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1. BACKGROUND • Policies aimed at guiding research activities play an important role in planning the socio-economic development of any country • In Tanzania, policies addressing science have basically gone through three eras: - 1960s- 1970s: Science Policy - 1970s -1980s: Science and Technology (S & T ) Policy - 1990s-2000s: Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy
Until recently, Research and Development (R & D) activities in Tanzania were being guided by the National Science and Technology Policy of 1996 following the review of the National Science and Technology Policy of 1985. • The S & T Policy of 1985 was formulated with the background of the break up of the East African Community in 1977; the carrying out of the National Economic Survival Programme and the Structural Adjust Programme from 1981-1985.
In 1986 another Economic Recovery Programme was undertaken, which was in 1991/92 followed by policy measures to reform the parastatal sector that led to the restructuring and privatization of parastatal enterprises. • Therefore, the National S & T Policy of 1996 was formulated taking into account the economic reforms that had been undertaken previously as well as inadequacies realized in implementing several sectoral policies, for example, the Basic Industrial Strategy (1975-1995), which was actually never implemented.
However, the main reasons for dismal socio-economic developed in most developing countries despite being endowed with abundant natural resources include their inability to formulate and implement comprehensive R & D Policies as well as their inability to make use of research results to harness their human and natural resources for improving their socio-economic development.
The National S & T Policy of 1996 has been found to have the following gaps and inadequacies, just to mention a few, and hence the need to thoroughly review it and formulate a National STI Policy and a STI Act on one hand and also formulate the National R & D Policy on the other: - Benefits realized over the years from investment made in human resource capacity building and infrastructure development were inadequate;
- The research management system was not properly coordinated and hence ineffective and inefficient; - There was lack of adequate incentives to attract private sector participation in R & D activities as well as to stimulate its involvement in funding R & D activities; and - Researchers were not adequately being rewarded on the basis of their performance partly due to the absence of the National Intellectual Property Rights Policy.
The National R & D Policy of 2010 does not only address the issues listed earlier on but provides for a framework through which linkage, coordination and harmonization of existing as well as new mechanisms that are going to be developed adequately support other policies and initiatives in order to address challenges of building a knowledge- based economy that is driven by science, technology and innovation.
In other words, this policy emphasizes that in Tanzania, research undertaking should be directed towards generating knowledge and building skills that will be of long-term benefit to the country.
2. RATIONAL AND JUSTIFICATION • The formulation of the National R & D Policy was necessary due to the fact that the National S & T Policy of 1996 addressed the research and development issues based on the old policy model that puts more emphasis on the supply side at the expense of the demand side, the latter emphasizing the role of innovation and market forces in the globalized economy.
The National R & D Policy, therefore, has tried as much as possible to align R & D activities to the aspiration of the nation as spelt out in various document viz. The Tanzania Development Vision 2025; The Tanzania Mini Tiger Plan 2020; The MKUKUTA 2005; and the CCM Election Manifesto of 2005.
3. VISION AND MISSION STATEMENTS • Vision: To be a nation with a strong, dynamic, resilient and competitive economy that is knowledge-based and innovation-driven. • Mission: To develop a research system that will increase the outcome and efficiency of R & D activities leading to sustainable socio-economic development.
General Objective • The general objective of the National R & D Policy is to provide guidance to researchers in the public and private sector, policy- and decision-makers as well as development partners in addressing the present and future national research challenges for socio-economic development.
5. POLICY ISSUES, SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES AND POLICY STATEMENTS • Strategic R & D Leadership and Institutional Framework 1.1 Issue: Inadequately harmonized leadership and institutional capacity to manage and guide R & D activities 1.2 Objective: Establishing effective R & D coordination, guidance and foresight mechanisms though a harmonized institutional framework
1.3: Policy Statements: (i) Establish foresight mechanisms in the national planning unit for R & D policy foresight and national strategic positioning; (ii) harmonize the roles of various MDAs in coordinating research matters; (iii) carry out a review of sectoral policies and legislation establishing the existing R & D institutions; and (iv) reform COSTECH so as to effectively discharge its mandate of research coordination and promotion.
2. Prioritization of Research Areas 2.1 Issue: Ineffective mechanism for setting up priority research areas for national economic growth, societal and human welfare 2.2 Objectives: (i) Create a mechanism for setting up and periodically reviewing priority areas so as to as to identify strategic research areas and (ii) align research planning, implementation, M & E as well as reporting to the national development agenda
2.3 Policy statements: (i) establish mechanisms for setting up short-, medium- and long-term strategic research priorities; (ii) ensure that priority setting is inclusive and based on societal needs; and (iii) support and fund research activities for societal as well as human well being and for the national economical growth.
3. Enhancing Research Capacity in ICT and Social-economic Disciplines 3.1 Issue: Weak and low socio-economic research and use of ICT in research undertaking 3.2 Objectives: (i) Increase the contribution of research in socio-economic disciplines as well as in ICT ad (ii) increase the use of ICT in research undertakings.
3.3 Policy Statements: (i) facilitate the establishment of R & D institutions as well as Centers of Excellence in ICT and socio-economic disciplines; (ii) facilitate and encourage R & D establishments to expand their research areas into ICT and socio-economic disciplines; and (iii) facilitate the increased use of ICT in research.
4. Commercialization and Dissemination of Research Results 4.1 Issue: Ineffective mechanism for ensuring that research results and developed technologies are commercialized and disseminated 4.2 Objectives: (i) Ensure the identification and translation of innovative research results into products, processes and services; (ii) establish
an efficient management system for commercialization and dissemination of innovative research results; (iii) ensure that R & D Institutions collaborate with local industries in up-scaling the local technologies and skills in order to produce quality products and services; and (iv) ensure that COSTECH takes the lead in gathering and dissemination of research results in the country.
