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Virtual Tour: Pick'n Pay Supermarkets Supermarkets, Pick 'n Pay V & A Waterfront, Cape Town, South Africa (South Africa). Introduction.
Virtual Tour: Pick'n Pay SupermarketsSupermarkets, Pick 'n Pay V & A Waterfront, Cape Town, South Africa (South Africa)
Introduction • Pick 'n Pay's flagship supermarket at Cape Town's V&A Waterfront, opened in late 2004, is a pilot store and testing ground for a number of new instore projects, soon to be introduced into other stores. The store benefits from large footfall as its location is a popular shopping centre for residents, a magnet for tourists, and a stop-off point for city workers leaving work to enjoy a sunset on the trendy Clifton or Camps Bay beaches. As a consequence, the store must cater for a wide variety of customers.The diverse ranges of customers have one thing in common, in that they are mainly above average income shoppers seeking quality and convenience. Pick 'n Pay has targeted these customers and their preferences with a large fresh food and deli area right at the front of the store. South African consumers have shown an increased appetite and curiosity for all kinds of different foods, an effect linked to the popularity of the BBC Food programme and the rise in fame of celebrity chefs. More emphasis will be placed on deli counters and the extension of its Foodhall private label range, which sports new fresh food items such as ready cut salads, ready meals and pasta sauces.Planet Retail enjoyed a tour of this flagship store in Cape Town. 2
Store Front 5Pick 'n Pay's flagship supermarket is located inisde the Victoria Wharf shopping mall at Cape Town's V & A Waterfront area. 4
Store Front 5The entrance to the store inside the shopping centre, bearing the Pick 'n Pay logo. 5
Fruit & Vegetables 5The fresh fruit & vegetable area offers choice... 6
Fruit & Vegetables 5...in a market-style setting. 7
Fruit & Vegetables 5Fruit & veg are also found pre-packed, cut and washed for convenience. 8
Fruit & Vegetables 5Pre-packaged salads & fresh herbs are also found in the market-style fruit & veg section, branded under the Foodhall private label banner. 9
Fruit & Vegetables 5Under the Foodhall banner, P 'n P has also developed pre-cut vegetables and 'soup packs'. 10
Fresh/counter 5Right at the start, a small coffee shop offers a variety of coffees, teas and cakes. There are chairs and tables, or the takeaway option. 11
Fresh/counter 5Ready foods are a strong feature in this store. Next to this pizza counter is a selection of roasts and other ready foods. 12
Fresh/counter 5More ready foods for takeaway are found at this counter next to the pizza counter, where 'home replacement meals' are offered. South African retailers have experienced some of the fastest growth in this sector. 13
Fresh/counter 5There are several counters in the fresh food area, offering a wide range of deli foods. 14
Fresh/counter 5Foreign and domestic meats are offered here at this deli counter. 15
Fresh/counter 5Fish counters at Cape Town supermarkets are usually rather basic given the fact that many shoppers go directly to the harbour for the freshest fish. 16
Fresh/counter 5An extended choice of domestic and international breads, freshly baked every hour, is a new feature of the store. 17
Meat 5The large deli area, with the meat counter in front and the fish and bakery counters behind. 18
Meat 5This picture should give an impression of the range of choice available at the deli counters, here at the meat deli one. 19
Deli 5Prepared salads are available here. 20
Cheese 5Another new feature. P 'n P feeds the curiosity of South African consumers by promoting imported parmesan cheese. 21
Cheese 5International products are one main feature of the deli counters. New ideas and products are everywhere. 22
Cheese 5The cheese counter offers an extensive range of cheeses and foods that go well with it. 23
Meat 5Meat is available pre-packaged, cut in the butchery section of the store. 24
Meat 5Behind this counter is the sections where staff prepare the pre-packaged meat offers. 25
Deli 3Kosher foods are offered at this gondola-end. Another sign of the store's international food offering. 26
Dairy Products 5Choice is both plentiful and colourful in this cabinet. 27
Dairy Products 5Cream cheeses and other dairy products are on display in this well-stocked cabinet. 28
Convenience Food 5A salad bar offer a healthy choice for lunchtime shoppers looking for a snack. 29
Convenience Food 5Cape Town's residents are used to a mix of international cuisines, so P 'n P provides choice in this store. The curry bar becomes particularly popular at lunch time and in the evenings. 30
Convenience Food 5In the ready meals department, sauces and fresh pasta are widely available. 31
Ready Meals 5P 'n P has put plenty of effort into the development of its fresh food and ready meal offer under the Foodhall private label brand. 32
Frozen Foods 5The frozen foods section is small in this store which has an emphasis on fresh foods ... 33
Frozen Foods 5... but most essential product lines are available frozen as well, especially fish products. 34
Ambient 5Pick 'n Pay has a sophisticated private label range, shown here in the form of spices. 35
Ambient 5Sauces for meats are popular in a country where BBQ's (called Braai in South Africa) are a favourite past-time activity. 36
Ambient 5The supermarket has a full range of ambient groceries on sale. 37
Bakery Products 5The bakery section offers many different products, most of them baked in-store. 38
Canned Food 5The '...this blue is for u' signs throughout the aisles are meant to attract attention to certain products. The P 'n P's economy No Name private label stands out from the branded cans with its simple blue and white front. 39
Oils 5The ambient section, like the rest of the store, offers wide aisles for the more busy shopping hours. 40
Tea & Coffee 5In the cafe section, there are fresh beans on offer, from the world's major coffee growing countries. There can be ground in-store at customers request. 41
Tea & Coffee 5In the instant coffee section, the Pick 'n Pay brand makes for a cheaper alternative to branded products. 42
Savoury Snacks 3The logo of this brand of crisps might be familiar to the UK shopper. However, this is a domestic brand. 43
Soft Drinks 5A long aisle of soft drinks end in the wine section at the back. 44
Fresh Juices 5Located at this gondola-end are fresh juices and smoothies under the P 'n P label. 45
Fresh Juices 5Bottled juices also make for a colourful offering. 46
Wines 5A special feature in the wine section: in this wine cooler, customers can chill their wines. A bottle of champagne would take eight minutes to be ready at the right temperature. 47
Wines 5Given Cape Town's proximity to the Stellenbosch wine region - one of the largest in South Africa - South African wines are a strong feature in this section. 48
Sun Care 5Sun care products are quite important in a city with as much opportunities for lying on beautiful beaches as Cape Town. 49
Household Appliances 5At the far back of the store is a small section that offers electrical household items such as irons, toasters and light bulbs for example. 50