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Where Dolphins Live

Where Dolphins Live. By Emily Peralta. PhysicalFeatures Dolphins have smooth skin and rubbery skin. Dolphins are colored white, black and gray. Dolphins have two flippers or fins in the front and a triangle on the back to help them swim. Environment Where They Live.

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Where Dolphins Live

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Where Dolphins Live By Emily Peralta

  2. PhysicalFeatures Dolphins have smooth skin and rubbery skin. Dolphins are colored white, black and gray. Dolphins have two flippers or fins in the front and a triangle on the back to help them swim.

  3. Environment Where They Live Dolphins live in salt water or freshwater. There are more then 35 species of different dolphins. Dolphins need to go to the surface to get air.

  4. What they can do to help them survive All are carnivorous like , feeding fish, squid, and other invertebrates.A dolphin comes up to the water surface to get some air. Dolphins breathe through a blow hole. It is on top of its head. Dolphins stay in groups. When dolphins need each other, they use sound to communicate.

  5. Life Cycle When dolphins mate it takes 10 to 12 months. Dolphins give birth to one baby. The mother nudges the baby dolphins up to the surface so it can take its first breath. Some dolphins mostly live about 30 years.

  6. Citations . Dolphin" Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia. Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition.Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011. Web. 19  Apr.  2011.<http://school.eb.com/elementary/article?articleId=353061>. APA style:Dolphin ( 2011). In Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia. Retrieved from http://school.eb.com/elementary/article?articleId=353061

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