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Adult Life Group Announcements for 3-20-11. Send Praise and Prayer Requests to: TLFanning@gmail.com. Going Beyond the Love & Respect Conference.
Send Praise and Prayer Requests to: TLFanning@gmail.com
Going Beyond the Love & Respect Conference Respect is not a dirty word, so let's learn how to use it God's way! Whether you came to the conference or not plan on attending this bible study written by the Eggerich's, "Motivating Your Man God's Way". We want to experience God's success in our marriages. Class dates start Wednesday March 23 - May 11, 6:45-8pm in LE205. Books are $14.00 Contact nburrage@cfbc.org
True North Outfitters Come see some of the largest deer mounts in North America as Jim Reimer joins us Thursday March 24th with his collection. Bring a hunting buddy or outdoor junkie and come marvel at these unique trophies of God's outdoors in the FLC auditorium at 7pm.
Adult LG Leadership Training Have you sensed God's call to lead or teach an adult Life Group at CFBC? On March 27th, we will begin a new series of 4 Sundays in which we'll cover topics related to leadership. Whether a veteran teacher or new to the church, join us and see what God has in store, March 27th at 9:30am in LE-213.
Easter Volunteers Needed Adult volunteers are needed to assist in our preschool rooms and/or serve as greeters/security during our Easter worship services. Please sign up below, indicate what time you are available, and a Preschool staff member will contact you! We are expecting the most children at 10:55, so more help is needed at that service. And bilingual volunteers are especially helpful!
VBS/VBX Volunteers Needed VBS/VBX this year will be June 13–17th, 9–noon, as we travel to New York for The Big Apple Adventure Registration is open to all kids, age 5 (before Aug 31st & entering K in the fall) through completed 4th grade. Online registration will begin May 1. We are looking for phenomenal volunteers for our VBS. If you would like to volunteer to help with VBS or VBX this year, there are volunteer cards in the Life Group attendance boxes, or you can fill out the form in the worship folder or visit championforest.org/vbs.
Membership Class Become a member of Champion Forest! Our next Membership class will be held April 10th. The class begins at 9:30 and concludes at 12:00. Childcare is provided and refreshments are served! Please go online to register or contact Rochelle Skipper at 281-440-3800 ext. 6740. We hope to see you there!
T.O.W. - Temporarily Out of Work Ministry Join us on Fridays at 7:30 am in room AE -107/117 to regain the practical skills and knowledge to help in the job search. For more information, contact Debbie at Dedgar@cfbc.org or 281-440-3800
Widow to Widow Join us Sunday, March 27, following the 10:55 a.m. worship service for a POT LUCK LUNCH and FELLOWSHIP in the Multi-Purpose Building. The meat will be provided, so bring your favorite salad, vegetables or dessert. Someone will be available after 8am at the front door of the multi-purpose building to take your dish before you park and enter the worship center. RSVP at 832-249-3054 or email widowministrycfbc.org
Student Ministry Golf Tour. Don’t miss this fun opportunity to help send students on mission by participating in the Student Ministry Golf Tournament on Monday, April 4th at Northgate Country Club. It always is a day of fun, fellowship and birdies!! If you are not a golfer, our students still need your help. For details on different sponsorship levels, visit www.championforest.org or email ncook@cfbc.org.
Gospel Lakes We are excited... the Spring day-camps for Gospel Lakes are just around the corner and will start in March! Here are the Camp dates that still need volunteers at this time. March 26, April 9, 16, 23, May 14 If you, your Sunday School class, or your Group is interested in serving, please contact Robert Cossick at robertcossick@gmail.com ASAP so we can get you on the schedule.
Women’s Prayer Meetings Please come and join with other women as we seek the LORD in prayer for His Church, Our Nation and one another. We meet every Wednesday morning, 9-10am, in the Lodge for a corporate time of prayer. Also, Moms of Students, there is a time for you to join other mothers to pray for your children and our Student Ministry. Meet in the Student Building Prayer Room, 9-10am, on Thursday mornings. For more information, contact Raye Anne Edmonds 832.444.4251.