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Todays Schedule

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Todays Schedule

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    1. The objective of this course is to help the students think about factors affecting implementation success. Relevant material includes The magic bullet theory Too much IT knowledge CSF for implementation success Some case study of a failure Some framework to think about the change technology induces – maybe Zuboff or tri-core.The objective of this course is to help the students think about factors affecting implementation success. Relevant material includes The magic bullet theory Too much IT knowledge CSF for implementation success Some case study of a failure Some framework to think about the change technology induces – maybe Zuboff or tri-core.

    2. Today's Schedule 8/1:00 – Introductory Remarks 8/1:10 – Zara Memo Notes 8/1:30 – How IT affects Process 9/2:00 -- Quiz & Break 9/2:20 -- Change Management & IT: A case of BPR @ GSBM 10/3:50 -- Break 11/4:00 -- Mt Auburn Case 11/4:45 -- Self Reflection

    3. 5 Common Memo Mistakes What are the FACTS? Especially, what are the benefits? Are they measurable? Rhetorical flow – Problem Specification to Recommendation Process sequences & timing The great mystery novel Expectations management

    4. Four Ways IT Changes Business

    6. Addressing Org Change Why do so many IT-enabled org change initiatives (e.g., ERP, CRM, SFA…) fail?

    7. 3 Issues in Managing Risk The Leadership of the Change Are the leaders committed? Do they understand? Are they formally motivated? Do they have the formal power? Are they experienced? Do they have the informal power?

    8. 3 Issues in Managing Risk The Users/Employees How will they react? Will they embrace it? Follow orders? Follow others? Wait-and-see? Resist? Sabotage? WHY?

    9. 3 Issues in Managing Risk Project scope and urgency How wide is the scope of the project? How deep is the change required? Is the change urgent?

    10. Understanding Risk

    11. Planning for Risk

    12. Selecting a Strategy

    13. Too Much IT Knowledge??? What about this article struck you as insightful, relevant, interesting, or questionable? Why do so many IT projects fail? What lessons from the “universal checklist” seem insightful to you?

    14. 5 Pitfalls of Implementation 1) Inertia A lack of progress over time. Caused by: Introducing many new processes simultaneously Replacing complex, hard-to-model processes Projects that jeapardize the role of participants

    15. 5 Pitfalls … 2) Resistance When users resist an implementation or are not on the “same page”…looks like inertia, but there’s more fighting. Caused by: “novel” process improvements Lack of alignment on key incentives

    16. 5 Pitfalls… 3) Misspecification Technically satisfactory system that fails to improve business processes. Caused by: Very complex processes. “Improved” COTS systems The “telephone” game

    17. 5 Pitfalls… 4) Misuse User errors diminish returns on IT system investment Caused by: Unsophisticated users New processes Systems that affect processes across the company

    18. 5 Pitfalls 5) Nonuse When systems are discretionary Frequently occurs when: Incentives aren’t aligned If it affects a core task in a novel way Insufficient training

    19. A Framework for Analyzing Process Enabling IT Projects* Factors Groups Span Core Autonomy Process Novelty Volume Technology Template People Discretion Sophistication *Adapted from McAfee, Course Module Note, HBS, 2003

    20. FACTORS Groups Process Technology People

    21. GROUPS Span Core Autonomy Span: The number of groups affected Core: The degree to which members consider the business process to be an important part of their mission or primary responsibility Autonomy: The historical decision-making freedom with respect to ITSpan: The number of groups affected Core: The degree to which members consider the business process to be an important part of their mission or primary responsibility Autonomy: The historical decision-making freedom with respect to IT

    22. PROCESS Volume Novelty Complexity Volume: the number of business processes included in the PEIT implementation effort Novelty: The degree to which each new IT-enabled process is different from the process now in place within the organization. Complexity: The difficulty of completely & accurately specifying the new processVolume: the number of business processes included in the PEIT implementation effort Novelty: The degree to which each new IT-enabled process is different from the process now in place within the organization. Complexity: The difficulty of completely & accurately specifying the new process

    23. TECHNOLOGY Template Tool Template: “Blueprints” for how the business process should be executed Tool: A PEIT that is more like a programming language or rules/heuristics for a business processTemplate: “Blueprints” for how the business process should be executed Tool: A PEIT that is more like a programming language or rules/heuristics for a business process

    24. PEOPLE Discretion Sophistication Discretion: Freedom to use the tech or not in executing a business process Sophistication: User’s familiarity & experience with the technology artifacts (e.g., terminals, mouse, PC…)Discretion: Freedom to use the tech or not in executing a business process Sophistication: User’s familiarity & experience with the technology artifacts (e.g., terminals, mouse, PC…)

    26. MANAGERIAL STRATEGIES Level Above Interfaces Style Consensus vs Directive Scope Reduction vs Prevention Timing Big Bang Phased (big/small steps) Prepare Training Expectations Mgmt

    27. Strategies for Avoiding Pitfalls

    28. Too Much IT Knowledge? What is the 30-second summary of what we can learn from this piece?

    29. Try your hand at reengineering GSBM is evaluating the student evaluation of classes. In your team, take 40 minutes to evaluate and reengineer the process. Post your planned process in Blackboard. Include the following: Map the current process, identify bottlenecks and cost centers Define the objectives Evaluate current process performance Would you recommend TQM or BPR for this process? Why? Engineer a new process and map it. The KPI’s (i.e., metrics) that govern performance The role IT plays in enabling the process (automate, informate up, informate down, transform) Techniques: Boldly apply one or more principles of reengineering Search out and destroy assumptions. Go looking for opportunities for the creative application of IT.

    30. BREAK

    31. Mt. Auburn Summarize the case Why are there so many errors in hospitals? How can IT help reduce ADEs? What can IT not help with? How large an impact do you think the POE will have at Mt. Auburn? Why is Mt. Auburn implementing a POE?

    32. Mt. Auburn POE Case Work with your teams. Review the case and answer the following: What are the important PEIT factors for this implementation? What are the expected pitfalls? What strategies would you recommend?

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