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Common Core-CTE Task Alignment Workshop

Discuss. Discover. Design. Common Core-CTE Task Alignment Workshop. Welcome. Overview of Approach Process Discover Performance Tasks Review and Modify Tasks Offer Feedback Adapt tools to your district. Recalling the Video. Common Core State Standards CTE Clusters and Standards

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Common Core-CTE Task Alignment Workshop

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  1. Discuss Discover Design Common Core-CTE Task Alignment Workshop

  2. Welcome Overview of Approach Process Discover Performance Tasks Review and Modify Tasks Offer Feedback Adapt tools to your district

  3. Recalling the Video Common Core State Standards CTE Clusters and Standards Instructional Tasks Source:

  4. Understanding The Task

  5. A High Quality Task Should: • Be standards-based • Reflect strong instructional practices • Assess knowledge and skill • Support continuous improvement • Prepare students for college and careers • Elicit complex demonstrations or applications • Assess all students

  6. Previewing the Process Step 1. Thoroughly read the task before working through it. Step 2. Compare your work with the answer key/rubric and other instructional support materials and/or with the work of colleagues. Step 3. Identify the content and performances required to complete the task.

  7. Previewing the Process • Step 4. Compare task performances to the CCSS Standards for Mathematical Practice • identify and list on the purplerecording sheet those Mathematical Practices reflected in the task • rate the degree of alignment using the 0-3 rating scale provided • make note of important points concerning alignment between the task and each standard, as appropriate. • make note of strengths and weaknesses of the task with respect to each standard and ways the alignment of the task to the standards might be improved, as appropriate.

  8. Previewing the Process • Step 5. Compare task content and performances to the grade-level (grades 6-8) and high school CCSS • identify and list on the blue recording sheet those CCSS standards reflected in the task • rate the degree of alignment using the 0-3 rating scale provided • make note of important points concerning alignment between the task and each standard, as appropriate • make note of strengths and weaknesses of the task with respect to each standard and ways the alignment of the task to the standards might be improved, as appropriate

  9. Previewing the Process • Step 6. Compare task content and performances to the Knowledge and Skills statements that apply to the CTE Career Cluster™. • identify and list on the orangerecording sheet those Knowledge and Skill statements reflected in the task. Pay particular attention to the Cluster and Pathway Knowledge and Skill statements, since they provide the greatest level of specificity and detail. • rate the degree of alignment using the 0-3 rating scale provided • make note of important points concerning alignment between the task and each Knowledge and Skill statement, as appropriate • Make note of strengths and weaknesses of the task with respect to each Knowledge and Skill statement and ways the alignment of the task to the statements might be improved, as appropriate.

  10. Previewing the Process What does this process tell us?

  11. Let’s Get to Work!

  12. Working a Practice Task Step 1: Thoroughly read the task before working through it. Step 2: Compare solutions Step 3: Identify content and performances

  13. Practice Task Indirect Measurement Figure 1 shows a person’s hand held up 2.0 feet in front of his or her eye. Suppose that the person’s hand is 7.0 inches long and just blocks out a friend who is 6.0 feet tall. Figure 2 shows this. Figure 1 Figure 2

  14. Practice Task Indirect Measurement, Continued • Name three pairs of triangles that are similar in Figure 2. • If the person’s hand is 2.0 feet from his or her face, how far from the person is the friend? Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a foot. (Note: Watch the units.) • How much does your answer change if a ¼-inch error is made in the hand measurement and the hand is 7 ¼ inches long? • The Washington Monument is 169 meters high. How far do you have to stand from it to block it out with your hand? Assume that your hand is 18.0 centimeters long and you hold it 50.0 centimeters from your eye. (Note: Sketch the situation first.)

  15. Practice Task <Insert Practice Task>

  16. Working a Practice Task Step 4: Compare task performances to the CCSS Standards for Mathematical Practice Which of the Standards for Mathematical Practice align with the requirements of the task?

  17. Alignment Scale 3 = Excellent: The performances of the task are clearly consistent with the performances of the identified standard. 2 = Good: This rating is used for a partial match. Performances addressed in the task are consistent with the most critical performances of the identified standard. However, supporting performances of the standard may not be addressed (possibly by design). 1 = Weak: This rating is used for a partial match when the most critical performances addressed in the identified standard are NOT addressed in the task. However, supporting performances of the standard are addressed. 0 = No Alignment: None of the performances addressed in the task match the performances of the identified standard. (Delete this standard from the list of standards identified as aligned with the task.)

  18. Alignment Scale Example Alignment

  19. Working a Practice Task Discuss: How might this task be rewritten to align even more strongly with the Standards for Mathematical Practice?

  20. Working a Practice Task Step 5. Compare task content and performances to the grade-level (grades 6-8) and high school CCSS

  21. Review Alignment Scale 3 = Excellent: The performances of the task are clearly consistent with the performances of the identified standard. 2 = Good: This rating is used for a partial match. Performances addressed in the task are consistent with the most critical performances of the identified standard. However, supporting performances of the standard may not be addressed (possibly by design). 1 = Weak: This rating is used for a partial match when the most critical performances addressed in the identified standard are NOT addressed in the task. However, supporting performances of the standard are addressed. 0 = No Alignment: None of the performances addressed in the task match the performances of the identified standard. (Delete this standard from the list of standards identified as aligned with the task.)

  22. Alignment Scale Example Alignment

  23. Working a Practice Task Discuss: How might this task be rewritten to align even more strongly with the CCSS?

  24. Working a Practice Task Step 6. Compare task content and performances to the Knowledge and Skills statements that apply to the CTE Career Cluster™. Which of the Knowledge and Skill statements align with the requirements of the task?

  25. Alignment Scale Example Alignment

  26. Working a Practice Task Discuss: How might this task be rewritten to align even more strongly with the cluster/pathway Knowledge and Skill statements?

  27. Discuss Discover Design Common Core-CTE Task Alignment Workshop

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