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A Census of the Universe. A Census of the Universe. Chris Pearson : Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) cpp@ir.isas.jaxa.jp http ://www.ir.isas.jaxa.jp/~cpp/. The Life of an Astronomer. The Life of an Astronomer. Rocks from space!!!!! Arizona Meteor Crater.
A Census of the Universe A Census of the Universe Chris Pearson : Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) cpp@ir.isas.jaxa.jp http ://www.ir.isas.jaxa.jp/~cpp/
The Life of an Astronomer The Life of an Astronomer Rocks from space!!!!! Arizona Meteor Crater My name is : Chris Pearson( 梨村栗好) My job is : Cosmological Simulations of Galaxy Surveys = Mapping the Universe ! I work at : The Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency, Sagamihara, in Japan. University of Kent, Imperial College London, Sussex University in the U.K. When I am not working I play : TAE KWON DO !
The Life of an Astronomer The Life of an Astronomer In the U.K. I work between University of Kent Imperial College London Sussex University These days I am working at the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) I have a research Fellowship from the European Union It becomes very confusing !!
The Life of an Astronomer The Life of an Astronomer My life outside Astronomy When I‘m not working I play : TAE KWON DO !
The Life of an Astronomer The Life of an Astronomer But, I get to go to nice places
The Life of an Astronomer The Life of an Astronomer Mauna Kea Volcano Summit in Hawaii ハワイの火山の頂上での天文台
University of Kent at Canterbury University of Kent at Canterbury Cathedral Town Message from Astronomers at the University of Kent
University of Kent at Canterbury University of Kent at Canterbury SPACE SCHOOL 2002 Organized by The University of Kent for local middle and high school students
A Census of the Universe A Census of the Universe QUESTIONS WE WOULD LIKE TO ASK ? • Where are we in the Universe ? • How old is the Universe ? • How did the Universe Begin ? • How will the Universe end ? • How much stuff is there in the Universe ? WHAT’S OUR ADDRESS ?? WHERE DO WE LIVE ?? WE NEED A GOOD MAP !!
Our Address in the Universe Our Address in the Universe 35 ラビッジ ロード グリニッジ市 35 Lavidge Road Greenwich 町 - My Town
Our Address in the Universe Our Address in the Universe 35 Lavidge Road Greenwich London 35 ラビッジ ロード グリニッジ市 ロンドン ロンドン大都市 - The London Area
Our Address in the Universe Our Address in the Universe 35 Lavidge Road Greenwich London England 35 ラビッジ ロード グリニッジ市 ロンドン イギリス 英国 ー 国- My Country
Our Address in the Universe Our Address in the Universe 国々 ー 世界- The World
Our Address in the Universe Our Address in the Universe 35 Lavidge Road Greenwich London England Planet Earth 35 ラビッジ ロード グリニッジ市 ロンドン イギリス 地球 地球- The Planet
Our Address in the Universe Our Address in the Universe 35 Lavidge Road Greenwich London England Planet Earth Solar System 35 ラビッジ ロード グリニッジ市 ロンドン イギリス 地球 ソーラーシステム ソーラーシステム - 惑星 - The Solar System 地球 太陽 - 地球
Our Address in the Universe Our Address in the Universe 35 Lavidge Road Greenwich London England Planet Earth Solar System Spiral Arm of Orion 35 ラビッジ ロード グリニッジ市 ロンドン イギリス 地球 ソーラーシステム オリオンの渦巻腕 天の川 - The Milky Way オリオン渦巻腕- Orion Spiral Arm うずまきわん 太陽
Our Address in the Universe Our Address in the Universe 35 Lavidge Road Greenwich London England Planet Earth Solar System Spiral Arm of Orion Milky Way Galaxy 35 ラビッジ ロード グリニッジ市 ロンドン イギリス 地球 ソーラーシステム オリオンの渦巻腕 天の川銀河系 天の川銀河系- Our Galaxy 太陽
