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Fables. Definition. A very brief, allegorical story written in either prose or verse that teaches a moral or a practical lesson about life The moral can be expressed in a simple maxim (a brief, but wise, statement) at the end of the story. Characters.

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  1. Fables

  2. Definition • A very brief, allegorical story written in either prose or verse that teaches a moral or a practical lesson about life • The moral can be expressed in a simple maxim (a brief, but wise, statement) at the end of the story

  3. Characters • Usually animals who talk and behave like humans while retaining their animal traits • Characters draw on stereotypes associated with that animal; for example, • Fox-sly, clever • Pig-greedy, selfish • Wolf—predator, unintelligent • Lion—proud, strong

  4. Tricksters • A character (can be a god/goddess, human, or animal) who breaks the rules of humanity or nature, usually with positive results because a lesson is learned as a result • Tricksters can be cunning or foolish or both; they are often very funny even when they are considered sacred and are performing important cultural tasks.

  5. Tricksters con’t… • Some well-known tricksters from literature • Brer Rabbit • Puck • Loki • Bugs Bunny • Coyote • Fox

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