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The Independant Delphine Jung – M2 Journalism.
IdentityCard:- Born 7th October 1986- Created by Andreas Whittam Smith, Stephen Glover and Brett Straub- Owner: Alexander Lebedevsince 2010- Format: OriginallyBroadsheet but since 2003, tabloïd (« compact »)- Circulation: 182.881 a day- Nickname: The Indy / The Sindy-Particularsign: the youngest british national morningnewspaper
Andreas Whittam Smith Stephen Glover Brett Straub
Context of creation: • A time of tension btwjournalism & print unions • A time whentheycritisizeothernewspapers
PoliticalViews: • A namewhichreflectsits tradition of not swaying to the support of anypolitical party… • …but seen as a leaning to the lefteven if there are still conservative columnist.
Someexample of political opinions • Wants an international co-operation on the great global challenges • A fundamentalelectoralreform • Against the Iraq war and aspects of US and UK foreignpolicyrelated to the Waragainst the terrorismafter 09/11 • 1997 launched a campaign for the decriminalisation of cannabis and 10 yearsafter, change itsmind • Denounces the war crime comittedby pro-government forces in the Darfur • Criticizes the israelipolicy • Doesn’twant to deal with royal stories • Against the entrency of UK in the euro zone
A newspapersold to Alexander Lebedev • A russianoligarch • A KGB agent • Already has EveningStendard (UK newspaper) • Createda political party (moderate opposition) with M. Gorbatchev • Hostile to Vladimir Poutine
A danger for the independance of The Independant? • A danger: • He has linkwith Gazprom • He’srussian and hemaywants to improve the Russia’s image in Europe • He maywants to become a « star » as a french media specialistsaid • Sinceheowns the newspaper, the slogan wich shows the independancewilling of the newspaperis not hereanymore • Not a real danger: • It’susualthatrichindustrial man ownnewspaper (Bolloré, Dassauld in France for ex.) • He ownsthe russiannewspaper « NovaïaGazetta » (Anna Politkovskaia) wichwasverycriticaltoward the russian power • Offered money for people whogot informations about hermurder; wecan suppose he’s for the press liberty
An example of article Published on Sunday, April 10, 2011 We're Not Being Told the Truth on Libya. Look at two other wars our government is currently deeply involved in - because they show that the claims made for this bombing campaign can't be true. Johann Hari
Yet now we are told that these people have turned into the armed wing of Amnesty International. They are bombing Libya because they can't bear for innocent people to be tyrannised, by the tyrants they were arming and funding for years. • Surely, if we meant what we say about Libya, we would be doing anything to stop such behaviour? Wouldn't we be imposing a no-fly zone, or even invading? Yet, in this instance, we would have to be imposing a no-fly zone on our own governments. Since 2004, the US – with European support – has been sending unmanned robot-planes into Pakistan to illegally bomb its territory in precisely this way. Barack Obama has massively intensified this policy. • So the good and decent impulse of ordinary people - to protect their fellow human beings - is manipulated. If you are interested in human rights only when it tells you a comforting story about your nation's power, then you are not really interested in human rights at all.
For the first time in more than 60 years, Western control over the world's biggest pots of oil was being rocked by a series of revolutions our governments couldn't control. The most plausible explanation is that this is a way of asserting raw Western power, and trying to arrange the fallout in our favour. But if you are still convinced our governments are acting for humanitarian reasons, I've got a round-trip plane ticket for you to some rubble in Pakistan and Congo. The people there would love to hear your argument.
Some anecdotes: • Supported RED PRODUCT, a brand created to help Africaearning money to fightpaludism, HIV and tuberculosis • Printed a front page designed by Giorgio Armani with Kate Moss