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Tawheed. Meaning of Tawheed. Linguistically the word tawheed means unification (to make something one) From Islamic view, it refers to Allah being singled out alone, in all that is particular to him
Meaning of Tawheed • Linguistically the word tawheed means unification (to make something one) • From Islamic view, it refers to Allah being singled out alone, in all that is particular to him • The opposite of tawheed is 'Shirk' which is to associate partners with Allah by giving that which belongs to him, to others
Tawheed – Basis of Shariah • Tawheed - bedrock of the Islamic creed is Islamic view of relationship between man and God • Basis of Shari'ah • Essence of Tawheed – Acceptance of the principle that “There is no god but One God; Muhammad is the Prophet of God” • God is the Creator; to Him alone therefore belongs the kingdom and He is the only Sovereign: 'Surely Your only Lord is God who has created the heaven and the earth... verily to Him belong the creation and the sovereignty' (al-A'raf 7: 54).
Verses on Tawheed • And: 'He has created the heavens and the earth with a purpose. He wraps night about day and He wraps day about night... He has created you from one being... That then is God, your only Lord; His is the kingdom. There is no god but He' (al-Zumar 39: 5-6). • God is the Creator. To Him alone, therefore, as his only Lord and Master, man must submit his entire being: 'Your God is One God, so only to Him submit' (al-Hajj 22: 34). • That then is God, your only Lord; there is no god but He, the Creator of everything. So Him alone serve' (al-An'am 6: 102).
Verses on Tawheed • 'Say: Is there any of those you associate (with God) who guides to the Truth? Say: only God guides to the Truth. Does then, He who guides to the Truth deserve more to be followed or he who can guide not unless he be guided? What ails you? How judge you? And most of them follow naught but speculation, and speculation can never take the place of truth' (Yunus 10: 35-6). • And further: 'Or, do they (claim to) have associates who have laid down for them the Way for which God gave not leave' (al-Shura 42: 21).
Tawheed and Prophethood • It was to provide for this greatest human need that God sent His Prophets from amongst men in all ages and to all nations, bringing them the light of the divine guidance revealed to them. • Among them were Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. And Muhammad was the last of them, in no way different or new (May God bless all of them). • 'He has laid down for you the Way that He entrusted to Noah, and that We have revealed to you, and that We entrusted to Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Establish fully the Way and follow not different ways' (al-Shura 42: 13).
Tawheed and Submission • Man's relationship to God is expressed by the very word 'Islam‘ • Islam means `submission’ • A Muslim is a person who submits totally to God • A Muslim submits to God by total and complete following of God’s will and guidance as brought by His prophets • A Muslim submits his entire 'person' to his Creator as his only Lord and Master • No part of his life can be exempt from the need of divine guidance or from the writ of divine sovereignty.
Tawheed and Freedom • Man has been given the freedom to reject God; but, once having accepted Him, he must follow His guidance. He is not free to follow one part of it and ignore another, nor to seek guidance from sources other than God. Denial of part is denial of the whole. • 'What, believe you in part of the Book and deny part thereof? And what is the reward of those who do so except ignominy in the present life, and on the Day of Resurrection to be returned unto most grievous punishment' (al-Baqarah 2: 85).
Tawheed – The Only Right Choice • 'What, do they seek another way other than God's Way; whereas unto Him submits whoso is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly' (Ale-'Imran 3: 83). • 'And who seeks a way other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him' (Ale-'Imran 3: 85).
Tawheed and Sovereignty • God and His lordship and sovereignty are indivisible; and so is man's life in its submission to Him. • It would indeed be an imperfect God who could only be experienced or related to in the realm of the spirit or the provision of material needs like one's daily bread-a God unconcerned, uncaring or incompetent to help man in the more arduous and complex task of living his life. • For a Muslim, it is Him he worships; Him he invokes; Him he depends upon; Him he trusts; Him he seeks; and, equally important, Him he obeys.
Tawheed and Meaning of Life • God is the only true Provider. • He who has bestowed on man such faculties and capabilities as seeing, hearing, thinking and articulating - attributes which man cannot live without, but which he cannot create for himself. • It is He who has made available the resources of the external world which man may discover, exploit and develop but, again, cannot create. • Yet surely man's greatest need is to know how to live his life so as to fulfill successfully the purpose of his creation