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Commission Tourism activities in the EU For a competitive and sustainable tourism: 2012 & beyond. Julia Adelsberger DG Enterprise & Industry , Unit F.2 Co-operatives, Mutuals, CSR and Support of Tourism Industry. The four axes of action.
Commission Tourism activities in the EU For a competitive and sustainable tourism:2012 & beyond Julia Adelsberger DG Enterprise & Industry, Unit F.2 Co-operatives, Mutuals, CSR andSupport of Tourism Industry
The four axes of action 1. Stimulate competitiveness in the European Tourism sector 2. Promote the development ofsustainable, responsible and high quality tourism 3. Consolidate the image and profile of Europe as home to sustainable and high-quality destinations 4. Maximise the potential of EU policies and financial instruments
Key challenges for the sustainability of European tourism 1. Reducing the seasonality of demand 2. Addressing the impact of tourism transport 3. Improving the quality of tourism jobs 4. Maintaining and enhancing community prosperity and quality of life, in the face of change 5. Minimising resource use and production of waste 6. Preserving & giving value to natural/cultural heritage 7. Making holidays available to all 8. Tourism as a tool in global sustainable development
Promote the development of sustainable, responsible and high-quality tourism (1/2) Develop a system of indicators for a sustainable management of tourist destinations Propose a European “Quality Tourism” label Period of public consultation From 13.04.2012 to 13.07.2012 http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sectors/tourism/public-consultation-etq/index_en.htm
Promote the development of sustainable, responsible and high-quality tourism (2/2) Propose a European Charter for a Sustainable and Responsible tourism Establish or strengthen cooperation between the EU and the main emerging and Mediterranean countries to promote sustainable and responsible tourism development models Propose a strategy for sustainable coastal and marine tourism
Preparatory action European Destinations of Excellence “EDEN” Objectives: Enhance visibility of the emerging, non traditional European tourist destinations of excellence Award sustainable forms of tourism Create a platform for the exchange of good practices at European level, promote networking between awarded destinations which could persuade other destinations to adopt sustainable tourism development mode http://ec.europa.eu/eden
Accessibility (1) Key facts • 80 million disabled people in Europe • 77 million people over 65 in Europe • 48%: disabled tourists in Germany who would travel more often if more accessible services were available • £300m: contribution of international visitors with physical impairment to England • £2bn: contribution of disabled travellers to domestic visitor economy in UK (2009) • € 4bn: Additional turnover from accessible tourism in Germany if facilities were improved.
Accessibility (2) EP Preparatory Action 2012 Actions Planned in 2012 • 3 Calls for tenders to assess:EU-wide economic impact of accessible tourism (including travel patterns/demand), “performance check” of current supply (including information provision), mapping of dedicated skills • 1 Call for proposals to reward operators who have made “accessibility” an element of their competitiveness • Use of existing framework contracts for promotional campaigns Budget: 1 million € Objectives: • - To raise awareness • - To disseminate and reward best practices • - To improve skills • - To foster innovative solutions • - To promote more accessible services and facilities • - To incentivise and reward accessibility efforts
Virtual Tourism Observatory (1) • origins: the 2010 Commission Communication • aim: make the tourism sector more competitive • target actions: evidence-based policy making needs • main task: improving the socio-economic knowledge base for tourism • offering quality and transparency: open to the public
Virtual Tourism Observatory (2) Main components: Facts, figures and trends Analysis and reports Policy watch Feasibility study: advice and database Duration: 12 months Budget: +/- 270 kEUR Bids: 13 from 6 countries Winner: Office for National Statistics (UK) Contract signed in December 2011
Eurobarometer (1) Eurobarometer 2011-2012 (1) Theme: Attitudes of Europeans towards Tourism • Fieldwork: 10-14 January 2012 • Number of countries: 34 EU-27, Croatia, FYROM, Iceland, Israel, Norway, Serbia and Turkey • Interviewed population: 32 000 • This year’s bonus: Country fact sheets • http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/archives/flash_arch_344_330_en.htm
Eurobarometer (2) 15 questions: Theme: Attitudes of Europeans towards Tourism Comparability and consistency with the past EB results: frequency and duration of travel Better information on destination Key disabling factors (e.g. crisis) Satisfaction Motivation Future plans for holidays
Questions? contact: entr.f.2@ec.europa.eu
Back up slides • Legislation • Cycling • Skills • ICT Platform
Preparatory action « Sustainable tourism » Iron Curtain Trail (ICT) (2009-2011) Objectives: Promote environmentally sustainable tourism Highlight the increasing importance of cycling tourism, its benefits and regional economic impacts Promote a trans-border cycle-tourism trail, which follows the former iron curtain. http://ec.europa.eu/iron-curtain-trail
