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The Joint 14th Annual PBFEA and 2006 Annual FeAT Conference. The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan. July 14-15, 2006. PHARMAESSENTIA CORP. Panel Session XVI: Taiwan’s Biopharmaceutical Industry Facing the Coming Financial Age. A Case Study: PharmaEssentia Corp.
The Joint 14th Annual PBFEA and 2006 Annual FeAT Conference The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan July 14-15, 2006 PHARMAESSENTIA CORP
Panel Session XVI: Taiwan’s Biopharmaceutical Industry Facing the Coming Financial Age A Case Study: PharmaEssentia Corp.
Splits:13-Aug-90 [2:1], 11-Sep-91 [3:1], 16-Aug-95 [2:1], 01-Mar-99 [2:1], 22-Nov-99 [2:1] Revenue:12.81 B Market Cap.: 75.88 B
Splits:21-Dec-99 [2:1], 18-Jan-01 [3:1] Revenue. 2.42 B Market Cap: 14.87 B
Splits:19-Apr-00 [2:1], 05-Oct-00 [2:1] Revenue: 557 M Market Cap: 2.82 B
Splits:28-Feb-00 [2:1] Revenue: 988 M Market Cap: 5.37 B
Splits:22-Feb-01 [2:1], 08-Mar-02 [2:1], 07-Sep-04 [2:1] Revenue: 2.29B Market Cap: 27.26 B
Our Company: PharmaEssentia 13 F. #3 Park St. Nankang District, Taipei, Taiwan
Ching-Leou Teng, Ph.D. Executive Vice President, Operation Wen-Sen Li, Ph.D. Vice President, New Product Development Ko-Chung Lin, Ph.D. Chairman & CEO Shu-Fen Li, MBA Manager, Strategic Planning And Business Development Jack Hwang, Ph.D. Vice President, Development Chemistry Laurence Wu, Ph.D. Vice President, Discovery Chemistry Chung-Nan Chang, Ph.D. Senior Vice President, Biologics Research
Employees As of 07/11/06
Revenue NTD 3B Our Financial Goals 3 to 5 Years After Inception 12 to 15 years 7 to 10 years Revenue Revenue Capitals NTD 30B NTD 500M NTD 500M PharmaEssentiA
Short Term Programs • Coenzyme Q10 • Gemcitabine
CoenzymeQ10 Solanesol
TV Shows Stir Health Markets in JapanMay 20, 2005 - Naomi Furukawa (Health Com Inc) The popularity of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) exploded in Japan right after it was introduced to the public last September in a popular Japanese health and fitness TV show “Hakkutu! Aruaru Daijiten”. SHISEIDO Medical sold 2 million CoQ10 items worth 8 billion yen (74 million US dollars) last year. The company said it was an extraordinary situation where inventory, which supposed to last for half a year, ran out within a week right after the show 日本Q10自去年(2004年)9月於日本TV show “Hakkutu! Aruaru Daijiten”公開介紹後,市場馬上發燒熱賣。 日本資生堂公司自去年(2004年)9月推出Q10產品,(4個月內)賣出2百萬件Q10商品收入計7千4百萬美元。在這個秀播出後原6個月的存貨卻於廣告後1週全部賣光。
(Taiwan) PharmaEssentiA announces CoQ10 supply agreement with US chemical producer Frontier Scientific2 August, 2005 By David Silver, BiotechEast http://www.biotecheast.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1002&topic=2
Short Term Programs • Q10 • Gemcitabine
Gemzar Anti-Cancer Drug Mainly for NSCLC 20051.3 B in 2005 with 20%Growth
Gemcitabine Our Patents cover: Production will be ready in July 2006 Market Size: US$200M
Our Finished Product 雙福(氟)全 PharmaEssentiA
Long Term Program New Treatment For Hepatitis B & C
Novel PlatformCombination of protein engineering and chemistry
Hepatitis B & C – Winning Battles But Not The WarPUBLISHED: 22 DEC 2004, PUBLISHER: DATAMONITOR According to the WHO, 350-400 million are chronically infected with HBV and 170-200 million with HCV. Although HBV vaccination and routine screening of donated blood has decreased incidence, the death toll resulting from chronic disease, cirrhosis and HCC is as high as one million per year (WHO, 2002). For HCV related conditions, this number will increase further over the next 10-20 years.
