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CAL and SUBCOMPONENTS STATUS OVERVIEW. T. Sch örner-Sadenius Hamburg University, on behalf of the CAL group ZEUS Meeting DESY 28 February – 4 March 2005. Outline. People and manpower situation CAL status: current status and recent problems CAL DQM development since Padova meeting
CAL and SUBCOMPONENTS STATUS OVERVIEW T. Schörner-Sadenius Hamburg University, on behalf of the CAL group ZEUS Meeting DESY28 February – 4 March 2005
Outline • People and manpower situation • CAL status: current status and recent problems • CAL DQM development since Padova meeting • Current status of CAL, CFLT(P) and subcomponents(SRTD, SRTDFLT, PRES, F/R PRES, FNC, LED, LASER) TSS: CAL and Subcomponents
Calorimeter Manpower IGeneral, Coordination Merging of CAL and HES groups slowly progressing • CAL DQM shifters now also do HES DQM checks • Progress also on organisational matters, but not on expert side. Current CAL coordination • TSS: general, DQM, students • Wladimir Hain (DESY): general, infrastructure • Kerstin Borras (DESY): so far HES general and DQM Mara Soares joined the CAL team and will take over CAL DQM coordination from TSS • TSS run coordinator from April on. • Mara already now is responsible for a number of DQM tasks. • Thanks for joining and good luck! New permanent DESY physicist to join CAL team within few months. Request for oneHES post-doc ordedicated studentto backup Kerstin! Welcome! TSS: CAL and Subcomponents
Calorimeter Manpower II DQM Coordinator Thomas Schörner HH Infrastructure Wladimir Hain DESY NEVIS and FE Electronics: Bill Schmidke Columbia Hardware Joker: Cathy Farrow Argonne/DESY LASER: Roberval Walsh McGill SRTD: Roberval Walsh McGill LED: Didar Dobur Freiburg B-PRES: S. Chekanov + H. Lim Argonne/DESY SRTDFLT: John Loizides (CFLT) Argonne F/RPRES, FNC, BCAL bases no dedicated manpower! Michele Sumstine Wisconsin (-03/2005)Andree Robichaud-V. McGill (-04/2005) Ying Cui Toronto Marcos Jimenez Madrid Avraam Keramidas NIKHEF Gabriel Grigorescu NIKHEF Cathy Farrow Argonne/DESY Changh Yi Zhou McGill General REsponsibilities Thanks to Michele andAndree and welcome toChangh Yi! DQM Experts We would appreciate oneor two new CAL students TSS: CAL and Subcomponents
Current CAL Statusas of yesterday noon: v3959 Two holes: B22, tower 4: UNO problems B12, tower 8: UNO and QINJ It is reassuring to know that we are stable around 270 bad channels,if freshly calibrated … TSS: CAL and Subcomponents
CAL Problems …… during the past few months – sometimes overlaid • Readout failure in december only cured with help from Antonio P. and Henk B. from Amsterdam after three days of investigation. • Disk failure on backup readout computer AJAX and major problems with DQM PCs (not used for online) • Timing problems at the CAL-CFLT(P) boundary. • BCAL module 16: often many (>30) bad channels, cabling? • HV of BCAL module 22 fixed (Wladimir changed HV crate), then module 21 was giving some problems. • Os9 hc3control after A. Kotanski’s intervention more or less stable. Luckily there is always somebody who knows more than I do!Thanks especially to Alessandro and the Nikhef colleagues! TSS: CAL and Subcomponents
CAL Status ctd. …… Computing, spares … Spare situation: • Front-end cards: C. Farrow efficient in repairing old ones – adequate suppluy of spares • NEVIS electronics: spares for all modules; format control card exchanged recently (debugging readout problem). • Digital cards: a few spares available; have to investigate 40-50 old, taken-out cards and repair if necessary. Also many ADCs around. • FCAL EMC PMTs (bases): 19 spares, could become one critical item. • BCAL bases: status unclear – my fault! • 9 newly repaired digital crate power supplies just came back! Computing situation • Teucer and Ajax (Solaris stations) running stably; however, old operating system not supported anymore (v2.4?), and recently disk failure on Ajax. But spares around. • 2+1 offline/DQM PCs which also gave problems recently but are stable now. • Slightly improving backup situation. TSS: CAL and Subcomponents
Bad Channel Historysince Padova week BC updates Number of bad channelsis more or less stable with270 or so (after calibration). 1-2 stable holes in BCAL 22and 22. Some fluctuations inbetween due to localizedproblems, mostly solvedduring access days. FEC Increase since shutdown Now stable Many problems come andgo every now and then;especially in BCAL uncer-tainty of ~100 channels(B16, B29 etc.) Localizedproblem solvedduring access day. TSS: CAL and Subcomponents
R13 t12 EMC1- R13 t12 EMC1+ F13 t12 EMC1- F13 t12 EMC1+ R13 t12 EMC2- R13 t12 EMC2+ F3 t11 EMC1- F3 t11 EMC1- HV Status since last ZEUS weekInfluence of beam injection / dump on HV settings Small trends of the level of 0.1-1% over half a year visible. TSS: CAL and Subcomponents
