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Starting a Healthy School Team

Starting a Healthy School Team. Why is Health Important? . Good health is necessary for academic success It is difficult for students to be successful in school if they are: Depressed Stressed Tired Being bullied Sick Hungry . Why is Health Important?.

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Starting a Healthy School Team

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  1. Starting a Healthy School Team

  2. Why is Health Important? • Good health is necessary for academic success • It is difficult for students to be successful in school if they are: • Depressed • Stressed • Tired • Being bullied • Sick • Hungry

  3. Why is Health Important? • A child’s physical, emotional, social, & mental health directly affects capacity to learn

  4. Health Risk Behaviors of Young People • Behaviors that may result in unintentional injuries and violence • Sexual risk behaviors • Alcohol and other drug use • Tobacco use • Unhealthy dietary behaviors • Inadequate physical activity

  5. Florida Statistics High School Students: 2005 • 1 in 4 is overweight &/or at risk for overweight • 14.5% of students seriously considered suicide during the past year • 1 in 6 students are current cigarette smokers • 2 of 5 students reported current alcohol use • 40% of students report ≥3 hours daily TV on school day

  6. Obstacles to Academics • Poor health • Food insecurity • Physical condition of a school • Absences • Discipline problems • Mental health issues

  7. Why Schools? • Most young people enrolled in school • School health programs can improve students’ • Health knowledge, attitudes, and skills • Health behaviors and health outcomes • Social outcomes • Educational outcomes

  8. What is Coordinated School Health (CSH)? Systemic method of promoting health that brings together teams of people in eight areas who are able to address all aspects of student health • Healthy students are fit and ready to learn • Schools deliver consistent health messages • Schools coordinate existing resources • Individualized means to wellness

  9. What is Coordinated School Health (CSH)?

  10. CSH: A Solution to Problem • Keeping kids healthy over time • Supporting a student’s capacity to learn • Help students develop knowledge and skills to make smart choices for life • Reinforcing positive behaviors throughout the day • Making it clear good health and learning go hand in hand

  11. Benefits of CSH Approach • Reduced school absenteeism • Fewer behavior problems in classroom • Improved student performance • More positive spirit among educators and students • Reduced duplication between schools and community activity

  12. Steps for Healthy School Team Success • Gather team members • Identify school needs • Identify local school resources • Write a School Health Action Plan • Manage and monitor implementation • Market success

  13. Step 1: Gather Team Members • Seek faculty/staff who have a commitment to the cause • Look for community partners to join team • Secure administrator support • Set time for regularly scheduled meetings

  14. Step 2: Identify School Needs • Investigate state & local survey results • Florida Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) • Local YRBS in Broward, Hillsborough, Miami-Dade, Orange, and Palm Beach • Identify health issues & concerns of students, families, & school staff by completing the School Health Index: A Self-Assessment and Planning Guide

  15. School Health Index • Uses a coordinated school health approach • Identifies strengths and weaknesses of their health promotion policies & programs • Develops an action plan for improving student health • Involves teachers, parents, students & community in improving school programs, policies, & services

  16. Step 3: Identify Local School Resources • Look up your district’s Wellness Policy posted in the Food and Nutrition section of district website • Contact your district’s School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) for support • Work with your School Advisory Council (SAC)

  17. Step 4: Write a School Health Action Plan • Use results of needs assessment to develop action plan • Consider short & long-term goals for team • Document actions, steps to complete actions, and person & date responsible • Sponsor/promote projects for students, parents, & school

  18. Step 5: Manage & Monitor Implementation • Reflect on action plan to monitor progress • Meet regularly with team members • Recognize members for accomplishments

  19. Step 6: Market Success • Celebrate successes • Spread the word about successful healthy school team accomplishments • Remind key stakeholders about benefits of healthy students & staff, which in turn affect educational success

  20. Summary • Coordinated school health approach can: • increase healthy behaviors • impact students’ academic achievement • Empower students with knowledge, skills, & judgment to help them make smart choices in life • Creating a Healthy School Team manual available from Florida Department of Education: www.fldoe.org/BII/CSHP

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