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Definition:. Parts of Speech:. Adjective. Congested. overcrowded; filled too full. Synonym: Antonym:. Blocked. Clear, unblocked. Sounds Like:. During rush hour, the city streets were congested. Definition:. Parts of Speech:. adjective. Customary. usual, normal, routine. Synonym:

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  1. Definition: Parts of Speech: Adjective Congested overcrowded; filled too full Synonym: Antonym: Blocked Clear, unblocked Sounds Like: During rush hour, the city streets were congested.

  2. Definition: Parts of Speech: adjective Customary usual, normal, routine Synonym: Antonym: usual, unusual Sounds Like: In America it isn’t customary to leave school for lunch to go home and take a long nap.

  3. Definition: Parts of Speech: adjective Distraught troubled and disturbed emotionally Synonym: Antonym: Upset Calm Happy Sounds Like: Word used in a sentence Distraught after breaking up with her first boyfriend, Jana decided to cut off all her hair.

  4. Definition: Parts of Speech: noun Drone 1. a remote-controlled device 2. a buzzing or humming sound that lasts for a long time Synonym: Antonym: murmur silence Sounds Like: Word used in a sentence 1. Instead of sending in jet planes with actual pilots in them, the Air Force has been using more drones to drop bombs on its enemies. 2. The drone of the refrigerator was really annoying.

  5. Definition: to follow; to come as a result of Parts of Speech: verb Ensue Synonym: Antonym: result, come next come before Sounds Like: Word used in a sentence Someone put 1,000 live frogs in the hall at school, and total chaos ensued.

  6. Definition: Parts of Speech: Noun Feud a bitter, long-term argument or hostility Synonym: Antonym: conflict, quarrel agreement, peace To this day, there is a feud over who should control the land in the Middle East.

  7. Definition: Parts of Speech: adjective Flagrant shockingly noticeable or evident, usually in a disgraceful way Synonym: Antonym: striking, undisguised Hidden, concealed Annette committed a flagrant error on her driving test: She forgot to put on her seatbelt.

  8. Definition: Parts of Speech: adjective Hybrid made from unlike parts; combining different elements Synonym: Antonym: cross pure Word used in a sentence Some new hybrid vehicles run on both vegetable oil and electricity.

  9. Definition: Parts of Speech: verb Impede to get in the way of; to interfere with the movement of Synonym: Antonym: slow, delay, obstruct, hinder Advance, encourage Word used in a sentence In the video game, the evil mushrooms are meant to impede your progress and make the level challenging.

  10. Definition: to make extremely angry or furious Parts of Speech: verb Infuriate Synonym: Antonym: anger, enrage make happy, please Word used in a sentence Jasper was infuriated that some kids had smashed watermelons against the brick wall. .

  11. Definition: Parts of Speech: Noun Momentum the force or speed with which something moves Synonym: Antonym: Drive, power weakness During summer we used to roll watermelons down a hill; by the time they reached the bottom, they had built up so much momentum that they’d splat right into the brick wall.

  12. Definition: Parts of Speech: adjective Nomadic moving about from place to place without settling down Synonym: Antonym: wandering settled The old cowboy lived a nomadic lifestyle: He rode from town to town but never stayed anywhere for long.

  13. Definition: Parts of Speech: verb Trickle to fall by drops or to flow in a small stream Synonym: Antonym: Drip, dribble pour Word used in a sentence Tears trickled down her cheeks when she realized that her lost dog wasn’t coming home.

  14. Definition: Parts of Speech: adjective Upright 1. vertical, straight 2. good, honest Synonym: Antonym: Upstanding, honest dishonest Word used in a sentence 1. The dead tree no longer stood upright. 2. Some people think all politicians lie, but I’ve met a few upright politicians.

  15. Definition: bearing a grudge; eager to take revenge Parts of Speech: adj Vindictive Synonym: Antonym: vengeful, unforgiving, Forgiving Word used in a sentence Mr. Pamplamouse was such a vindictive guy that if you ever said anything negative about him at all, he would be sure to spread lies behind your back.

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