第三代長效型干擾素 • PEG Intron ( Schering Plough) PEG-IFNalfa 2b PEG is linear 12,000 dalton monomethoxy chainPEG-succininylCarbonate. 14 other isomers, Lys, Tyr, His, Ser, Cys modified. From 4-7 hours (monomer) changed to 30 to 40 hours(PEGylated). • PEGASYS (Roche)PEG-IFN alfa 2a PEG is branched bis monomethoxyPEGChain (40,000 daltons) PEG-NHS(Activated ester), 6 other lysines were isolated with PEG attached. From 3-8 hours (monomer) changed to 65 hours (PEGylated). • 第一代長效型干擾素是一個混合物(14種成份) • 第二代也是個混合物(改良成為6種成份) • 藥華產品是第三代,特性是單一成份,將可大幅降低生產成本 PharmaEssentiA
如下圖所示:以PEG Intron ( Schering Plough) 為例其中含有14個混合物,因混合物過多 CMC管控費用不貲 Adopted from Y .-S .Wang et al . Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 54 (2002) 547
Calendar • Global Patent filed in Dec. 2005 • Invited to present at Bio2006, Chicago • Will attend Bio Business Network in Switzerland in Sept. 2006, searching for potential partners • Invited to Bio Europe 2006 in November
In Summary: • 2006 will produce 2.95 tons of Q10 • The approval of Gemcitabine will generated significant revenue in 2006 • We will file IND in US and Taiwan for our 3rd generation of long acting Interferon in 2007 • Optimistic business model + experience in the industry = Successful business model
Thank you for Attending PharmaEssentiA
營收概況 • 94年營收共新台幣1仟5佰71萬元(包括Q10銷貨收入3佰88萬元及研發勞務收入1仟1佰80萬元)
經營及研發團隊: PharmaEssentiA
經營及研發團隊(續): PharmaEssentiA
藥華醫藥公司重要紀事及未來里程碑 歷史 未來 89.5 91.11 92.3 92.9 93.6 93.7 93.12 94.4 94.10 94.12 95.2 95.4 95.7 95.12 96 97 98 99 P E C M 0 0 2 試 量 產 完 成 B 型 肝 炎 新 藥 進 入 新 藥 審 查 I N D 階 段 規 劃 增 資 , 借 用 國 貿 大 樓 1111 室 辦 公 室 實 驗 室 設 立 完 成 , 研 究 人 員 開 始 進 駐 借用國防醫學大學實驗室開始進行研發工作 公 司 登 記 鼻 噴 劑 美 國 核 准 上 市 B 肝 新 藥 A 進 入 臨 床 二 、 三 期 B 肝 新 藥 B 進 入 臨 床 一 期 B 肝 新 藥 B 進 入 臨 床 二 、 三 期 B 肝 新 藥 A 藥 証 申 請 B 肝 新 藥 A 核 准 銷 售 B 肝 新 藥 B 藥 証 申 請 完 成 第 一 階 段 增 資 搬 遷 到 南 港 科 學 園 區 F 棟 13 樓 P E C M 0 0 2 少 量 產 完 成 B 肝 新 藥 A 進 入 臨 床 試 驗 第 一 期 P E C S 0 1 1 試 量 產 完 成 A I D S 學 名 藥 開 始 開 發 P E C S 0 1 1 大 量 產 開 始 完 成 第 一 個 有 關 P E C M 0 0 2 產 品 專 利 申 請 P E C S 0 1 1 進 行 第 二 批 噸 量 級 量 產 B 型 肝 炎 新 藥 A 開 始 進 入 臨 床 前 動 物 試 驗 P E C S 0 1 1 進 行 第 一 批 噸 級 量 產
Q10劑型的開發 • 已完成錠劑、軟膠囊以及水溶性產品的開發並已試製完成 • 目前正在積極開發台灣及亞洲市場 • 歐美市場除由FSI總經銷外,亦與大公司如妮維亞積極聯絡
Gemcitabine 進展 • 已申請二項專利,今年可申請第三項專利 (a)目前已確定生產製程 (b)預計七月以前生產300g以上 2. 2006年8月可取得台灣藥證 PharmaEssentiA