Our Address in the Universe Our Address in the Universe 35 Lavidge Road Greenwich London England Planet Earth Solar System Spiral Arm of Orion Milky Way Galaxy The Local Group 35 ラビッジ ロード グリニッジ市 ロンドン イギリス 地球 ソーラーシステム オリオンの渦巻腕 天の川銀河系 局部銀河群 きょくぶぎんがぐん 局部銀河群- The Local Group 天の川銀河系
Our Address in the Universe Our Address in the Universe 35 ラビッジ ロード グリニッジ市 ロンドン イギリス 地球 ソーラーシステム オリオンの渦巻腕 天の川銀河系 局部銀河群 乙女座の銀河団の辺 35 Lavidge Road Greenwich London England Planet Earth Solar System Spiral Arm of Orion Milky Way Galaxy The Local Group near the Virgo Cluster おとめざぎんがだん 乙女座の銀河団の辺 - in vicinity of Virgo Cluster 局部銀河群
Our Address in the Universe Our Address in the Universe 35 Lavidge Road Greenwich London England Planet Earth Solar System Spiral Arm of Orion Milky Way Galaxy The Local Group near the Virgo Cluster Local Supercluster 35 ラビッジ ロード グリニッジ市 ロンドン イギリス 地球 ソーラーシステム オリオンの渦巻腕 天の川銀河系 局部銀河群 乙女座の銀河団の辺 局部超銀河団 近い宇宙 きょくぶちょうぎんがだん 局部超銀河団- Local Supercluster 乙女座の銀河団の辺
Our Address in the Universe Our Address in the Universe 35 Lavidge Road Greenwich London England Planet Earth Solar System Spiral Arm of Orion Milky Way Galaxy The Local Group near the Virgo Cluster Local Supercluster The Universe 35 ラビッジ ロード グリニッジ市 ロンドン イギリス 地球 ソーラーシステム オリオンの渦巻腕 天の川銀河系 局部銀河群 乙女座の銀河団の辺 局部超銀河団 宇宙 〒000 001 宇宙- The Universe 近い宇宙 (局部超銀河団)
Your Address in the Universe Your Address in the Universe __________ _______−市 神奈川−県 229ー 日本 地球 ソーラーシステム オリオンの渦巻腕 天の川銀河系 局部銀河群 乙女座の銀河団の辺 局部超銀河団 宇宙 〒000 001 …………………. ………. - shi Kanagawa-ken 229- Japan Planet Earth Solar System Spiral Arm of Orion Milky Way Galaxy The Local Group near the Virgo Cluster Local Supercluster The Universe Where do you live ?
The Electromagnetic Spectrum The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Infra Red Light Infra Red Light Sir Frederick William Herschel (1738-1822) Thermometer The Sun slit prism screen INFRARED Normal Visible Light (UV light)
Infra Red Light Infra Red Light Energy of radiation depends on its’ TEMPERATURE Wavelength of radiation depends on its’ TEMPERATURE High Temperature radiate at shorter wavelengths Cooler Temperature radiate at longer wavelengths Infra Red Light UV Light
Infra Red Light Infra Red Light Energy radiated (Temperature)4 • Land radiates more energy than sea • High clouds cooler than low clouds • Deserts absorb/radiate heat quickly
Infra Red Light Infra Red Light • Different colors absorb different amounts of heat • Were used to write the names of the colors used on a white piece of paper • Paper is then put outside in warm sunlight • Infra Red picture taken after 1 minute • Brighter areas show colors which are warmer because they absorb more heat from the sun. • Notice how the color black is the warmest, followed by blue, green, red, yellow and then white • Wear light colored clothing on a hot day !! keeps you cooler outdoors
The Infra Red ZOO !! The Infra Red ZOO !! How different would our world look through infrared eyes ? http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/
WHY Infra Red Light ? WHY Infra Red Light ?
WHY Infra Red Light ? WHY Infra Red Light ?
WHY Infra Red Light ? WHY Infra Red Light ? • The stars we see represent only a fraction of the light in the Universe • Stars are born inside giant gas clouds Youngest Stars are HIDDEN ! • Young stars gradually blow away surrounding gas and dust • Eventually become bright and visible !!
