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Accordant Health Services Inc.- Background

Accordant Health Services Inc.- Background. Founded in March of 1995 - Greensboro, NC 40,000 sponsored members from 19 customers representing over 30 million covered lives Over 200 Employees – 2 full time Medical Directors, Integrated RN – MSW clinical operations teams, 14 Medical Advisors

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Accordant Health Services Inc.- Background

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  1. Accordant Health Services Inc.- Background Founded in March of 1995 - Greensboro, NC 40,000 sponsored members from 19 customers representing over 30 million covered lives Over 200 Employees – 2 full time Medical Directors, Integrated RN – MSW clinical operations teams, 14 Medical Advisors Fully integrated tele-web communications backbone Focused on 15 complex, progressive chronic diseases Wholly Owned Subsidiary of AdvancePCS Inc.

  2. Seizure Disorders Multiple Sclerosis Parkinson's Disease Rheumatoid Arthritis Systemic Lupus Cystic Fibrosis Hemophilia Myasthenia Gravis Sickle Cell Anemia ALS Dermatomyositis Polymyositis Scleroderma CIDP Gaucher Disease AccordantCare Product SpecificationA Population Disease Management Program Focused On15 Complex, Chronic Diseases averaging $9700 per year, 7200 per million covered lives, over $70 million total claims cost per million covered lives

  3. Population Disease ManagementProduces Sustainable Total Cost Savings Result: Population DM produces cost savings by diminishing the magnitude of existing high cost cases and preventing crises from occurring. Regression to the Mean tendencies counteract one another through time Case management interventions accelerate natural “high to low” RTM migration Disease Management interventions blunt disease progression and reduce low to high RTM migration Most costly Least costly

  4. Accordant Results: Cost Reductions PMPM by LOTIP $1,000 $800 $600 PMPM (Constant Dollars) $400 $200 $- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LOTIP Quarters Source: Claims Data through 8/31/00 (Constant Dec. '99 Dollars)

  5. Assessment and Education Patient Identification Program Introduction Class Activation Ongoing Assessments, Education/Intervention Ongoing Assessments, Education/Intervention Outcomes & Reporting AccordantCare Process CQI Disease Management Specialized Patient Management Lower Risk and Stable Higher Risk and Crisis CQI CQI CQI

  6. Client Server Computing Serves as the Perfect Metaphor for Accrodant’s Complex, Chronic Care Management… Client Server Computing Mainframe and Mini Computers • Single Data Repository • Exponential Increase in Dependability • Exponential Information Sharing • LAN, WAN, Wireless, Secure, Distributed Computing • Data Processing Revolution • Local desktop not dependable or Networked • Incredible Promise

  7. Disease Management Evolves Integrated Delivery... “Integrated Delivery Model” “Traditional Delivery Model” MCO Physician Hospital MCO Physician Hospital AHS Same Patient Chronically Ill Patient Same Patient Patient • Data Processing Limited to Physicians • Disparate Collection and Storage of Patient/Clinical Record(s) • “Best Practices” Education is Limited to Academia • Client (Patient) Served by Accordant • Exponential Information Sharing • Dramatic Outcomes Improvement

  8. Tele-Web Platform for Population DM Routine Broadcast MailBulletins Wireless(TBD) Internet Community Phone CTI Backbone Unified Messaging Web Chat Technology levers Voice Fax E-mail IVR Personalized Educational Content Driven form RDMS Ongoing Patient Interactive Inputs Integrated Web & Call Center RN Support Rules engine allows for rapid relational configuration

  9. AccordantCare Assessment IT Workflow Questions Change Tasks

  10. MD FYI Letter

  11. Accordant ‘s 4 R’s: Reach the Population, Build a Relationship by demonstrating Results thereby earning their Respect Platinum Award -Content Gold Award – Best eCare DM Site Top 10 DM Site HIRC - 2000 Top DM Web Application – DMAA 2000

  12. Technology As The Enabler:Today • Streamline Call Center Operations Through Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Techniques, Skills Based Call Routing and Unified Messaging Platforms • Enable “Real Time” Response by Integrating Cross-Platform Communications (Fax, Phone, E-mail, Internet, Etc.) Into One PC-based User Interface • Build On-line Communities and Self-management Opportunities Via Customized Web Applications

  13. Technology As The Enabler:Tomorrow • “Push” Customized Clinical Content to Patients Based on Computer-generated User Profiles and Content • Build Brand Loyalty and Recognition Through the Use of Participatory Multimedia and On-line Interactive Techniques • Successfully Integrate All Points in the Healthcare Delivery System (Patients, Physicians, Health Plans, Ancillary Health Providers, Etc.) Through On-line Connectivity and Other Technology Pathways

  14. IT Open Architecture Enables A Powerful Healthcare Dynamic • Corporate/Organizations make available information and transact in a virtual environment MCO Patient Centric = Patient Empowerment Integrated Delivery System are Defined by Connectivity AHS Hospital Physician Firewall Patient • Individual patients discover self serve through web connectivity

  15. Accordant’s Client Server Application - Today Content Connectivity Empowerment Nurse • Trained Case Managers • One to One relationships • Expert Training in Disease State • Medical Advisory Board • Branching Logic Assessment Dialogue • Dynamic, Tailored Education • 24/7/365 Phone Access to Nurse • Outbound, Proactive Model-Daytime Coverage • Auto Generation of Patient/Physician Communication delivered by Fax and US Mail • Disease Profile and Severity Dictate Frequency of AHS Interaction • Nurse Contact and Education Dependent on Above Stratification

  16. Accordant’s Client Server - Tomorrow Connectivity Empowerment Nurse Content • Current Model Intact and Dependable • Unified Multimedia Messaging at the Desktop • Patient Defines Platform through Interaction: Inbound and Outbound through Secure Email Offering • Audio, Video, Email, Fax, Telephony, Web chat enabled at the desk top for patient and nurse partner • Disease Profile and Severity Dictate Frequency of AHS Interaction • Nurse Contact and Education Dependent on Above Classification • Patient dictates unique interaction above and beyond required frequency • Medical Advisory Board • Patient Initiated Discovery and Publishing • Exponential Growth in Disease Experiences and Related Topics • Dynamic, Customized Interaction now available through Self Service • Trained Case Managers • One to One Relationship • Leveraged Case Load • Expert in disease • One Line Decision Support through the Web

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