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Student Non-Discrimination Act of 2011. Tina Tung Period 4. Information about the Act. Introduced on 3/10/2011 Introduced at the House (H.R.998) and Senate (S.555) House : Jared Polis (CO) Senate : Al Franken (MN). Cosponsors- House : 157; Senate : 37 Current Status- tabled
Student Non-Discrimination Act of 2011 Tina Tung Period 4
Information about the Act Introduced on 3/10/2011 Introduced at the House (H.R.998) and Senate (S.555) House: Jared Polis (CO) Senate: Al Franken (MN)
Cosponsors- House: 157; Senate: 37 Current Status- tabled House: Subcommittee of Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education; Senate: Committee of Health, Education, Labor and Pensions
Purpose of the Act To ensure that all students have access to public education in a safe environment free from discrimination, including harassment, bullying, etc on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity i.e. LGBT youth
Who it impacts? Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender students Public school/ any federally-assisted educational program
Public Opinion A Gay Agenda for Everyone by DAN SAVAGE “I’m not an idiot: Now that the Republicans hold the House, only wishful thinkers and the deeply delusional expect to see any movement on the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender legislative agenda this year or next.”
Interest Group American Civil Liberties Union “Contact your members of Congress and ask them to support the Student Non-Discrimination Act.”
N8 GSA Club @ RHS Students on campus participated in Day of Silence in which youth using silence to protest the actual silencing of LGBT people due to harassment, bias, and abuse in schools.
Pro- family Advocate gave citizens survey (Yes/No Questions) For instance… 1. Will you oppose any of your elected representatives hiring homosexual activists? 2. Is homosexuality an immoral lifestyle choice? 3. If elected, will you refuse to hire homosexual activists in your office? 4. Would you vote to impeach judges who legislate the homosexual agenda from the bench?
Congressional Research Service $10,413,415 $6,864,822
Any side issues? GIANT MILESTONE
Bibliography http://balancedpolitics.org/ideology.htm http://maplight.org/us-congress/bill/112-hr-998/900035/total-contributions http://www.aclu.org/lgbt-rights/support-student-non-discrimination-act http://www.washingtonblade.com/2011/03/10/polis-reintroduces-student-non-discrimination-act/ http://www.washingtonblade.com/2011/03/10/polis-reintroduces-student-non-discrimination-act/ http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/23/opinion/23savage.html http://maplight.org/us-congress/bill/112-hr-998/900035/total-contributions http://www.hrc.org/blog/entry/eugene-delgaudios-jaw-dropping-anti-lgbt-poll http://www.aclu.org/lgbt-rights/support-student-non-discrimination-act