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Islamic Studies Courses in Chabot, Ohlone, Mission, and De Anza Colleges Designed and taught By Hafiz M. K. Siddiqi, Ph.D. Islamic Political and Caliphate system. Siyasah: (Politics) 1. To supervise the people, protect their rights, and guarantee their safety
Islamic Studies Courses in Chabot, Ohlone, Mission, and De Anza Colleges Designed and taught By Hafiz M. K. Siddiqi, Ph.D. Islamic Political and Caliphate system
Siyasah: (Politics) 1. To supervise the people, protect their rights, and guarantee their safety and security. 2. To live on earth in the best possible way, by working to develop and improve the quality of life. 3. To implement the Divine message. 4. To live the Islamic ethical code of conduct. 5. to work for the well being of The people and keep them away from corruption. 6. It is an art of protecting the rights of citizens and promoting family ties.
Essence of all of the above: Politics is a wise Way to teach the Caliph and his cabinet, the duties and functions of government, administration of a country to achieve the purpose of protecting the rights of citizens, their mutual relationship, and to help them to be law abiding citizens, by implementing the Shari’ah, through law protecting agencies, and Through independent judiciary.
The Arabic word Siyasah has much more wider meaning than the English wordpolitics, (to govern a country….) because it includes: personal reforms family reforms, and all aspects of general reforms connected to the life of citizens.
Islamic political system is unique in structure, function and purpose.It is not pragmatic, norTheocracy. It is not hereditary nor Democracy in its popular sense.It is something different from all political systems, because of the following points: 1. Every individual’s or group’s action must be guided and judged by the law of God. Please see 5/47-50
2. The sovereignty belongs to Allah (God) and not to the ruler, nor to the people. The ruler and the people both help each other in enforcing and enacting the divine law. The ruler is elected only to serve them according to the law of God. Please see 4/58, 3. The main objective of Islamic Shari’ah, Siyasah, and Khilafah is to establish justice, Provide safety, security, and protection to all Citizens regardless of their color, race, and Religion. Please see 4/135, 5/8, 16/90
4. The elected officials are considered as a group of people who are there to exercise theirauthority on behalf of God and in His cause. The people/voters pledge loyalty to divine law offering utmost cooperation and support to those who implement the law as mentioned in 24/51-55,
5. The ruler and the ruled both have their initial obligation to God and then to each other. The public will only support the Caliph and his team As long as they obey Allah (God). See 4/59 In this verse, the obedience to those charged with the authority is conditional to their own Obedience to the law of God as written in the Qur’an and Sunnah. Laa Ta’ata Makhluq, Fi Ma’siyatil-Khaliq (No obedience to the creation on account of disobedience to the creator.
6. Officials must be elected from among the citizens on the basis of competence and God Consciousness. Every individual must be Judged on his/her merit. Prophet Muhammad pbuh said: whoever entrust a man to a public office where in his community there is a better person than this trustee, he has betrayed the trust of Allah, His messenger, and the Muslims.
7. The duty of citizens, after the election is to watch the conduct of the ruler and his Administration, question the handling of the public affairs, and make sure that the elected officials are fulfilling their duties and Responsibilities according to the Shari’ah, and especially in establishing equal justice for all. They must be removed from the public office, if they betray the trust of God and the public. The Public is not allowed to follow leaders blindly.
8. The elected official’s first responsibility is to Allah and then to the people. He must exercise the power on behalf of the people for their best Interest in the light of Islamic constitution. 9. Al though the Qur’an is their law and constitution, they are required by God to Handle their common affairs by consultation.42/38, 3/159
10. Under Islamic Political system, everyone Enjoys the five fundamental freedoms we have discussed last week, namely: Life, Religion, wealth, intellect, and honor. 11. The uniqueness of this system is because It is: A. work of God B. Created for the best interest of humankind by their creator C. Its aim is not world domination. It aims at submission to God and obedience to His law. Unlike kings/ruler who, mostly work for self glory.
D. It is comprehensive, practical, moderate, And flexible. E. God has revealed only the Principles, leaving details for the human Intelligence to work them out and adopt them. 12. The caliphate system was founded by the Prophet and greatly improved by those Islamic leaders who came after the Prophet’s death and were known as rightly Guided caliphs.
As mentioned before, the establishment of Equal justice for all is the primary goal of Islamic legal, political and caliphate system. The seven main principles adopted by the Caliphs who succeeded the leadership after the death of prophet Muhammad pbuh are: • Free Election 2. System of consultation 3. Freedom of expression with the exemption Of A. Hate speech B. Blasphemy C. Defamation
4. Accountability to Allah and to the people: • By providing the public easy and direct access to themselves B. By personally getting Involved in finding the grievances of the public. C. By working very hard in providing the basic Necessities: food, shelter, and opportunity to Work, before implementing any punishment System. 5. Protection of state treasury (Baytul- Maal) from abuse and misuse. The Caliph is only the trustee and care taker of it and not the owner.
6. Superiority of law, no body is above the law from high ranking authorities to the Caliph himself, and from a common lay person to wealthy and influential individual and groups. 7. The principle of perfect equality: status, color, family, gender, language, etc. meant Nothing all human beings were equal and must be treated equal.
Stories: 1. Election of Abu Bakr (1st Caliph) under Bay’ah system. 2. Abu Bakr’s wife made a dessert. 3. ‘Umar’s (2nd Caliph) shirt. 4. The hungry children and their Mother. 5. The nursing mother and child benefit. 6. A begger in Madinah. 7. The woman’s dispute with the Caliph and his reaction.
References: God’s promise: 24/55, Establishment of power: 22/41, Authority: 17/80, Conditional obedience to leaders 4/59, Establishment of justice: 4/58, The description of Kings: 27/34, Pharaoh claims: 26/23, 29, Pharaoh enslaves common people: 23/45-47 Political assassination: 2/49 Consultation: 42/38, 3/159