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Survey of NeOn Project

Survey of NeOn Project. 지 애 띠. Outline. NeOn Project NeOn Toolkit A Workflow for the Networked Ontologies Lifecycle A Case Study in FAO of the UN. NeOn Project. Introduction and Background.

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Survey of NeOn Project

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  1. Survey of NeOn Project 지 애 띠

  2. Outline • NeOn Project • NeOn Toolkit • A Workflow for the Networked Ontologies Lifecycle • A Case Study in FAO of the UN

  3. NeOn Project Introduction and Background • NeOn is a project comprising 14 European partners co-funded by the European Commission’s 6th Framework Programme with a starting date March 2006 and duration 4 years. • NeOn’s primary aim is to advance in using ontologies for large-scale semantic applications in the distributed organizations. • Methodologies and technologies from the days of closed and knowledge-poor systems have limitations wrt. • Lifecycle support, • Collaborative development of semantic applications, • Web integration, and, • The cost-effective integration of heterogeneous components in large applications.

  4. NeOn Project Objectives of the Project • Developing generic NeOn reference architecture whose aim is to provide a standard, plug&play framework for integrating ontology life-cycle components, • Ensuring that the NeOn vision is concretely instantiated in a concrete implementation of the architecture, the NeOn ontology engineering toolkit, which will provide the first instance of a new generation of ontology management tools, • Capturing key engineering processes into a NeOn methodology will provide the necessary framework to organize and manage the development of semantic applications à-la NeOn.

  5. NeOn Toolkit OntoStudio • Ontology engineering platform of ontoprise. • Front-end counterpart to OntoBroker (FLogic inference machine). • Direct creation of rules. • Application of rules for the dynamic integration of datasources. • Import and export to OWL and RDF(S) is possible but restricted to statements which can be expressed in F-Logic. • OntoBroker currently is integrated with KAON2 to support reasoning about both F-Logic rules as well as OWL-DL.

  6. NeOn Toolkit Extensibility • Based on Eclipse, NeOn toolkit provides an open framework for plugin developers. • “Everything is plugin.” • It already provides a number of plugins for: • Ontology Schema Modeling,Query Answering, Rule Modeling, Rule Debugging, Textual Flogic Editor, Ontology Mapping (by ontoprise) • Cicero: Argumentation • WikiFactoryDeployer: Automatic ontology-based Wiki generation • SAFE-Plugin: Semantic Annotation • RaDON: Ontology debug and repair • Text2Onto: Ontology Learning • OntoModel: Editor, Visualization

  7. NeOn Toolkit Extensibility • Modular and extensible platform • Extensive rule support • Integration capabilities for “non-semantic” technology • Not yet native OWL/DL support (under development by ontoprise) • Not yet lifecycle support • Not yet collaboration capabilities

  8. Workflow for Networked Ontologies Lifecycle • The Goal is to manage, in collaborative way, multiple networked ontologies for large-scale semantic applications. • User     • Ontology engineers • Subject experts • Roles    • Subject experts • Validators • Viewers

  9. Workflow for Networked Ontology Lifecycle Major Process • Ontology conceptualization • Ontology population • Integration of conceptualization and population process (until getting a stable version) • Ontology validation and update through editorial workflow • Ontology publication

  10. Workflow for Networked Ontology Lifecycle Ontology population

  11. Workflow for Networked Ontology Lifecycle Editorial Workflow (1/4) • Possible statuses • Draft, To be approved, Approved, Published, To be deleted

  12. Workflow for Networked Ontology Lifecycle Editorial Workflow (2/4)

  13. Workflow for Networked Ontology Lifecycle Editorial Workflow (3/4)

  14. Workflow for Networked Ontology Lifecycle Editorial Workflow (4/4)

  15. A Case Study in FAO of the UN • The Fish Stock Depletion Assessment System applying NeOn technologies and methodologies, with the goal of improving the management of the complexity of fishery knowledge communities. • The effective management of shared fish stocks is one of the great challenges facing the way towards achieving long-term sustainable fisheries. • http://www.fao.org/aims/agrovoccs.jsp

  16. A Case Study in FAO of the UN Progress and results • Deliverables • D7.1.1: Specification of user requirements and detailed use cases for WP7 case study. September 2006. • D7.2.1: Inventory of fishery resources and information management systems. February 2007. • D7.2.2. Revised and enhanced Fisheries ontologies • D7.4.1. Software architecture for managing the fishery ontologies lifecycle • D7.5.1. Software architecture for the ontology-based Fisheries Stock Depletion Alert System (FSDAS) • D7.3.1. Results from the experiments on ontology learning and population applied to the Fisheries domain (including evaluation and recommendations). Due by October 2007. • D7.1.2. Revised specifications of user requirements and use cases. Due by December 2007.

  17. A Case Study in FAO of the UN Progress and results • Ontologies

  18. A Case Study in FAO of the UN Progress and results • Ontologies • Land areas ontology model • Fishing areas ontology model • Biological entities ontology model • Fisheries commodities ontology model • Vessels ontology model • Gears ontology model • Fisheries Fact sheets ontology without instances

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