42 Staff Cadet Interview

  11. Instruction & OrganizationLeadership • Knowledge • Experience • Participation • Training • Communication • Control • Explanation • Motivation 722 (Chivenor) Squadron ATC ACP 42 Staff Cadet Interview

  12. Instruction & OrganizationCompleting a Task (Example) • Task • Senior Cadet ACP Training • Purpose • So that cadets can pass the Senior Cadet Exams • Timescale • Monday evening, 7pm, 45 minutes • Location • Classroom 1 722 (Chivenor) Squadron ATC ACP 42 Staff Cadet Interview

  13. Instruction & OrganizationCompleting a Task (Example) • Personnel • Qualified Leading Cadets • Equipment • PowerPoint, Training Manuals, Training Aids, Test papers, white board, etc, etc • Method • Teaching, personal study, practice work, tests 722 (Chivenor) Squadron ATC ACP 42 Staff Cadet Interview

  14. Instruction & OrganizationReview of Aims By the end of this chapter, the student should be able to: • Understand the need for Instructional & Organizational ability for a Staff Cadet • Recall the skills required for Instructing and Organizing activities 722 (Chivenor) Squadron ATC ACP 42 Staff Cadet Interview

  15. What method should be used to brief on a task? What three needs should be balanced while executing a plan? What are the two main qualities required for leadership? “SMEAC” TASK TEAM INDIVIDUAL Knowledge Communication Instruction & OrganizationQuestions 722 (Chivenor) Squadron ATC ACP 42 Staff Cadet Interview

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