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Bay Area Transportation and Land Use Planning. 10 Worst Congestion Locations in 2001. Fastest-Growing Bay Area Travel Markets, 2000–2020. Total Population Growth Percentage change 2000 – 2040. 233% Increase. Regional Daily Trips by Mode in 2025. Work and Non-Work Trips.
Regional Daily Trips by Mode in 2025 Work and Non-Work Trips
How Much Money Will Be Available? Total = $87.4 Billion
How Does the Draft RTP Spend the $8.6 Billion in Track 1? • MTC/Regional Priorities ($3.6 billion) • Transit maintenance shortfalls $1.2 billion • Regional roads maintenance shortfalls $0.1 billion • Regional Transit Expansion Agreement $1.4 billion • MTC regional programs $0.9 billion • Transportation for Livable Communities • Housing Incentive Program (HIP) • TransLink® smart card • Freeway Service Patrol/call box network • TravInfo® (817-1717) traveler info system
Developing Long-Range Strategies: Resolution 3434 Regional Transit Expansion Program • The cornerstone of the 2001 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is MTC Resolution 3434, the Regional Transit Expansion Program. • The $10.5 billion program will enable the Bay Area to speak with one voice in Washington to solicit funding for both rail and express/rapid bus transit projects. • Includes 9 new rail extensions, significant service expansions and a comprehensive regional bus program.
Resolution No. 3434 Resolution No. 3434 Resolution No. 3434 Resolution No. 3434 Regional Transit Expansion Program: Map of Projects
Resolution No. 3434 Resolution No. 3434 Service Characteristics • 140 new route miles of rail • 600 new route miles of express bus • 58% average increase in service levels for existing corridors • 38.6 million new riders per year (estimated for fully funded projects) • Average cost effectiveness of $20.35 per new rider (estimated for fully funded projects)
Resolution No. 3434 Funding a Game Plan for Regional Transit Expansion — MTC Resolution 3434 • 19 projects including bus, rail, and terminal investments • > 11 fund sources working in concert to deliver projects • State and federal funds total $3.4 billion • Leveraging over $6.3 billion in local revenue sources
Metropolitan Transportation Commission’sTransportation Land Use InitiativesTLC, HIP and Smart Growth
Rendering of Coliseum BART station area revitalization project Plans for Guadalupe River Park Trail in San Jose Mixed-use Dublin Transit Center with high-density housing and retail Current MTC Program:Transportation For Livable Communities (TLC) • TLC offers three kinds of funding assistance Planning Grants • Planning Grants • Capital Grants • Housing Incentive Program (HIP) • Projects funded to date • 49 planning projects at $1.7 million • 59 capital projects at $48.6 million • 31 HIP projects at $9 million
TLC Program Overview • Grants for community based transportation projects (mixed-use, affordable housing) • Typical projects: pedestrian/transit-oriented streetscapes and developments (“transit villages”) • Encourage innovative thinking and community partnership • Grassroots projects encouraged
16th Street BART Community Design Plans, San Francisco Existing conditions of BART station, southwest plaza (left) and conceptual redesign (below) Planning Grant: $25,000 Capital Grant: $1.7 million Local Match: $260,000
Housing Incentive Program • Focus on dense housing walkable to transit • New program, based on San Mateo model • Transportation funds awarded to local jurisdictions helping implement compact, transit-oriented housing • Grant funds = $9 million annually • Transportation funds for transportation projects consistent with TLC goals
Bay Area Regional Smart Growth • Sponsorship by 5 Bay Area regional agencies • ABAG, MTC, BAAQMD, BCDC, RWQCB • Commitment of almost $ 1.5 million in cash • Participation by Board members • Staff time for planning, analysis and support • Also sponsored by Bay Area Alliance • Coalition of 45 community and business groups • Represent the 3 Es: Economy, Environment and Social Equity • Further support by local jurisdictions/agencies
Smart Growth and Livability • Region expected to grow by 1 million people and 1 million jobs over next 20 years • Current trends result in • 265,000+ people commuting daily into the region • Worsening housing shortage and expense • Worsening congestion and air quality • Development of over 80,000 acres of greenspace
Smart Growth Alternatives “Central Cities” • Focus development in the region’s biggest cities, and biggest city or cities in each county “Network of Neighborhoods” • Develop in biggest cities as above, but less dense, plus additional compact, mixed use development along transportation corridors “Smarter Suburbs” • Growth in locations above but at lower densities. Additional growth at the region’s edges, balancing jobs to housing and housing to jobs
Smart Growth Project Results The Alternatives in Black and White These maps show in bold relief the impacts of the three smart growth alternatives — as well as the Current Trends Base Case — on urbanization in the Bay Area in the year 2020. They indicate primary areas of change in each alternative and the Base Case, including redevelopment of already developed areas (“infill”) and construction on currently undeveloped lands (“greenfields”).
Development of Action Plan Incentives and Regulatory Changes Focus on regional, State, & Federal actions • Fiscal Reforms • Issues of property tax, sales tax, tax sharing • Financial Incentives • Possible funding of smart zones, joint school community facilities, prioritizing housing and transportation funding • Regulatory Changes • Consideration of CEQA modifications, construction defect legislation, livable wage