Sustainable Tourism PA 2010 • The call for proposals 2010 "Promotion of cycling tourism in the European Union as means of sustainable tourism development" . • Overall objective - to provide added value in improving the sustainability and competitiveness performance of European cycling tourism. Specific aim - supporting and promoting cross-border and transnational cycling routes and cycle networks with a view of being able to contribute, directly or indirectly, to reducing CO2 emissions in the tourism industry. • Result: 6 cross- border/transnational projects awarded with grants for development and promotion of the Iron Curtain Trail – EuroVelo 13 as well as the St James Way – EuroVelo 3 cycle routes
Sustainable Tourism PA 2011 (last year) Scope andobjectives enlarged to cultural tourism • Raising awareness of the contribution of different cultures to a common European identity, • Promoting the role of cultural tourism as a factor for sustainable economic development, European citizenship and intercultural dialog; The call for proposals 2011: "Promotion of trans-national thematic tourism products in the European Union as means of sustainable tourism development"focused on the enhancement and promotion of different thematic transnational tourism products such as: routes/itineraries/trails (either physical or virtual) contributing to the development and promotion of sustainable and responsible tourism in Europe. Result : 5 projects awarded with grants ( DanubeHIKE, Greenways4Tour, EuroVelo.com, LIMESTourism Connection and PER VIAM Pilgrim's Routes in Action - Via Francigena and the Pilgrimage Ways)
2012 follow up of the PA « Sustainable Tourism » • Implementation of projects awarded with grants in 2011 • Sustainable Tourism PA expired. Integration of some of its objectives in the activities financed under the EIP. • EIP 2012 budget - tourism targeted actions - 6 mln euros in total for all tourism actions: - a call for proposals forseen in the 2nd quarter on supporting the enhancement and promotion of trans-national thematic tourism products in the European Union as means of sustainable tourism development (1,250.000 euros). Objectives: - Strenghten transnational cooperation with regards to cultural and sustainable tourism • Encourage a higher involvement of small and micro enterprises and local authorities • Stimulate the competitiveness of the tourism industry by means of an enhanced focus on diversification of tourism thematic products
Legislation on Environmental Aspects - 1 24-25.05.2012 • Eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS): voluntary tool available for any kind of organization aiming to improve its environmental and financial performance particularly with regard to: • energy efficiency • material efficiency • water • waste • Biodiversity • emissions
Legislation on Environmental Aspects - 2 24-25.05.2012 • Eco-label for accommodation services and campsites whose products comply with a set of criteria. These criteria aim to set limits on the main environmental impacts from the three phases of the life cycle of tourist accommodation service (purchasing, provision of the service and waste). In particular they aim to: • limit energy consumption • limit water consumption • limit waste production • favor the use of renewable resources and of substances which are less hazardous to the environment • promote environmental communication and education
Legislation on Environmental Aspects - 3 24-25.05.2012 • Environmental Impact Assessment: protect the environment and the quality of life by ensuring proper assessment of the environmental effects of public and private projects • Aspects covered: • Ski-runs, ski-lifts and cable-cars and associated developments • Marinas • Holiday villages and hotel complexes outside urban areas and associated developments • Permanent camp sites and caravan sites • Theme parks • r
Legislation on Environmental Aspects - 4 24-25.05.2012 • Bathing Water Quality: ensures that tourists have access to bathing water of adequate quality • An yearly report is published on the quality of coastal and freshwater bathing areas as reported by Member States for the beaches located within their territory. Maps and tables are made available with detailed information on specific bathing areas which can be helpful for tourists to decide on a tourism destination and also for tourist businesses, for example, in deciding on business expansion
Skills (1) Face global competition – deliver high-level services to more demanding tourists – upgrade skills – adapt to new technologies Medium term Long term Short term Create dedicated sections, based on skills, in EURES Mainstream tourism skills in other EU policies Ensure transfer of best practices Develop a Tourism Skills Competence Framework
Skills (2) Main objectives EURES Mainstreaming Competence framework • - Align and bring together offer and demand of the sector • - Enhance mobility – follow tourism season • - Hospitality ongoing, • others to follow • - Secure adequate attention to tourism • - Ensure cooperation and synergies between programs • - Take stock of good practices, materials and facilitate transfer • 3 steps: • Map requirements • Identify gaps in provision of training • Fill the gaps
ICT Initiative 1.Policy 2.Technological 3. Operational High level group Sherpa group „Stimulating ICT innovation for SMEs in the tourism sector” Business support portal • Counsel and advise • HLG: 1x/year • Sherpas: 2-3/year • Call awarded to TourismLink Consortium (Hotrec, ECTAA, ITH and ZN) • 17/1/2012 - Kick-off meeting • Call for tenders: before summer break • Practical support portal for tourism businesses • Results 2012/2013 Business focus