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Optical MEMS Laboratory - OML

Optical MEMS Laboratory - OML. Prof. Dr. Hakan Ürey Koç University, Electrical Engineering. RESEARCH AREAS 2D/3D Display and Imaging Systems MEMS /NEMS sensors and actuators Micro-optics and screen technologies Optical system design. Infrastructure.

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Optical MEMS Laboratory - OML

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  1. Optical MEMS Laboratory - OML Prof. Dr. Hakan Ürey Koç University, Electrical Engineering • RESEARCH AREAS • 2D/3D Display and Imaging Systems • MEMS/NEMS sensors and actuators • Micro-optics and screen technologies • Optical system design

  2. Infrastructure OML is well-equipped for electrical, optical, mechanical design, test, and characterization Test Area Measurement Cleanroom Office Area Test Area Meeting Room

  3. Infrastructure OML is well-equipped for electrical, optical, mechanical design, test, and characterization Test Area Office Area Fabrication Cleanroom Measurement Cleanroom

  4. Projects -Industrial Funding (>10 projects) • Microvision (USA, since 2002), Aselsan (TR), Fraunhofer IPMS (DE), OPET (TR), Inventram (TR), Fotoniks (TR) - ECFunded Projects (7 projects) • ERC-Advanced (2014-2019) • FP7 STREP projects (MEMFIS, HELIUM3D) • FP7 IAPP Project • FP6 Networks (NEMO, 3DTV, MINOS) - TÜBİTAK (8 projects) • 5 projects completed • 3 projects on-going • 3D displays (3D laser TV, wearable displays, head-worn projection displays); • Pico-projectors and Laser scanners(world leader in MEMS scanners); • Micro-optics(head-up-displays, exit pupil expanders); • MEMS Spectrometers (MEMS-based Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, Lamellar grating interferometers, FR4 based interferometers); • Thermal imaging (MEMS based thermal detector array with optical readout; CMOS optical ROIC); • Portable Nano-Biosensor (MEMS sensor array for multi-analytescreening for diagnostics applications).

  5. Patents and Spin-Offs • Patent Licensing Agreements (consists a portfolio of about 25 patents) • Microvision Inc. (USA): MEMS and FR4 scanners, 3D displays, novel micro-optical screens • FraunhoferIPMS (DE): MEMS spectrometers • AselsanInc. (TR): Thermal imaging sensor array • InventramInc. (TR): Biosensors for point-of-care diagnostics of multiple diseases. • OpetInc. (TR): Tagging and identification of functional fluids • Spin-off companies from the lab • Tarabios (bio-tech) • Quantag (energy)

  6. OML Research on Emerging Display Tech., 3D, AR, and Human-Computer Interaction Wearable Displays Eyewear displays Pico-projectors 3D Picop Dynamic Pupil Tracker 3D HMPD 3D Telepresence Multi-viewer 3D AR Bidirectional Screens

  7. OML Research on MEMS Laser Scanners for Displays and Imaging (Piezoelectric, MEMS) Baran, JMEMS, 2012 (Electrostatic MEMS) Arslan, JMEMS, 2010 (Electromagnetic, MEMS) Yalcinkaya, JMEMS, 2006 (Microlens array on 2D MEMS Stage Gokce, JMEMS, 2010 (RotaryElectrostatic, MEMS) Baran, JMEMS, 2012 (Thin Film Magnetic, FR4) Yalcinkaya, Sens&Act:A, 2007 (IntegratedElectromagnetic, FR4) Isikman, Phot. Tech. Lett., 2009

  8. Biosensors for POC Diagnostics: Immunosassay, Viscosity & Coagulation Tests Reader Cartridge VirusDetection MEMS Chip Coagulation Measurement Timurdogan et al, Biosens & Bioelec, 2011 Cakmak et al, Methods, 2013

  9. Thermal Imaging Using Thermo-Mechanical Pixels and Optical Readout 0thorder Single pixel 1storder • Sensor Input Array (35um and 50um pixel sizes) Image and video acquisition using discrete optics MEMS/CMOS Integration

  10. OML Research on MEMS FT Spectrometers FP7-Strep Project: MEMFIS Partners: Bruker, KOC, FhG-IPMS, VIGO, SOPRALAB, CTR, Teknikon fRES =462Hz 70µ 658µ 217µ 511µ 364µ 70µm 217µm 438µm 585µm 658µm -3µm Comb actuators on the springs Grating fingers Ataman, JMM, 2006 - Seren, JMEMS, 2012 - Ferhanoglu, Opt. Exp., 2010

  11. Summary • We’re open to collaboration in photonics, MEMS, and human-computer interaction related projects • Photonics KET2014, suitable topics: • Biophotonics for screening of diseases • Sensing for safety and security • FET-Open projects • You can visit our lab today (Eng Z16) Contact: Prof. Dr. Hakan Urey E-mail: hurey@ku.edu.tr Group Web Site: http://mems.ku.edu.tr

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