4.3 Policy Statements: (i) Facilitate putting in place institutions required for commercialization of research results; (ii) develop and enforce mechanisms for setting standards for different technologies; (iii) establish legal mechanisms for the development and enforcement of IPR; (iv) facilitate the development of mechanisms that allow researchers and research
institutes/centers to market their technologies; (v) promote local industries to establish linkages with R & D institutions ; and (vi) develop incentive mechanisms to attract industries to engage into R & D activities.
5. Human Resources Development and Management 5.1 Issue: Ineffective mechanism to develop, motivate and retain adequate and competent human resources 5.2 Objectives: (i) establish and implement a human resource development programme focusing on short-, medium-, and long-term research needs; and (ii) create a conducive
working environment through provision of necessary infrastructure, better remuneration and incentives. 5.3 Policy Statements: (i) put in place a mechanism for strategic research staff training and retraining, deployment , and succession plan, and (ii) provide optimal motivation to research staff through promotion and recognition of their achievement.
6. Financing of Research and Development 6.1 Issue: low funding of research activities 6.2 Objectives: (i) Ensure adequate fund allocation to research activities and (ii) motivate the private sector/industry, development partners and individuals to contribute to research funding.
6.3 Policy Statements: (i) create a National research Fund and allocate to this fund not less than 1% of the GDP annually; and (ii) create conducive environment to attract research funding from the private sector, development partners and individuals.
7. Research Ethics and Intellectual Property Rights 7.1 Issue: Inadequate mechanism to ensure that researchers adhere to research ethics and uphold intellectual property rights 7.2 Objectives: (i) strengthen ethics management and (ii) foster equitable sharing of research resources as well as benefits especially between local researchers/institutions/research communities
7.3 Policy Statements: (i) establish research ethic review mechanisms in all sectors; (ii) strengthen local capacity to monitor compliance with national IPR and legislation; and (iii) ensure equitable sharing of research resources; and benefits.
8. Collaboration, Partnership and Networking 8.1 Issue: Inadequate collaboration among researchers from different disciplines/institutions and the private sector 8.2 Objectives: (i) establish and institutionalize an efficient system of partnership, networking an collaboration among researchers and the private sector; and (ii) create favourable environment.
8.3 Policy Statements: (i) establish legal and administrative frameworks to promote partnerships, networking and collaborations between stakeholders; (ii) promote R & D activities being carried out by conglomerates of institutions; and (iii) encourage R & D institutions to formulate their own research policies that promote collaboration.
9. Regional and International Cooperation 9.1 Issue: Inadequate participation of Tanzania in strategic international R & D systems 9.2: Objectives: (i) promote strategic partnerships and collaboration between research institutions, the government, regional and intentional dev. partners, including the diaspora; and
(ii) strengthen collaboration between national research coordinatig body, research institutions and othjer regional and international coordinating bodies. 9.3 Policy Statements: (i) promote strategic partnerships, collaborative partnerships and woring relations between local researchers, R & D institutions , regional and international dev. Partners including the diaspora;
(ii) strengthen regulation and monitoring of internal and external research activities ; and (iii) develop a mechanism for continuous popularization of research activities and outputs through various fora. 10. Cross cutting Issues 10.1 Gender and other factors of Inequalities
10.1.1 Issue: Inequitable participation and benefits in respect to R & D activities 10.1.2: Objectives: (i) take affirmative action in promoting research that addresses challenges facing disadvantaged groups of people; and (ii) empower all segments of the population to benefit from research results .
10.1.3: Policy Statements: (i) ensure that research activities and benefits accrued from do not discriminate against disadvantaged groups; and (ii) ensure equitable access to research funds, education and training. 10.2 Environment 10.2.1 Issue: Inadequate protection of the environment during research undertaking
10.2.2 Objectives: (i) minimizing the effects of research undertaking to the environment; and (ii) promoting research that is beneficial to the environment. 10.2.3 Policy Statements: (i) ensure that research undertakings abide by environmental policies, laws and regulation; (ii) regular assessment and monitoring their impacts; and
(iii) facilitate and promote research that has positive impact to the environment. 10.3 Occupational Risks Including HIV/AIDS 10.3.1 Issue: Increasing occupational risks and HIV/AIDS among research staff 10.3.2 Objective: Mitigating the risks associated with research activities to research staff.
10.3.3 Policy Statements: (i) Create awareness of HIV/AIDS in relation to research activities as well as prevention measures; (ii) create awareness of the occupational risks associated with R & D activities and (iii) encourage R & D institutions to take precautionary measures to reduce risks associated with research activities.
6. IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES ON COMMECIALIZATION AND DISSEMINATION OF RESEARCH RESULTS • The implementation of the National R & D Policy has been vested in the hands of various stakeholders. Specific roles and responsibilities have been identified to selected relevant sectoral Ministries but the Ministry responsible for Research and Development has been given the mandate to implement the policy and to ensure that national strategic goals are set and achieved.
In implementing the policy on commercialization and dissemination of research results, the following strategic goals have been set to be achieved: (1) The establishment of incubation centres, engineering entrepreneurship centres , clusters and the establishment of venture capital together with its access mechanism.
(2) The develop of a mechanisms of setting standards for the different technologies and their full documentation. (3) Ensuring that a National IPR Policy together with its implementation strategies have been formulated as well as the required legislations enacted. Institutions carrying out R & D activity will be encouraged to formulate their own policies to suit their operations.
(4) Procedures of allowing researchers as well as research institutes/centres to market their technologies and benefit from their work shall be proposed and approved. (5) A package shall be developed and approved that will attract the establishment of linkages between local industries and R & D institutions
(6) An incentive package shall be developed and approved that will attract industries to engage in R & D activities .