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Developing D ocuments for Promotion with Impact (CV, OS, ROS). 11/19/13. Strategy.
Developing Documents for Promotion with Impact(CV, OS, ROS) 11/19/13
Strategy To create a window through which each of these documents line up and corroborate with each other. The intent is to portray a career that illustrates progressive responsibility and leadership roles within the Corps and respective Agency. • CV is the first view in the window, a ‘snapshot’ of your career. • OS appears next in line as an officer’s portrayal of success in achieving timely career goals and illustrating commitment to the Corps and respective Agency. • ROS corroborates and substantiates the OS from a supervisory perspective. Each document builds on the one before.
CV • Cannot stress enough the importance of following the new HSO format in every detail. • Intent of new format is to specifically target the Promotion Board as your audience. • The format is concise, condensed and meant to be easily viewed and ‘absorbed’ by members of the Promotion Board within a 10 minute time frame. • How well a document flows directly influences how much the individual reviewing the document commits to memory and formulation of an impressive‘snapshot’ of the officer. • The format clearly differentiates between Corps and non-Corps experience as well as USPHS awards for honor and service. • Should be developed in real time, updated throughout the year whenever there is an addition to your eOPF or you have updated your skills or immunizations • Check for accuracy as they appear in your eOPF, this will minimize corrections at the end of the year
Career Progression Grid • Most significant change in the new format. • Accomplished the goal of presenting a very concise snapshot of timelines, leadership roles and career progression for the reviewer. • Eliminates the search through the body of the old format allowing them to formulate a more impressive, hassle-free, ‘snapshot’ of the ‘whole’ officer in a few minutes. • As each column lines up, advancement in responsibility and leadership is evident at a glance. • The reviewer will see progression at a glance by rank: 0-3, 0-4, 0-5 etc. with the column next to it reflecting the increasing billet responsibilities. • The Transformation Pillar defines commitment as a career officer as well as commitment to underserved and vulnerable populations.
Pillared Billets • With continued transformation of the Corps the term ‘pillared’ billets will be getting more press. The intent of the ASH when the pillars were established is to emphasize that the Corps’ priority is to serve vulnerable and underserved populations. • The HHS Agency will determine which billets are pillared or not. • You will begin to see more reference to ‘pillared billets’ as we progress through the transformation. They will take on more significance for competitive promotions. No points will be deducted for not being in a pillared billet but it may tip the scales when scores are close. The Board may view pillared billets in additional light when scoring. • All officers, as they begin their career in the Corps, should keep that in plain view when considering career choices and career paths.
The first section following the Career Grid includes all aspects of formal and ongoing education as well as certifications/licensures and ongoing training. • EDUCATION, CREDENTIALING/LICENSURES, TRAINING AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT • Headings are as follows: • Degrees • - list in reverse chronological order with month and year of completion • Certification/Credentialing/Licensure • - list expiration dates for each, month/year. • Training • - under this section always include a listing of Public Health Training. • Continuing Education or Continuing Medical Education • - list only current year credits • With the new formatting, this section is very well presented, usually fitting on one page and again, ‘absorbed’ with a quick glance.
ACHIEVEMENTS & CONTRIBUTIONS TO AGENCY MISSION • Listings under this section will include full time or temporary assignments in reverse chronological order. • Only include USPHS assignments. Non-Corps assignments will be listed immediately following this section. Again, the new format is designed to highlight USPHS experience for the Promotion Board. • Follow the format in detail for each assignment as indicated in the sample CV. • EX:USPHS Assignment(s) Title and Billing Rating: Organization: Location: Date: Duties: listings under this heading are bulleted and single spaced. Impact/Accomplishments: listing under this heading are bulleted and single spaced
ACHIEVEMENTS & CONTRIBUTIONS cont. • This is where you would list Non-USPHS assignments. USPHS Awards • Awards are listed by importance first • Honor • Service • Individual • And then by year in reverse chronological order. Month is not necessary to include. Space between each award. Note, only USPHS awards are listed here. • Awards are single spaced with a space between each award. • Other Awards • Listed here first are: other uniformed service awards. • Second: USPHS certificates and letters of appreciation. • Third: Agency awards and letters of appreciation. • Each listing is followed by year received, no month is necessary. • Again, this emphasizes USPHS awards.
PROFESSIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS & SERVICES TO THE USPHS CORPS (OFFICERSHIP) • This section will include PHS support and PAC/Advisory Group activities as well as highlights of collateral duties within your agencies. • Headings are bold and underlined in the following order: • Membership/Leadership/involvement in PAC/Advisory Groups/COA and • Other USPHS activities. • All are listed in reverse chronological order, bulleted and single spaced • Listings under this heading should have collaborating documentation in • your eOPF. • Collateral Duties/Agency support Activities. • Listings focus on your specific agency contributions in reverse chronological order, bulleted and single spaced. • USPHS and Agency Deployments. • Listings are single spaced without indentation, and not bulleted. • Only those deployments in uniform are to be included.
PROFESSIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS & SERVICE cont. • USPHS Response Team and Tier. • This section is for those who are first responders, Tier 1 or 2; specify which • Incident Support team you are a member of. • Listings are single spaced without indentation and not bulleted. • Include any leadership roles you held during your deployment. • If you are mission critical to your agency and unable to deploy, note that under this heading. • USPHS Mentor/Mentee Program and PHS Recruitment. • Listings are single spaced, not bulleted and without indentation. • Each listing should have corresponding documentation in your eOPF. Reviewers may specifically look for this documentation. • Professional organizations (USPHS and non-USPHS) • Listings are non-bulleted, single spaced and in reverse chronological order. Include any leadership roles you held in each organization and bold the leadership title.
CIVIC, COMMUNITY, AND VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES. • This should be self explanatory. • Do not forget to add scout leadership roles and • other leadership roles within the community. • Listings are single spaced without bulleting.
PUBLICATIONS/PRESENTATIONS. • This section is to be started on a new page. • Headings are as follow. You may have none or multiple headings in • this section. Each heading is in bold and underlined. Listings will be • numbered under each heading. If you do not have any listings under • these headings do not put heading in. • Publications Bold your name within each listing. Publications will include journal articles, abstracts, books, and internet documents/databases. • Presentations In addition to numbering, the format should be as follows: list year, type of activity (i.e. oral presentation, poster, etc.), title of the presentation, title of the meeting, location (if not webinar) and date. • Contributions This would include any contribution within a book, such as a chapter, data, etc.
Final Touches • Attention to this detail will allow your CV to stand out from the crowd • and facilitate a ‘quick look’ and draw the reviewer’s focus to the bold • text. • The intent is to create a document that will be impressive on the first • look. • Listings under your impacts and accomplishments for each assignment • should make use of ‘power words/phrases’. • Make sure your t’s are crossed and your I’s dotted. Formatting should • be consistent throughout the document. No spelling errors. Always have at least one additional reader proof your document. An updated CV should be submitted to your eOPF annually.
Officer Statement • The OS is a one page document portraying: • the officer’s success in achieving timely career goals • how they have contributed to the Corps and their accomplishments as they relate to the Agency mission • projection of 1, 5, and 10 year career goals. • As with the CV, the grammar and presentation cannot be over emphasized. • Each section should have concise, bulleted phrases. • This document should also have the ‘final touches’ as in the CV. • Listings under each section should lead with power words/phrases • When listing Corps support activities, if a leadership role was held in any committee or organization, lead the listing with that role and bold. • Listing for each section should be very concise, explicit and word sparing. • Your goal section should be from the perspective of what you can offer to the Corps and your Agency, not how the Corps/Agency can help to fulfill your goals. • (give example of training)
Reviewing Officer Statement • This one page document should corroborate with the OS from a supervisory perspective. • The leadership and mission contributions should parallel those from your CV under your current duties and accomplishments as well as your officer comments on your current year COER. • If your reviewing officer is not your supervisor and/or is not on site in your department it is helpful to give them a copy of your OS so they are aware of your accomplishments and commitment to the agency. • Again this document should have correct grammar with bulleted listing. • This document is the third one in that ‘window of impact’ of how you present yourself to the reviewer. All three documents should follow easily and coabborate one another. The more consistency in flow between the three documents the more the reviewer will retain what he or she formalizes as a picture of the officer. • Think of these three documents as a complete package you are presenting to the Promotion Board, view none as a stand alone document.
QUESTIONS? CAPT Susan M. Bonfiglio, MPAS, MPH, PA-C bonfiglios@mail.nih.gov 602-200-5325 11/19/2013