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Welcome to Back to School Night!. Introductions. I grew up in Wisconsin. I graduated from The University of Iowa. I live in San Marcos with my husband, Patrick and three awesome kids: Alec (15), Gavin (12), and Hadley (9). This is my 12 th year teaching 4 th Grade/6 th year at LCM.
Introductions • I grew up in Wisconsin. • I graduated from The University of Iowa. • I live in San Marcos with my husband, Patrick and three awesome kids: Alec (15), Gavin (12), and Hadley (9). • This is my 12th year teaching 4th Grade/6th year at LCM. • I love teaching and I feel SO lucky to have such an amazing job!
Living the Dolphin Way • Do Your Best Work • Help Others Succeed • Respect Our School Always do the right thing, even when no one is looking!
Welcome to 4th Grade!With so much curriculum to cover, we have a busy schedule!
Homework Homework will be given each Monday-Thursday. All assignments will be given for the purpose to reinforce what we are learning in class. Homework should NOT take more than 30 minutes plus additional time for independent reading. If your child is spending more than this amount of time on his/her homework, please contact me via email or phone call. A note from you explaining why homework is incomplete will prevent your child from being penalized. Please check your child’s assignment notebook nightly. This is another great tool for communicating with me. I would like you to please sign the assignment notebook each day during the week.
Classroom Management I am a big believer in POSITIVE reinforcement! I am always looking for students doing the right thing! However, if a student continues to make the wrong choices after a warning, they will have to “pull a slip.” If the behavior continues, the student will need to go to detention and complete a reflection form.
Date___________________ Today I had to “pull a slip” in my classroom. This means that I was reminded to follow our classroom rules and then chose to not follow directions. I met with Mrs. Chervenyand we discussed how to avoid this from happening again. I plan to work harder on______________________________________ I will do this by_____________________________________________ Student Signature___________________________________________ Parent Signature____________________________________________
Classroom Economy Students will be held responsible for a number of things in room 6. As a reward and motivation, students will be “paid” for the doing the following things: ∙ a weekly job ∙ being a table captain ∙ returning homework ∙ Living the Dolphin Way!
Room 6 Jobs Librarian $10.00/week *Collects and returns library books to the library in the morning *Keeps our Classroom Library neat and organized *Keeps the Library Checkout Book at his/her desk Executive Assistant $20.00/week *Helps teacher with passing out and collecting papers *Organizes lunch cards *Takes paperwork to the office *Assists with teaching/projects when needed Treasurer $15.00/week *Pays students for various reasons when asked by teacher *Exchanges Cherveny Cash when the Coupon Store is open *Pays the weekly salary to the students who have a class job Table Captains (1/table group) $10.00/week *Checks that all table group members have all homework assignments *Records complete and missing homework assignments *Collects team members’ papers and puts them in number order *Keeps table crate/pencil cup near chair to pass out materials Points Recorder $5.00/week *Records class/table group points when asked by the teacher *Tallies the class/table points at the end of each week and gives a report Supply Manager $10.00/week *Sharpens pencils in the bucket when needed *Checks on paper supply on shelves and restocks when needed *Keeps all supply areas neat and organized
Teamwork I am looking forward to a fun and successful year! I believe that it takes teamwork to accomplish this! This year I will be communicating with all Room 30 families in the following ways: ∙ Weekly newsletters (Emailed on Wednesdays) ∙ Emails ∙ Phone calls (positive too!) ∙ Dolphin Envelopes
Birthday Celebrations While I LOVE celebrating birthdays, we have a strict Wellness Policy that includes limited treats for students. Please be considerate of this when it is your child’s birthday! Some options besides food include: • birthday book donation (to LCM’s library or our class library) • pencils
Have some extra time?Interested in Volunteering? Please take a minute to check out my volunteer sign up sheets. Feel free to email me with any questions or concerns about this!