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Every day the Nasa publishs a photograph of somewhere in the universe . It makes us realize its huge dimension and that nowadays we should start assimilating that the universe is still expanding . .
Every day the Nasa publishs a photograph of somewhere in theuniverse. Itmakesusrealizeitshugedimension and thatnowadayswe should startassimilatingthattheuniverseisstillexpanding.
In fact, everyparticle, everystar, everyconstellation and everygalaxyshown in thefollowingimages are todaymuch more separatefromeachother thantheydidyestardayorevenonehour ago. Thisaffirmationwasclaimed, afterprovingitwithsomeexperimentsby Edwin Hubble (1929).
WeknowthisthankstotheDopplereffect. Thefactthattheuniverseisexpandingisexplainedbymeans of thewavesthatgalaxiessendout. Thiswavesproyect light whichconteinsdifferentcolours. Dependingonthechemicalelement and thedistance of itfromourplanet, thespectrallinesthat divide thecolourswilltendtobe more orlessapproachedto red.
2012 October 12 TITLE: Pan-STARRS and Nebulae. This image has been taken by a powerful instrument developed by the Pan- STARRS proyect (Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System). It features a 1.4 gigapixel digital camera and telescope. Its aim is to scan the skies to detect every dangerous near- earth asteroid and comet. The photograph shows Sagittarius constellation, the Lagoon Nebula (M8), the Trifid Nebula (M20) and NGC 6559 in the central Milky Way. This is a very impressive image, mainly because of the large amount of stars and other corps that shine with their own lights emission and also has influence the colours contrast (green and red).
2012 October 16 Title: A Spiral Nebula Surrounding Star R Sculptoris. This image has been taken with the new Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). This is a 3D visualization of dust and gas surrounding the star. This red star could be puffing gas toward an invisible binary companion star. This image might be a clue of who ancient stars behave at the end of their lifes.
2012 October 17 Title: Aurora Over White Dome Geyser. This photograph has been taken from the Yellowstone National Park in the western USA. After midnight White Dome erupted and formed this selection of colours in the sky.
2012 October 18 Title: A View from Next Door This image has been taken from a distance of 4.3 light- years. It represents the Alpha Centauri, the closest star system from the Sun (shown at the upper right). It also appears in the picture the closest known exoplanet which was discovered by the astronomer Xavier Dumusque with the planet hunting HARPS instrument. Thanks for this we know that this planet has approximately the same mass than the Earth.
By Paloma Rodríguez Moral. 1ºB de Bachillerato.