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The Catholic Mass Grade Nine . Introduction . 1. Introduction/Gathering – to gather as a community Opening Song and entrance procession Sign of the Cross/Amen Greeting/Response Penitential Rite and the Lord Have Mercy or the Sprinkling Rite Gloria. Liturgy of the Word .
Introduction 1. Introduction/Gathering – to gather as a community Opening Song and entrance procession Sign of the Cross/Amen Greeting/Response Penitential Rite and the Lord Have Mercy or the Sprinkling Rite Gloria
Liturgy of the Word 2. The Liturgy of the Word – to listen First Reading (Old Testament) Responsorial Psalm/Refrain Second Reading (New Testament) Gospel Acclamation/Alleluia, The Lord be with you...and also with you Gospel (sign of the cross on our forehead, lips and heart) HOMILY (priest explains the gospel in modern day language) Profession of Faith (Creed) General Intercessions or Prayers of the Faithful (we pray for our community, the oppressed, afflicted and sick, our Church, as well as those in need)
Liturgy of the Eucharist The Liturgy of the Eucharist – to give praise and thanks Preparation of the Altar and Presentation of the Gifts (narrative of the Last Supper) The Eucharistic Prayer- Narrative of the Last Supper (transubstantiation occurs during this part of mass) Transubstantiation is the change in the state- the change of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.
Eucharistic Prayers Excerpts from the New Roman Missal- http://catholic-resources.org/ChurchDocs/RM3-EP1-4.htm
Communion Communion Rite – to receive the body and blood Lord’s Prayer, Rite of Peace Breaking of the Bread Communion (We physically receive Jesus)
Dismissal Dismissal Rite – to dismiss or go forth to love and serve the Lord and one another Blessing/Amen Dismissal/Announcements/Thanks be to God Closing Song
Why do we Attend Mass? Why Do We Attend Mass? 1. Mass is the core of our faith and it is where we come to know Jesus Christ and gather as a community. 2. At Mass, we re-enact the Last Supper, as Jesus said to his disciples, “do this in memory of me”. 3. We attend to strengthen our relationship and prayer life with Christ. 4. To receive the Body and Blood of Christ (our spiritual nourishment).
What are your personal reasons for attending and participating in the mass?