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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. INOV 101 February, 2008. Purpose. Better self management through heightened self-awareness. Understand mental diversity and strengthen relationships with others. Identify preferences and how these preferences are similar and different from others on the team.

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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

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  1. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator INOV 101 February, 2008

  2. Purpose • Better self management through heightened self-awareness. • Understand mental diversity and strengthen relationships with others. • Identify preferences and how these preferences are similar and different from others on the team. • Develop and sharpen interpersonal skills that will heighten personal and job effectiveness. • Have some fun.

  3. Agenda • Review the MBTI dimensions • MBTI results, self-validation • Class profile • MBTI and change • MBTI and leadership • MBTI and decision-making

  4. Exercise • Handwriting • Cross arms • Clasp hands • Describe the differences Easy Hard Comfortable Awkward Effortless Concentrated Natural Unnatural Fast Slow Mature Immature Competent Incompetent

  5. Individual Preferences • Part of our “filters” – the way people see the world is different. • No right or wrong type - another form of diversity. • Type has nothing to do with ability or competence. • Meant for normal, healthy, well adjusted adults. • This is a theory - it cannot be proven, but can be supported and/or refuted. • Everyone uses every preference. However, we favor one preference over the other on each of the four scales.

  6. Inborn or acquired More or less Too much or too little is diagnostic Normally distributed Inborn preference Either or Too much or too little is irrelevant Bimodal Trait vs. Type Trait Type

  7. History • C. G. Jung’s theory-(Swiss psychoanalyst) 1875-1968 • Psychological Types - translated into English in 1921 • Katharine Cook Briggs (1875-1968) • Isabel Briggs Myers (1896-1980) • 1923 - type watching and validating Jung’s theory • 30 years of development for the indicator - form A in 1942 • 1962 by ETS for research only, generally available in 1976 • Currently over 6000 references • In use world wide – Published by CPP • Relevance • By understanding how you and others see the world differently, you will gain insight into communications and relationships

  8. Preference Description Four scales: E or I:Extraversion orIntroversion is attitude. How do you direct your energy? S or N:Sensing or iNtuition is a perceiving function. How do you input? T or F:Thinking or Feeling is a judging function. How do you process? J or P: Judging or Perceiving is a lifestyle orientation. How do you relate to the outside?

  9. MBTI E ------------------------------------ I S ------------------------------------ N T ------------------------------------ F J ------------------------------------ P ENERGY FLOW ATTITUDE DATA GATHERING PERCEIVING FUNCTION DECISION MAKING JUDGING FUNCTION ORIENTATION TO THE OUTER WORLD ATTITUDE

  10. E or I (Attitude) It’s where you get your energy and where you direct your energy: outside or inside Extra (not extro) • Act and (maybe) reflect “talk it out” • Lots of “friends” • Breadth • Like working in groups Intra • Reflect and (maybe) act “think it through” • A few close friends • Depth • Prefer solitary activities

  11. Active Outward Sociable People Many Expressive Breadth Live it, then understand it Reflective Inward Reserved Privacy Few Quiet Depth Understand it, before live it Key Words E I Self-Assess

  12. Admire about I’s Do things on their own Nice not to be center of attention Not feeling like you have to speak up Think things through Baffled by Why they take so long to answer E’s View

  13. Admire about E’s High energy Verbal Doers Risk takers Comfortable with self and others Confidence Baffled by Too many words Don’t shut up Too Impulsive Opinionated Changeable I’s View

  14. S or N Function It’s how you prefer to input - the perceiving mental function • It is irrational (we have no control) Input - S • Directly via the senses - specific parts - present - practical • Step by step • Structured Input - N • 6th sense or hunch - relationships - future - imagine • Jump in anywhere • Skip steps

  15. Details Present Practical Facts Sequential Directions Repetition Enjoyment Perspiration Conserve Literal Patterns Future Imaginative Innovations Random Hunches Variety Anticipation Inspiration Change Figurative Key Words S N Self - Assess

  16. S’s on “leaf” fall tree rake flowers salad pile compost mulch 4 leaf clover burning smell autumn

  17. N’s on “leaf” raking rain play art leaf dried spring gold thru a book burning oak sun new crispy slippery dead red change bare sunlight through lettuce salad acorns shade gutters floating new fur crust art blower table mulch symbol tumbling light autumn leaf me alone Erickson Pot MINT JULEPS decay

  18. T or F Function It’s how you prefer to process information • Rational, judging mental function Process - T • Objective • Head • Principles (truth, justice) Process - F • Subjective • Heart • Value (relationship, harmony)

  19. Head Objective Justice Cool Impersonal Critique Analyze Precise Principles Heart Subjective Harmony Caring Personal Appreciate Empathize Persuasive Values Key Words T F Self-Assess

  20. J or P The Lifestyle What does the outside world see? J • Ordered • Planned • Decisive P • Spontaneous • Flexible • Curious

  21. Organized Structure Control Decisive Deliberate Closure Plan Deadlines Productive Flexible Flow Experience Curious Spontaneous Openness Wait Discoveries Receptive Key Words J P Self-Assess

  22. Contributions of Preferences • Extraverted types • Remain aware of the environment, maintain their networks, and take action. • Introverted types • Pay attention to the infrastructure, conceptualize the problem, and look deeply into issues.

  23. Contributions of Preferences • Sensing types • Know the facts, understand the planning stages, and work out implementation details. • Intuitive types • See the big picture, forge into new areas, and develop new possibilities.

  24. Contributions of Preferences • Thinking types • Discuss the issues in a logical way, consider the pros and cons of various alternatives, and spot the inconsistencies in a plan. • Feeling types • Understand what is important to people, acknowledge the human side of decision making, and help others accept decisions.

