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A TEACHER’S PERCEPTION of WHAT THE STUDENT’S APPRECIATION WOULD BE. Some aspects of this presentation have appeared as publication of Case Studies at IGNOU for which Hyperlinks have been added By this author Dated: 05/05/2011. ON. Electronic Media Intervening in the learning Process.

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  1. A TEACHER’S PERCEPTION of WHAT THE STUDENT’S APPRECIATION WOULD BE Some aspects of this presentation have appeared as publication of Case Studies at IGNOU for which Hyperlinks have been added By this author Dated: 05/05/2011 ON Electronic Media Intervening in the learning Process http://www.ugc-inno-nehu.com/IJOP_Vol19_No3_p73-143_147.pdf Link to An article in Journal of Open Learning of IGNOU: “Learner’s Perception” S. ARAVAMUDHAN NORTH EASTERN HILL UNIVERSITY SHILLONG WORK SHOP ON E-LEARNING WITH FOCUS ON EDUCATIONAL INTERNET DOMAINS MARCH 18-19, 2009 Aravamudhan: E-Learning workshop

  2. How does “changingthe mode of Learning” fromTraditionaltoE-Learning, bring about an attitudinal change? When, “generating” and “recognizing” the documented information (in terms of the familiar alphanumeric) has not become too different, then, why does the E-Learning require such a emphasis for changing over to this mode of learning? Basically, the Writing of Numbers and Alphabets of Scripts manually is familiarly by “line drawing”. Straight lines and bending lines with curvatures, can be practiced and the big and small variations can become usual by exposure. The electronic media reproduces these alphanumeric characters only as these appear to people by manual writing. But, the traditional manual writing is not the way by which the electronic mediaproduce these similar looking characters. In this connection the closest resemblance to traditional ways is the “key-in operation” from the key-board peripheral the alphanumeric characters to appear on the displaying peripheral as in mechanical typewriters. Electronic type writers are not computer peripherals. Using electronic type writers can be part of e-learning? Aravamudhan: E-Learning workshop

  3. Conventional learning materials E- learning materials Handwriting and Typing Input from keyboard Peripheral Script written in words Coded & STORED Storage Memory e-books e-Notebooks PAINT-application Pencil, Brush, eraser Books & writing pads Decoded for Visual Display Drawn and Depicted Monitoring- peripheral Viewed on paper Projected on Screen PRINTERS Desk Top Printing PRESS Printing COMPUTERS and Associated Multimedia features Conversion Click to transit….. Aravamudhan: E-Learning workshop

  4. NOT only that the FORMin which the information is available for study is similar, but also, the contents of the subject matter to be learnt is something independent of what the mode of learning is. How can Desk Top Printing [D.T.P.] make a person learn the subject matter better than the materials Printed from conventional PRESS of the earlier days? Here is an essential difference;the mode of Printing may not be much important if a singular (particular) person’s progress is concerned. It is a question of making the reading materials available to many and the materials reach out to more number of people than by the conventional methods. Thus the average awareness of the public is improved on a subject matter of concern, which brings an betterment of all. Thus it is a question of the quality of reach to people than the improvement in the quality of the required few copies or only one. Aravamudhan: E-Learning workshop

  5. Can the presentation be made better by traditional drawing and Tabulation? How many such drawings can be made and how much of Data Can be tabulated by conventional ways as compared to the USE of E-learning tools? This MS PowerPoint file has been made by copying the graph and data from the Excel file used for calculating the geometrical parameters listed out and Plotting. HOW COULD THIS PRESENTATION SLIDE BEEN MADE? HOW ARE THESE MATERIALS MADE TO BE CONFORMING TO THIS FORM? Aravamudhan: E-Learning workshop

  6. Then is the question of Quality and Quantity: On such of those occasions when E-Learning tools are preferred over the conventional tools, is there any reason for a compromise on the quality dispensed to individuals because the supply to many is possible and & circulation and reach to people becomes more? The claims could be that each individual gets a better reproduced material, and such improved, individual reach is to many more individuals than by the conventional tools. This is some time described as the win-win case If the E-learning methods are economical, reaches out to many more and hence the production can require less number of people to be in such preoccupation because of the quick and efficient reproducibility, then does this become a cause for unemployment? These questions and trying to find answer to them would be the preoccupation for E-Learning Technology, or Information Technology and does not come under the purview of those who want to pursue there subject matter of study. http://www.ugc-inno-nehu.com/IJOP_Vol19_No2_p73-85_484.pdfLink to an Article in the Journal of Open Learning of IGNOU:“Non-Content Related Forums…influence Online learning “ STUDENTS whose interest is to study a subject, will definitely be benefitted but what is being raised in this slide is not their concern…. They must look for affordable means of securing well reproduced reading materials. Aravamudhan: E-Learning workshop

  7. Having Considered the Quantity & Quality perspective of the E-Learning methodology, What are the ways of improving on the E-learning material forms which still require the conventional ways of Distribution, Sale and Circulation? ONE of the important aspect is all these E-Learning efforts require Computers and Peripherals. From the point of view of a School going Student, carrying a book to learn Alphabets is not difficult, but carrying a computer with him containing these materials in E-FORM would be making a Mountain of a Mole Hill? All the above consideration of quality and quantity reasonably calls for the development of network of computers and the INTERNET in the mist general sense has become a inevitable medium in the learning process. Use of internet has given rise to the terms relevantly the DOMAINS, and the domains concerned in academic institutions are the Educational domains and such domains get the consideration as to cater to the students and Instructors. As the capability of the E-learning techniques build up, the accessibility and assessing the data become extendable to several times more and along with computation gives rise to the subject of INFORMATICS and it is very well in place to mention the birth of a subject of study called the BIOINFORMATICS Can we make a beginning of the teaching of computer as subject in school?... College….or University? Aravamudhan: E-Learning workshop

  8. Contents of this slide added on 6th May 2011 The TITLE of this Key Note Address in 2009 was: “A TEACHER’S PERCEPTION of WHAT THE STUDENT’S APPRECIATION WOULD BE” And, in the year 2010, there was a case study of similar topic Published in the Journal Of Open Learning; The “.pdf” version of this publication of IGNOU can be downloaded from the website http://www.egyankosh.ac.in Hyperlink to the Full.PDF version is below: Learner’s Perception to wards information…. Find this remark (in the year 2009) at the end of the Slide#6 These questions and trying to find answer to them would be the preoccupation for E-Learning Technology, or Information Technology and does not come under the purview of those who want to pursue there subject matter of study. However if a specialization has to be a significant accomplishment, it can be so only if the specialist has acquired a wider appreciation of the relevance of the subject in the context of a multidisciplinary activity. Specialization may call for inter disciplinary investigations. That is ,from the point of view of an approach to specialization, it may mean in general the activities of non-relevant content in general. The broader the basis for specialization, the more it means to be closer to the general scientific community or public in general so that the public becomes wiser in its appreciation of the relevance of Specialist’s activity rather than remaining indifferent to an elitist’s pursuits or become prone to misuse by vague familiarities. http://saravamudhan.tripod.com/infotech_tools/id2.html The publication (Year 2010) in the Journal of Open learning IJOP_Vol19_No2_p73-85_484.pdf has a title as follows: How Non-Content Related Forums Influence Social Presence in the Online Learning Environment. Aravamudhan: E-Learning workshop

  9. Time for Queries and Comments………… Thank You for your attention Aravamudhan: E-Learning workshop

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