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MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION TRAINING. MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION TRAINING ~ May 2006. MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA). Overview: MIP Process Administration (PA) - allows authorized users to perform certain administrative tasks on Amendment, Revision and Study projects. PA Tasks:
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA) Overview: MIP Process Administration (PA) - allows authorized users to perform certain administrative tasks on Amendment, Revision and Study projects. PA Tasks: Unclaim Amendment, Revision and Study work items. Transfer Amendment, Revision and Study work items to a specified user. Change Project Status (Close/Terminate, Withdraw and On-hold). Update Study project data.
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)User Authorization Requirements User Authorization Requirements: MIP users registered with appropriate role(s) and region(s) are authorized to perform PA tasks. Study Process Administrator Role Unclaim Study work items Transfer Study work items Change Study Project Status Study Project Administrator Role Update Study project data Amendment Process Administrator Role Unclaim Amendment work items Transfer Amendment work items Change Amendment Project Status Revision Process Administrator Role Unclaim Revision work items Transfer Revision work items Change Revision Project Status A user may be registered to have one or multiple roles and one or multiple regions.
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION(PA) MIPAuthenticated User Home Page Authenticated User Home Page Welcome to the Process Administration (PA) module of the “MIP Release 3 Training” course. After successfully logging into the MIP you can access the Process Administration tab from the Authenticated User Home Page. The Process Admin Functionality in MIP is new to Release 3: Only authenticated users will have access to the Process Admin tab. The Process Admin function allows certain authenticated users (users with Project Administration and Process Administration roles) to perform administrative updates to Studies, Revisions, and Amendment projects.
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)PA Project Search Page This is the main entry point for the PA tool. The "Project Search” portlet is used to retrieve projects depending on the filter criteria specified. The search keys are: Case Number (Project Number) - optional. e.g. 06-04-A0001S, 06-04, 04-A001S. The Case Number is case sensitive. Project Type – required. Drop-down list consisting of Study, Pre-Scoping, Amendment and Revision project types. The list displayed depends on the user’s authorization. Project Status – optional. Active, Closed, Inactive, On-hold, Suspended and Withdrawn. Region – optional. 1, 2, 3…10, depending on the user’s authorization.
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA) Search Results The Project Search Result portlet lists the projects that match the specified filter criteria. Depending on the user’s authorization, the Project Search Result portlet provides the following buttons and hyperlinks: • Update Study Project button – change study project information (appears only for the study project administrator role) • Change Project Status button – Change project status (closed/terminated, On-hold, withdrawn) • Unclaim link – Change a work item from claimed to unclaimed state • Transfer link – Assign a work item to a specified user (change the owner of a work item) Select a Project (Update Study, Change Status) Unclaim Link Transfer Link
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA) Transfer Activity The “Transfer Activity” feature of the PA tool allows the user to transfer a work item from one user to another. Identify the project on the search results and click the hyperlink under “Total Items,” “Unclaimed Items” or “Claimed Items.” The Work item list portlet displays the work items/activities that are active for the specified case number. To transfer an activity to a different user: • Click the transfer link in the search results • Check the work item radio button • Click the “Transfer” button The PA user performing the activity transfer is responsible for ensuring that the owner of the activity (user who the activity is being transferred to) has the appropriate role, region, and organization to perform the specified task/activity. Please refer the list of user credentials on Sharepoint (https://www.mapmodteam.com/MIP/archive/14/Workflow/Forms/AllItems.aspx) Transfer Link Work Item List Portlet
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Transfer Activity Enter the new owner for the task. The project’s assigned organization, organization type, geography plus a user’s role, geography, organization and organization type determine the potential owner that can perform an activity. • Enter a valid user ID in the “New Owner” field • Click the “Continue” button • “Review Changes” portlet is displayed Limitations: • PA does not verify user authorization based on roles, region and organization • Transfers are performed on a per activity basis • Activity owners already recorded in the database are not changed. Email miphelp to update the database with the new activity owner user ID so reports are accurate
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Transfer Activity Review and verify the activity to be transferred. • Enter a reason for transferring the work item in the “Change Notes” input box. This is extremely important to allow tracking of why changes are made. Change notes are required for all transactions performed with the PA tool. • Click Continue
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Transfer Activity Click the “Complete” button to finish the transfer process. This step will be necessary for all transactions performed with the PA tool. A confirmation message is displayed. Note that the activity now shows up as being claimed by the new owner. Work Item List Portlet
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Unclaim Activity The “Unclaim Activity” feature of the PA tool allows the user to remove a work item from a user to allow another user to claim the activity. The Work item list portlet displays the work items/activities that are active for the specified case number. To unclaim an activity: • Click the unclaim link in the search results • Check the work item radio button • Click the “Unclaim” button The “Unclaim” button appears only when there are claimed work items for the specified project. Unclaim Link Work Item List Portlet
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Unclaim Activity Review and verify the activity to be unclaimed • Enter a reason for unclaiming the work item in the “Change Notes” input box. This is extremely important to allow tracking of why changes are made. Change notes are required for all transactions performed with the PA tool. • Click “Continue”
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Unclaim Activity Click the “Complete” button to finish the unclaim process. This step will be necessary for all transactions performed with the PA tool. A confirmation message is displayed. Note that the activity status now shows up as being unclaimed. Work Item List Portlet
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Change Project Status The “Change Project Status” feature of the PA tool allows the user to change the project from active to Closed/Terminated, On-hold, or Withdrawn. To change a project status: • Select a project by checking the radio button next to the case number • Click the “Change Project Status” button
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Change Project Status Select a new status from the “Status” drop-down list and click “Continue.” Status options forStudy Projects: • Closed/Terminated • On-hold Status Options forRevision and Amendment projects: • Withdrawn • Closed/Terminated
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Change Project Status Review and verify the project status change. • Enter a reason for changing the project status in the “Change Notes” input box. This is extremely important to allow tracking of why changes are made. Change notes are required for all transactions performed with the PA tool. • Click “Continue”
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Change Project Status Click the “Complete” button to finish the change project status process. This step will be necessary for all transactions performed with the PA tool. A confirmation message is displayed. Note that the project status has been updated. Work Item List Portlet
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Update Study Project The “Update Study Project” feature of the PA tool allows the user to make changes to previously entered projects and functions in a very similar manner to the normal data entry features of the MIP study work flow. Select the study project and click the “Update Study Project” button.