  25. Contributions of Preferences • Judging types • Generate systems, provide organization, and act with decisiveness. • Perceiving types • Are open to new ideas, provide insight, and react with flexibility if the system breaks down.

  26. MBTI Results • This is a hypothesis until it is verified by you • Reasons for differences between survey and self-assessment: • Feeling torn between demands of work and self preferences • Questions were answered in terms of what you thought was expected • Terms used were misunderstood • Confusion due to perceived social pressure • Currently in a growth period developing new processes • Suffering illness or sleep deprivation


  28. Using Different “Lenses” • Quadrants Lens: Change • Temperament Lens: Leadership • Dynamics Lens: Problem-solving or decision-making


  30. Quadrants and Change

  31. Introducing Change to the Quadrants


  33. Loyal to system Duty Super-dependable Resists change Preserves traditions Precise “Don’t fix what isn’t broken” Authority dependent Procedures Decisive Stability “Should”, “Should not” Social responsibility Structure Orderly SJ – Asks “What?”ISFJ, ESFJ, ISTJ, ESTJ

  34. SJ LeaderTraditionalist/Administrator • Work hard/keep busy • Facts before action • Briefed to last detail • Results oriented • Impatient with schedule/agenda changes • Organize for stability • Prefer written communications • Discovered Murphy’s law • Difficulty expressing appreciation • Tendency to overkill

  35. Free spirit Action-oriented Fun-loving Good in crisis situations “When all else fails, read directions” Impulsive Needs freedom and space Flexible/Adaptable Realistic Uninhibited Enjoys the moment Practical Spontaneous Likes hands-on experience Most joyful Seeks change and variety SP – Asks “When?”ISTP, ISFP, ESTP, ESFP

  36. SP LeaderPromoter/Troubleshooter • Work smart • No wasted motion • Opportunistic • Everything is negotiable • Focus is right now • Little interest in tradition • Impatient with theory/abstraction • Express appreciation easily • Can be unpredictable • Can be too impulsive

  37. Interpersonal skills Supportive of others Sympathetic Relationships Seductive Possiblilities for people Interaction Cooperation Vivid imagination Mysterious Hypersensitive to conflict Search for self Autonomy Needs encouragement and recognition Integrity “Becoming” NF – Asks “Who?”INFJ, INFP, ENFP, ENFJ

  38. NF LeaderDemocratic/Catalytic • Organizational climate over structure • Good listener • Good spokesperson • Anti-authoritarian • Emotional and persuasive • Flair for dramatizing the mundane • Might get overextended • Can create dependencies • Need to schedule renewal time • Easily express appreciation of people

  39. High achievers Knowledge Objective perceptions Independent Self-doubt Intellectually curious Conceptualizers Non-conformist Competition with self Wordsmiths Principles Enjoys complexity Authority independent Architect of change Systems designers Argumentative What would happen if…? NT – Asks “Why?”INTJ, INTP, ENTP, ENTJ

  40. NT LeaderVisionary/Scientist • Systems/theory focused • Organize around theoretical framework • Architects of change • Tend to stand on principle • Powerful behind the scenes • Masters of the technical • Impatient with human conditions • Responsive to intellectual appeals • Express appreciation of ideas • Tendency to overplan

  41. Type Dynamics DOMINANT Least Preferred AUXILIARY Tertiary

  42. MBTI E ------------------------------------ I S ------------------------------------ N T ------------------------------------ F J ------------------------------------ P ENERGY FLOW ATTITUDE P DATA GATHERING PERCEIVING FUNCTION J DECISION MAKING JUDGING FUNCTION ORIENTATION TO THE OUTER WORLD ATTITUDE

  43. Eight Extraverted and Introverted Dominant Functions Se Dominant Extraverted Sensing (ESTP & ESFP) Goal: to experience as much as possible; to have an unending variety of sensing experience Si Dominant Introverted Sensing (ISTJ & ISFJ) Goal: to form a solid, substantial, and accurate understanding of the world around them and their place in it Ne Dominant Extraverted Intuition (ENTP & ENFP) Goal: to find and explore new possibilities, new and exciting challenges Ni Dominant Introverted Intuition (INTJ & INFJ) Goal: to develop their inner intuitive patterns for understanding the world

  44. Eight Extraverted and Introverted Dominant Functions Te Dominant Extraverted Thinking (ESTJ & ENTJ) Goal: to create logical order in their external world; to make their environment rational Ti Dominant Introverted Thinking (ISTP & INTP) Goal: to create logical order internally; to develop rational principles for understanding the world Fe Dominant Extraverted Feeling (ESFJ & ENFJ) Goal: to create harmony and cooperation in their external environment; to facilitate others in getting what they need and want Fi Dominant Introverted Feeling (ISFP & INFP) Goal: to develop their internal core of values, establish an external life that is congruent with them, and help both individuals and humankind fulfill their potential

  45. S How is the problem best defined? What are the ramifications now? What goals are we working toward? How can time lines be established and what are the intermediate objectives? What costs are incurred – financial, emotional, etc.? N What are the common threads? What are the multiple alternatives? What is the relationship of the part to the system? What are the opportunities for growth? What are our hunches about this issue? Dominants’ Approach to Problem SolvingS and N

  46. T Is this a legitimate issue? How does it affect the bottom line? What are the pros and cons? What is the relationship of cause to effect? What are the systemic qualities? F What are people’s feelings concerning this? How can different sides be accommodated? What’s the most diplomatic way to proceed? What will increase harmony? How does this affect me and the people I care about? Dominants’ Approach to Problem SolvingT and F

  47. How to Work with the Dominants

  48. Use All Functions for Problem Solving

  49. Journey “Learning to respect individual differences is not something that truly has an end; it is a learning that asks of us ongoing attention and a willingness to grow” C.R. Martin

  50. Time to relax

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