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Fish :. Fish have got a long body that is covered with scales. They breathe with their gills and they use their fins to swim throught the water. Almost are oviparous. The females produce eggs and lay in the water. Most fish are carnivores, but there are omnivors and hervivores.
Fish: Fish have got a long body that is covered with scales. They breathe with their gills and they use their fins to swim throught the water. Almost are oviparous. The females produce eggs and lay in the water. Most fish are carnivores, but there are omnivors and hervivores.
Types of skeleton: All fish hava got a skeleton, but there are two different types: Bony fish: like, tunaand salmon, have got a skeleton that is made of rigid bone. Cartililaginous fish: like, sharks and rays, hava got a skeleton that is made of flexible cartilage.
Pandakapygmaea. Fish are cold-blooded aquatic animals with backbones, gills, anfor efficient travel through water, but much variation occurs, from flattened and rounded, as in flounders, to vertical and angular, as in sea horses. Fishes range in size from the pygmy goby, Pandakapygmaea, of the Philippines, which reaches only 12 mm long and about 1.5 g d fins. Most fishes are torpedo-shaped weight and is sexually mature at 6 mm to the whale shark, Rhincodontypus, which grows to 18 m long and over 20 tons in weight.
2º part of pandakapygmaea. Fish were among the first animals systematically hunted by primitive humans. Even today, relatively primitive societies in the South Pacific and South America depend largely on fish for food; while in many industrialized nations, fish still constitute a major part of the diet. It is said that the search for codfish led French fishermen to the discovery of Canada and that villages sprang up on the coasts of Norway, Scotland, Japan, and other countries wherever shoals of herrings regularly came close to shore. Today fishes are harvested for unprocessed human food.
Pandaka are fished by fishermen not only for food, but also for the fishing industries. As the human population has increased, overfishing can contribute to the extinction of this nice fish. So, there are international regulations to protect it.
Activities: • What are the two types of skeleton? • The two types of skeleton are: bony fish and cartilage fish. • Two examples of bony fish. • Salmon and tuna. • Two examples of cartilage fish. • Sarks and rays.
Activities: • How do fish reproduce? • Fish are oviparous. • Most fish are … • Carnivores. • How is their body coverd? • It is covered with scales. • How do fish breathe? • Fish breathe with their gills.
Activities: • What is the name of the fish? • The name of the fish is Pandaka gygmaea. • Is the Pandaka gygmaea an aquatic fish? • Yes, it is. • Today fishes are fished for unprocessed human food,… • Animal feed and oil.
Vídeos: How the fish breathe? How the gils of the fish work?
Games: Games funny games of fish
Despedida: Made by: Lucía.Haba.Niso