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Why a Seneca River Water Trail?. The NYS Canal System was built to accommodate larger boats. For many years, kayakers, canoeists and other small vessel boats have taken interest in the Canal. Their needs differ from those of motorized boaters. Interests include:. Car-top put ins and take outsBird and wildlife viewing opportunities in shallow water areas More rustic accommodations and amenities The SRWT Project will help to upgrade and formalize these and other improvements for use by non-mot30284
1. The Seneca River Water Trail Project (SRWT) Our Mission: To establish a 46-mile recreational water trail for non-motorized boaters, which links communities and attractions along the Seneca River and NYS Canal System between Cayuga Lake’s Mud Lock and the Inner Harbor on Onondaga Lake.
2. Why a Seneca River Water Trail?
3. Parts of the Trail Are in Place Town of Aurelius, State/DEC owned launch at Mud Lock (Lock#1)
Town of Conquest, State/DEC owned launch at Howland Island (Howland Island Road)
Town of Mentz, State/DEC owned launch at Howland Island (Mosquito Point Launch, Left)
Town of Brutus, State/DEC owned fishing access (Bonta Bridge Launch)
Village of Baldwinsville, Louise Mercer Memorial Park
5. How the Completed Trail Will Look Clearly marked public boat access at regular intervals
Consistent visitor orientation and information signage
Improved linkages to services and overnight accommodations
Publications and other sources of boater information, including maps, boater guidebook, and a website.
6. Seneca River Water Trail Preliminary Goals To develop a Plan for the SRWT
To develop an interpretation and promotion program
To construct a log crib/dockage at Howland Island
To foster local interest and community buy-in
7. Seneca River Water Trail Project Financing NYS Department of State (DOS) Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, $50,000
National Park Service Rivers & Trails Program, Technical Assistance, Karl Beard
Cayuga County Department of Planning & Development, Local Match, In-Kind Services
Town of Brutus, Local Match, In-Kind Service
Cayuga County Soil & Water Conservation District, Local Match, In-Kind Services
8. SRWT Involved Parties Town of Brutus - Project Sponsor
The Town of Brutus is acting on behalf of all other municipalities along the SRWT, and is the recipient of NYS Department of State’s grant. Brutus is responsible for establishing the project accounts, paying contractors, and maintaining all original paperwork for this grant.
Cayuga County Department of Planning & Development (CCDPD) – Project Administrator
CCDPD has contracted with the Town of Brutus to administer the DOS grant. CCDPD will manage the project budget, serve as primary author of the SRWT Plan, coordinate other involved parties, solicit vendor quotes and bids for services, and oversee implementation of all aspects of the Town’s grant proposal.
9. Central New York Regional Planning & Development Board (CNYRPDB) – Project Consultant
CNYRPDB has contracted with Cayuga County to coordinate the multi-jurisdictional outreach required to implement this project. Regional Planning will also assist with development of the SRWT Plan, and serve on a Project Advisory Committee to review progress at key stages of the project.
National Park Service (NPS) – Project Advisor
Karl Beard is providing technical assistance through NPS’s Rivers and Trails Program for this project. NPS has committed its support for a third year to the SRWT Project. Assistance will focus on development of the SRWT Plan, public outreach, events planning and promotion, and stewardship.
10. SRWT Involved Parties, Continued Cayuga County Soil & Water Conservation District (CCSWCD) – Contractor
CCSWCD has contracted with the Town of Brutus to construct a log crib/dock at Howland Island as a demo project on the River.
Project Stakeholders – Groups/Individuals with an interest in the outcome of the SRWT Project, to assist with development of the SRWT Plan, promotion and interpretation, event planning, etc.
Local Municipalities
Local Paddling Clubs
General Public
Advisory Committee – A Project Advisory Committee will be established with representatives from each of the involved municipalities, State Agencies, local paddling clubs and NPS. The Committee will convene at key intervals throughout the project to review and comment on products.
11. Seneca River Water Trail Preliminary Goals Restated To develop a Plan for the SRWT
To develop an interpretation and promotion program
To construct a log crib/dockage at Howland Island
To foster local interest and community buy-in
12. PROJECT GOAL #1Develop a Plan for the SRWT PLAN COMPONENTS
Inventory and analysis of existing conditions
Schematic Blueway Trail Plan
Proposed Projects and Actions
Implementation strategy
Draft and Final Plan
13. Step 1. Inventory & Analysis
14. Step 2. Schematic Blueway Trail Plan
15. Step 3. Proposed Projects and Actions
16. Step 4. Implementation Strategy
17. Step 5. Draft and Final Plans
18. PROJECT GOAL #2Interpretation and Promotion Program Professional Logo Design
Website Development
Publication of Boater Guidebook
Construction of coordinated interpretive & wayfinding signage
19. PROJECT GOAL #3Log crib/dockage on Howland Island Provides formal access to a 3600-acre wildlife management area where boaters may camp by permit, hike, view wildlife, etc.
Serves as a conservation measure to help stabilize the shoreline.
20. PROJECT GOAL #4Foster Local Interest & Community Buy-In
21. What’s Been Accomplished? Project Scoping Meeting w/DOS Completed
Contracts Executed:
DOS-Town of Brutus
Brutus-Cayuga County
Community Outreach Plan Completed
Draft Inventory Completed:
Field Observation
GIS Digital Databases
Existing Documents: CNY Canal Plan, Canal Corp. Cruising Guide
Dockage/Log Crib Design Completed, Under Review; Permits Being Acquired
22. What Are the Next Steps?? Planning Meetings
Refine Inventory
Identify Issues and Opportunities
Identify Trail Improvement Projects
Synthesize & Analyze Information from Public Meetings
Define Boundaries of SRWT
Develop Goal Statements
Develop Preliminary List of Proposed Actions
Convene Project Advisory Committee to Review
Identify Action to Raise Profile of SRWT