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Gateway to Technology GCJHS 7 th Grade Mr. Spencer. Mr. Spencer’s GTT/ Technology Education Expectations 2013-2014
Gateway to Technology GCJHS 7th Grade Mr. Spencer
Mr. Spencer’s GTT/ Technology Education Expectations 2013-2014 GTT (Gateway to Technology) is a technology education class that will offer you a number of opportunities throughout the semester to explore basic problem-solving, measurement, engineering, design and hands-on skills that will benefit you all of your life. Since this a hands-on/ project based class, you will be responsible to model proper behavior in this class at all time. If you fail to do so, you will be held accountable and consequences will follow. I want you to have a fun and productive semester. In order to have a great experience in the GTT classroom we must be safe, be aware of our surroundings and think of others before acting.
Classroom Guidelines/Procedures: • Come to class on time. • Be prepared for the day’s lesson/activity. • Sit in your assigned seat. • Begin working on bell work. • Be a productive member of the class/activity. • Put away supplies and projects in their proper location. • Push in chairs and quietly wait to be dismissed. • Make sure to raise your hand if you have a question. • ALWAYS treat others with respect!!!
Tardiness:is not acceptable without a pass from a teacher or staff member!!! • First tardy- Teacher Documentation • Second tardy- Teacher Documentation • Third tardy- 1 day closed lunch • Fourth tardy- 2 days closed lunch • Fifth tardy- Friday School • Sixth Tardy- 1 day GLC • Seventh or more will be dealt with on an individual basis.
***I will be in frequent contact with your guardian/parents, both for positive and negative circumstances. Bullyingwill not be tolerated in this classroom!!! Technology Devices: Students will only be allowed to use electronic devices at the discretion of the teacher. Cell phones and iPod touch devices are NOT allowed at any time during the school day. This includes passing periods and lunch periods. 1st Offense- warning from teacher/staff member (phone put away and not confiscated) 2nd Offense- Teacher/staff member confiscates phone for remainder of class period and returns to student to be put in locker. 3rd Offense- Major referral sent to office (phone confiscated for remainder of class period and then returned to student). **If you feel that a student is using an electronic device for something that would be grounds for suspension or expulsion, confiscate the device and contact administrator immediately.