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Food Systems and Health in Sub-Saharan Africa

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Food Systems and Health in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    2. Life Expectancy

    3. Under Five Mortality Rate (per 1000)

    4. Prevalence of Underweight in Preschool Children?

    5. Prevalence of Low Birth Weight

    6. Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.

    7. A Food System

    9. Interactions Between Food Systems and Human Health Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.

    10. Deaths Associated with Malnutrition

    11. The Triple Burden of Malnutrition: Energy and protein deficiencies: Hunger Specific nutrient deficiencies: Hidden Hunger Excessive net energy intake: Overweight & Obesity

    12. Hunger Prevalence in Sub-Saharan Africa

    13. Change in the Number of Hungry People in SSA Countries

    14. Interactions Between Food Systems and Human Health Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.

    15. Interactions Between Food Systems and Human Health Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.

    17. Interactions Between Food Systems and Human Health Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.

    18. Interactions Between Food Systems and Human Health Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.

    19. Interactions Between Food Systems and Human Health Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.

    20. Interactions Between Food Systems and Human Health Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.

    21. Interactions Between Food Systems and Human Health Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.

    22. Interactions Between Food Systems and Human Health Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.

    23. Interactions Between Food Systems and Human Health Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.Source: Horton, Susan (1999). Opportunities for investments in nutrition in low income Asia. Asian Development Review Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 246-273; and Gillespie, Stuart and Haddad, Lawrence J., (2003). The double burden of malnutrition in Asia. London: Sage Publications.

    24. Challenges to Achieve Intersectoral Collaboration Single-sector orientation of: Policy making institutions Funding Training Research No incentive to focus on intersectoral issues Sector-specific paradigms

    25. Challenges to Achieve Intersectoral Collaboration (Continued) Competition between sectors Complexity and capacity constraints Source: von Braun, Ruel and Gillespie (Chapter 14)

    26. Suggested Action Health-oriented food systems research and policy Biofortification Host-plant resistance IPM, ecological production methods Health implications of added chemicals post harvest Socio-economic and political economy analyses on trade-offs and multiple-wins Apply most appropriate research methods

    27. Suggested Action (Continued) Institutional changes Inter-sectoral problem solving institutions Multidisciplinary training

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