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The Hard Facts About Soft Skills. Mrs. Lynn A. Burch Ms. Debbie Campbell. Presenters. Lynn Burch Family & Consumer Science instructor 24 years experience Offers Nutrition & Food Science Pathway FCCLA students have competed on region, state, and national levels. Debbie Campbell
The Hard Facts About Soft Skills Mrs. Lynn A. Burch Ms. Debbie Campbell
Presenters • Lynn Burch • Family & Consumer Science instructor • 24 years experience • Offers Nutrition & Food Science Pathway • FCCLA students have competed on region, state, and national levels • Debbie Campbell • Business instructor • 16 years experience at technical college and high school • Offers Administration/ Information Support and Financial Management-Services Pathways • FBLA advisor
Fannin County School System • School system has 3200 students in 3 elementary, 1 middle, and 1 high school • 859 students enrolled in the high school • 600 students enrolled in CTAE courses per semester at the high school • 9 end-of-pathway courses offered spring semester with 125 students enrolled Demographics
How . . . Pilot Program Volun”told” Representative Ralston Department of Labor (DOL) Superintendent Mark Henson CTAE Director Patricia DuBois CTAE Instructors What?!?
Factors Influencing Pilot Program • Business and industry vocalized concernsthat employees lack work ethics and soft skills • To meet employers’ needs and concernsthe DOL formulated the GeorgiaBEST program (Business Ethics Student Training)
When? • Advantages • Culminating activity for pathways • Maturity factor of juniors & seniors • More concerned about post-secondary options • Concerns/Issues • Time constraints • Preparing for end-of-pathway assessments (EOPA) • Meeting all GPS • Duplication of students Spring semester end-of-pathway courses
GPS Foundational Skills • CTAE-FS-1 Technical Skills: Learners achieve technical content skills necessary to pursue the full range of careers for all pathways in the program concentration. • CTAE-FS-2 Academic Foundations: Learners achieve state academic standards at or above grade level. • CTAE-FS-3 Communications: Learners use various communication skills in expressing and interpreting information. • CTAE-FS-4 Problem Solving and Critical Thinking: Learners define and solve problems, and use problem-solving and improvement methods and tools. • CTAE-FS-5 Information Technology Applications: Learners use multiple information technology devices to access, organize, process, transmit, and communicate information. • CTAE-FS-6 Systems: Learners understand a variety of organizational structures and functions.
GPS Foundational Skills • CTAE-FS-7 Safety, Health and Environment: Learners employ safety, health and environmental management systems in corporations and comprehend their importance to organizational performance and regulatory compliance. • CTAE-FS-8 Leadership and Teamwork: Learners apply leadership and teamwork skills in collaborating with others to accomplish organizational goals and objectives. • CTAE-FS-9 Ethics and Legal Responsibilities: Learners commit to work ethics, behavior, and legal responsibilities in the workplace. • CTAE-FS-10 Career Development: Learners plan and manage academic-career plans and employment relations. • CTAE-FS-11 Entrepreneurship: Learners demonstrate understanding of concepts, processes, and behaviors associated with successful entrepreneurial performance.
EQ • Essential Questions • What qualities are potential employers looking for in an employee? • What is necessary to earn a GeorgiaBEST certificate?
Overview • Introduce soft skills concept to students • Begin working on portfolio • Provide various teaching strategies and resources to support contents of portfolio • Refine portfolio contents • Obtain letters of recommendation • Participate in job shadowing and/or community service • Complete self evaluation • Complete teacher evaluations • Finalize portfolio • Practice mock interview • Participate in mock interview with community leaders • Receive certification • Participate in awards celebration
Table ofContents Introduction Philosophy Goals Employability Skills Job Shadowing/ Community Service Letters of Recommendation Reflection Academic Performance Awards Evaluation Forms
Letter of Introduction Write a letter of introduction to your teacher. Include a description of your educational and career goals and a summary of the various parts of the portfolio.
Work EthicPhilosophy Write a one-page paper discussing the responsibilities, expectations, and work ethics you believe are important for an outstanding employee. Include information about how your personal characteristics compare to those identified in your discussion.
GoalsStatement Write a one-page paper describing your two-year and five-year goals. Include three to five goals for each time period.
Employability SkillsMock Interview • Set date & location • Contacted potential interviewers from community – 9 participated • Created master interview schedule – 90 students • Created individual schedule for interviewers • Provided interviewers with interview questions, judging rubric, and student portfolios • Provided breakfast and lunch for interviewers • Provided feedback to students
Employability SkillsMock Interview Results • Students need to make a good first impression (handshake) • Make eye contact to show confidence • Some portfolios were missing documents • Students were nervous but very respectful and thanked interviewer for the interview • Portfolios were impressive to have so much information included in a short timeframe • Some students were professionally dressed and well-prepared for the interview • Some documents had misspelled words & grammar errors • Some students had messy job applications
ReflectionPBIS Wordof Week The PBIS word of the week is punctuality. Define this word. How does this concept impact your thinking and your life?
Academic Performance • Transcript
EvaluationForms • Students completed all rubrics prior to instructor’s assessment
Guidelines for Next Year • Items to be changed • Work on portfolio the entire semester • Introduce soft skills portfolio earlier in pathway • Create a filing system to keep students’ anchor papers and projects (hard copy or electronic) • Insert a 2-3 page research paper/project covering a career • Address alignment of GeorgiaBEST Certification Rubric with portfolio
Q & A For more information contact us at: lburch@fannin.k12.ga.us dcampbell@fannin.k12.ga.us or FCHSMsCampbell.com