Influence of HERA on CALBeam, trigger, HERMES affect kinematic distributions Sometimes difficult for CAL DQM to judge on data quality. TSS: CAL and Subcomponents
CFLT Status M.Jaworski, D.Reeder, W.Smith D.Kcira, A.Savin, L.Li A.Everett, P.Ryan, M.Rosin, E.Brownson, T.Danielson CFLT efficiency RCAL4 Iso_e: 95-97% instead of 98% not a hardware issue – modify DQM toidentify problem Hardware status Bad channels Detector side:2x2 channels ½ height (cable) no 0’s Computers Two new Alphas are completely installed Old online machine ZAXP03 still can be used 2 bad serial cables in BCAL:sometimes no shut for ½ module DQM Offline and online DQM jobs are running TEC cards: 16 good, 8 bad Include FCLR and “location check” in the DQM TSC spare is o.k. TSS: CAL and Subcomponents
Status of FHES HES red/blue:’97 installed modules possibly tiny water leaks white:’98 installed modules no indications for water leaks green:’01/’03 installed modules no water leaks FHES 11: repaired and re-installed in Dec ’04, end of Jan’05 one half ski (1/6 module) failed electrically should be repaired in summer break. • FHES 9, 10, 13, 15, 16 : • monitored closely, • all modules recovered, some half skis have high dark current, but are still biased • All modules completely working and read out ! Plan: take out, repair and re-install FHES modules 9, 10, 11, (not 13!), 15, 16 in the summer break. TSS: CAL and Subcomponents
Ski – Cooling System: Status of RHES: • no major problem, few trips of HC3 power supplies • few failures in half modules due to connection on power distribution card • check all modules in the summer break. Status of DAQ: • no major problem • run control modified, such that an automatic repetition is initiated in case the SETUP runs into a timeout: • much better performance, only two drawbacks to be improved. • with the present pump-stand it was possible to lower the under-pressure even further:+0.2bar -0.2bar • under-pressure over almost the full module height • several problems: air-leaks to be found, air relief device not working, … • anti-corrosive solvent added: • lots of problems with foam production blocking flow After a quite busy time now finally running stable ! HES • Summary • lots of troubles with the new cooling settings had to be solved • all “possibly leaky” modules in FHES recovered and working • only few failures in the electronics in the meantime HES took good data continuously during the past months TSS: CAL and Subcomponents
SRTD Status (Roberval) What happened since Padova? Bad channel history since Padova Current situation: TSS: CAL and Subcomponents
S. Chekanov, W. Hain, H. Lim, S. Magill • Replaced: Fuses, power crates, readout cables, control cards • Problem reproducable in test stand with high temperature: serial data get quickly messed up if fans off! • Chip that distributes signals on control car • Fan problem? Fans with control signals? Aging of control card chips – replace? • DQM was moved to AFS • Number of bad HV channels as in 8/2004: 14 (of 416) TSS: CAL and Subcomponents
Subcomponents Status I… basically no news! F/RCAL Presampler (no dedicated manpower): • FPRES south: problems in setting HV, no spares • FPRES (Wladimir): order of channels wrong in Adamo table? Has anybody ever used this? • RPRES okay • However, system has no dedicated man power; needs calibration etc. • Who is using which part of PRES? Historically only RPRES used? • Currently one bad channel. FNC (Info from Bill, Wladimir): • Test stand working, dubious front-end card needs inspection • Some FECs and the delay box need to be checked. • Sometimes giving problems in the readout (digital crate) exclude from readout? LED for F/RCAL (Freiburg): • Not in use currently. Situation rather unclear. TSS: CAL and Subcomponents
Subcomponents Status II… basically no news! Laser (Roberval Walsh): • Not really trusted for calibration/monitoring purposes; however useful for readout debugging in some situations. • Currently switched off; some spares should have been replaced ages go. Money? Send to company? • Recently problems with LASER test triggers excluded from test triggers. SRTDFLT (John Loizides): Situation unchanged; stable. TSS: CAL and Subcomponents
Summary • CAL basically running stably with acceptable number of bad channels • Status of online and SlowControl systems is satisfactory • Calibration procedures are still getting more stable and automatized • Some severe problems in the past few months show vulnerability of the system. Sometimes external help necessary! • Computing (now maybe better under control) • Readout system • Manpower situation still satisfactory. • We would like 1-2 new CAL students. • Looking forward to welcome new DESY scientist in the CAL team. • One post-doc / designated student for HES would be appreciated. • Some subcomponents uncovered. How much effort can we / do we want to invest for PRES? FNC? LED? LASER? TSS: CAL and Subcomponents