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ExNoRa Magic Pocket Log Book. Read, Record & Reduce Your Carbon Footprint. For Students. "Home ExNoRa" Activities. EX cellent NO vel RA dical
ExNoRa Magic Pocket Log Book Read, Record & Reduce Your Carbon Footprint For Students "Home ExNoRa" Activities EXcellent NOvel RAdical = EXNORA Home ExNoRa's Log Book is an opportunity to regularly do ‘self-audit’ of your Carbon footprint
ExNoRa Magic Pocket Log Book • What is the issue? • Global Warming which includes Soil, Sea & Atmospheric Warming threatens to wipe out many life forms on our planet that too within a decade. Global Warming is mainly due to excessive burning of • 1. Solid fossil fuel (Coal) • 2. Liquid fossil fuel(Petrol/Diesel/Kerosene) & • 3. Gaseous Fossil Fuel (Natural gas) • All of these generate ‘Green House Gases’ that cause Global Warming. We need to urgently reduce the burning of fossil fuels . • How to arrest Global Warming? • Use ExNoRa’s Magic Pocket Log Book, and follow 5 easy actions to arrest Global Warming. • Reduce - Consumption of fossil fuels • Add - Medicinal and ornamental plants, sky farming and bamboo • Use - Solar powered appliances, LED bulbs • Introduce – Waste management for Solid, liquid and gas waste, Water harvesting • Propagate – The use of ExNoRa Magic Log Book The above must be practiced by Individuals , Educational Institutions, Government & Private Offices, Industries & Shops --- based on ExNoRa's Mantra "Cool the Globe Action begins with me in my HOME, continues in my TRAVEL & ends in my INSTITUTION“ See www.homeexnora.org & www.99999.co.in
ExNoRa Magic Pocket Log Book Read, Record & Reduce Your Carbon Foot-Print Explanation Read: Take readings from the meters of electricity, gas, petrol & water consumption Record: Enter the meter findings regularly in this Pocket Book Reduce: Make conscious efforts to reduce your carbon foot print every month What is Carbon Foot-print? A carbon footprint is a "measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide". It is meant to be useful for individuals, nations and organizations to conceptualize their personal (or organizational) impact in contributing to global warming. A conceptual tool in response to carbon footprints are carbon offsets, or the mitigation of carbon emissions through the development of alternative projects such as solar or wind energy or reforestation. ExNoRa’s Magic Pocket Log Book is a Magic Book as it motivates you to REDUCE your power consumption , guides to ADD plants / trees and USE solar gadgets / power saving bulbs and INTRODUCE Waste to Wealth Systems.
ExNoRa Magic Pocket Log Book “Cool the Globe Action Made Easy” Make your HOME, an ‘Enviro-Paradise’ (Home ExNoRa) OFFICE / INDUSTRY an ‘Eco-Heaven’ (Office ExNoRa) & School/College, a ‘Learning-Swarg’ (School / College ExNoRa) Travel by starting ExNoRa Travel SimplyCity Visit to know the do-how www.99999.co.in & www.homeexnora.org Help Arrest Global Warming
The 1st step 'REDUCE'
The 2nd Step 'ADD' Learn Home Farming & Bamboo Planting from www.homeexnora.org or “COOL” Power point CD
‘Enviro- friendly Travel’ Practise Travel SimplyCitySee www.homeexnora.org/travelsimplicity & the following Vehicle Maintenance & Use Log Sheet
The 3rd step 'USE'
. Goal: Use the following Enviro-friendly items
The 4th step, 'INTRODUCE' Learn from: www.homeexnora.org & www.99999.co.in
The 5th step 'PROPAGATE'
Do the above enviro-protection activities through & by creating the down to earth & very effective organisational mechanism for doing and carrying on continuously Home ExNoRa, Street ExNoRa, Travel ExNoRa SimplyCity, Institution ExNoRa (Office , Industry, School , College , IT, Shop, Hotel, Hospital, Place of Worship ExNoRa) Propagate the good practices and the magic log book
The Do-how & Guidelines 1.Log on to web sites www.homeexnora.org www.exnorainternational.org • Get PowerPoint CD “Cool” • Order “Cool” DVD & play To know our earth saving campaign , log onto www.99999.co.in & register an an ENVIRONMENTALIST Please contact : 91 44 42193596 , 91 44 24759477 & save.earth.exnora@gmail.com,
Caution : Cotent here is not for printing This frame is for only the information of those who are going to print this pocket size booklet • Get the Pocket Log Book printed through sponsorship • Add Sponsoring Agency’s Advertisement with contact details on the card on the back wrapper . • Encourage schools and other institutions to actively distribute, track and reward students and teaches who follow the book – Make this part of the School’s discipline and social initiatives. • Recommend schools to print the log book in school diaries/Calendars The ExNoRa Magic Pocket Log Book can be • Eight pages pocket-booklet, or 2. One sheet A4 / A3 card, printed front & back (Can be printed on paper as a leaflet too)