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Update Study Project This feature allows the user to perform the following tasks: • Add an Area/Community to a project • Delete an Area/Community from a project • Modify Project Scoping data • Modify Map Production data • Modify Data Development data • Modify Prelim/Post-Prelim data Certain criteria must be met for these tasks to be available to the user. For example, if a project is in the Scoping Process only the “Project Scoping Information” section will appear as an option to modify. These criteria are discussed further in the following pages.
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Update Study Project Add Area/Community - This section allows the PA user to add an area/community to a project in the Data Development phase. The area is then associated to a Data Development task – a new task or an existing task. The Prelim and Post-Prelim tasks are automatically created for the new area added. Add Area/Community will not appear as an option if: • Scoping and Obligate Project Funds has not completed. • Data Development has been completed. To add an Area/Community: • Select from the State, County, Community drop downs or enter a CID • Click the “Add Area” button • Click “Contintue”
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Update Study Project Add Area/Community – The added area must be associated to an existing Data Development task or a new Data Development task. Click the “Modify” button to associate the area with an existing task. Click the “Add Task” button to associate the area with a new task.
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Update Study Project Add Area/Community – Enter a reason for adding an area in the “Change Notes” input box. This is extremely important to allow tracking of whychanges are made. Change notes are required for all transactions performed with the PA tool.
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Update Study Project Delete Area/Community - This section allows the PA user to delete an area/community from a study project. This will remove the area from any Data Development tasks it is assigned to and Prelim and Post-Prelim tasks for the area. Tasks that are associated with the deleted area only are removed from the project. Delete Area/Community will not appear as an option if: • Scoping and Obligate Project Fundshas not completed. • Areas cannot be deleted if any Data Development task for that area has been completed. • Data Development process for the project has completed. To delete an Area/Community click the “Delete” button.
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Update Study Project Delete Area/Community – Enter a reason for deleting the area/community from the study project and review the changes that will be recorded. Note that the area will remove from any Data Development tasks it is assigned to and Prelim and Post-Prelim tasks for the area.
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Update Study Project Modify Project Scoping – This section allows the PA user to modify the project name, contact list, scoping cost/schedule baseline, and scoping actual cost/schedule. • The organization responsible for scoping cannot be modified at any time. • Scoping Actual Cost cannot be modified until scoping has completed. • Scoping Actual Start Date cannot be modified until Scoping has started. • Scoping Actual End Date cannot be modified until scoping has completed.
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Update Study Project Modify Project Scoping – The contact list can also be modified in this section.
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Update Study Project Modify Map Production - This section allows the PA user to modify the project datum/projection specifications, mile reference data, and flooding sources. These data cannot be modified until Data Development has started.
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Update Study Project Update Data Development Tasks - This section allows the PA user to modify Data Development task information for a project. Depending on the phase of the project, some data items may be unchangeable. Data Development Tasks cannot be: • Modified until Data Development has started. • Added if Data Development has completed. • Deleted if any area has completed for that task. Areas impacted by a task cannot be: • Added to a task if that area has already completed Data Development. • Deleted from a task if that area has already been completed for that task.
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Update Study Project Update Data Development Tasks – Independent QA cannot be: • Modified if any area has already entered QA for that task. • Planned task (yes/no) cannot be modified if any area has already started Independent QA or Store Content for the task.
MIP PROCESS ADMINISTRATION (PA)Update Study Project Prelim and Post-Prelim Tasks - This section allows PA users to modify Prelim and Post-Prelim task information for a project. Depending on the phase of the project, some data items may be unchangeable with the PA tool. For example: • Prelim and Post-Prelims Tasks cannot be modified until Data Development has started. • “Actual Start Date,” “As of Date,” and “Percent Complete” cannot be modified until tasks have actually started. • “Actual End Date” cannot be modified until tasks have actually ended.
MIP Process Administration (PA) Questions? Email miphelp@mapmodteam.com