WHY Infra Red Light ? WHY Infra Red Light ? • The stars we see represent only a fraction of the light in the Universe • Dust clouds between the stars obscure large regions • The visible light coming from objects behind the dust cloud is BLOCKED! • Infrared light shows where the Universe is cold and where it’s hot ! • Infrared light shows us where hot young stars are being born • Young Stars emit strong UV/visible light • this is short wavelength • Dust absorbs this light • Dust is heated • Dust re- emits light in infrared region • this is long wavelength
WHY Infra Red Light ? WHY Infra Red Light ? • What we see depends on the wavelength (colour) of IR light • Short wavelengths see through the dust Old stars • Longer wavelength sees heat from the dust Young stars Looking at the Universe at different wavelengths gives us completely different pictures http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/
WHY from Space ? WHY from Space ? Optical light spans barely an order of magnitude !! n=1030 Hz l=10-15m E=109eV n=102 Hz l=106m E=10-12eV ~30 powers of 10
WHY from Space ? WHY from Space ? 1983 IRAS 1985 IRTS 1997 ISO 2003 SPITZER 2006 ASTRO-F
WHY from Space ? WHY from Space ? For infrared astronomy - Need to launch telescopes into space ! http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/
The Infra Red Universe The Infra Red Universe NGC7331: Our Galaxy’s Twin Brother • 50 Million Light Years in Pegasus • Discovered by Herschel in 1784 • Optical, short IRAC, long IRAC, composite IRAC image • Short wavelengths - Stars Long wavelengths - PAH emission http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/
The Infra Red Universe The Infra Red Universe Through the Infra Red Looking Glass http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/
The ASTRO-F Mission The ASTRO-F Mission ASTRO-F
The ASTRO-F Mission The ASTRO-F Mission • Second Japanese space infrared mission • 69cm Ritchey-Chretien cooled telescope • ISAS/SNU /IC/Kent/Sussex /SRON/ESA • FIR All Sky Survey • NIR-FIR deep imaging & spectroscopy • Launch: ISAS MV–6 in Summer 2005 • Sun-synchronous polar orbit • Mission lifetime: ~ 550 days +
The ASTRO-F Mission The ASTRO-F Mission IRC FIS
Mapping the Universe Mapping the Universe ASTRO-F will: • Make a map of the entire Universe • Discover Millions of new galaxies • Measure how fast these galaxies are making stars • Discover when Galaxies made all their stars • Tell us about the Universe at different wavelengths
Mapping the Universe Mapping the Universe Galaxies Dust What will ASTRO-F see ?
Mapping the Universe Mapping the Universe How do we map the Universe ? • Look at a piece of the sky • Throw away all the rubbish • Mark where the galaxies are • Create a catalogue of Galaxies
The History of Our Universe The History of Our Universe HDF z~0.1 tz~ 1.3Gyr HDF z~1 tz~ 7.5Gyr HDF z~2 tz~ 10Gyr HDF z~3 tz~ 11Gyr We want to see if far away galaxies are different from nearby galaxies ?? 1,000,000,000 years ago Nearby Galaxies Today Looking BACK in time To LARGE distances 8,000,000,000 years ago When Galaxies were YOUNGER 10,000,000,000 years ago 11,000,000,000 years ago
The History of Our Universe The History of Our Universe • When were the galaxies born? • When did they make their stars? http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov
What is Our Universe Made of ? What is Our Universe Made of ? WMAP Probe a different temperature map The very early Universe http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/ We don’t know what 96% of the Universe is even made of !!!
What is Our Universe Made of ? What is Our Universe Made of ? Connecting the very early Universe with today’s Universe http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/
The Universe Now and Then The Universe Now and Then Connecting the very early Universe with today’s Universe http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/ Galaxies are made at places where the Universe is most dense
The Universe Now and Then The Universe Now and Then Connecting the very early Universe with today’s Universe The ASTRO-F dark Energy Project The WMAP Universe The ASTRO-F Universe time