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WELCOME! to Troop 295 aka “The Eagle’s Nest”. Troop 295 American Legion Post 295. As Of: January 1, 2009. Introduction. This guide was developed to provide new Scouts and family members with an overview of who we are, and what we are all about.
WELCOME! to Troop 295aka“The Eagle’s Nest” Troop 295 American Legion Post 295 As Of: January 1, 2009
Introduction This guide was developed to provide new Scouts and family members with an overview of who we are, and what we are all about. Some of the information we have included can be used as a general reference at whatever Troop your Scout chooses as his "home". If after reading this guide you have any questions, please come see us. If you need more detailed information, please ask for a copy of our Troop's Bylaws. Thank you for visiting. If we offer what you're looking for, we would be excited to have you join our Troop!
Boy Scout-Webelos Program Comparison 4th & 5th Graders (ages 9-10). Transition from Cub Scout to Boy Scout. Webelos wear the Boy Scout Uniform, go more places, and do more on their own. Den Leaders, moms & dads help the Webelos with rank advancement. Webelos have weekly Den Meetings and attend Pack Meetings monthly. Boys aged 11-17 or those who have earned the Arrow of Light and are 10 or have completed 5th Grade. Camping, hiking, leadership and other fun outdoor activities. Scouts begin to learn leadership skills. They plan & conduct their own meetings and activities. Boy Scouts have weekly Troop meetings on Wednesday’s at 7 PM & usually have monthly outings. Age: Emphasis: Skills: Meetings: Scout Led, Adult Led Adult Mentored
Troop 295 Profile(as of 1/2008) • Chartered with American Legion Post 295 • Eagle Scouts (includes alumni) • Registered Scouts • Registered Scouters (Adult Leaders) • Registered Merit Badge Counselors • 2009 Quality Unit Award Motto: The Eagles Nest
Troop 295 Promise Provide a scouting program that is safe, interesting, challenging, educational, and fun for the scouts! The Aims and Methods of Boy Scouting are the building blocks Troop 295 uses to deliver our promise. AIMS Moral Strength Character Citizenship Physical, Mental & Emotional Fitness METHODS Ideals Adult Association Patrols Personal Growth Outdoors Leadership Development Advancement Uniform
Meeting Place and Times Troop 295 meets Monday evenings from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM at Lincoln Trailer Park, Lincoln & Bloomfield. Scouts are required to be in uniform, bring their Scout handbook, Log, paper, and pen or pencil. Patrols meet by exception. Times and locations are at the discretion of the Patrol Leader. Every effort is made to schedule monthly outings. Details are announced at Troop meetings and information is posted to our website: http://troop295.ocbsa.org & http://councciltraining.net/295 Lord Baden Powell Founder of Scouting
Uniform Requirements Uniforms for the scouts and all leaders of Troop 295 are described as follows: 1. Official Uniform. Standard BSA uniform (shirt, pants, belt, and socks; BSA hats are optional). Includes distinctive Troop 295 neckerchief. 2. Activity/Field. Scout shorts or pants, scout socks, and distinctive Troop 295 T-shirt. At a minimum, Scouts and Scouters are required to have an Official Uniform shirt with all appropriate patches, insignia, and distinctive neckerchief within 30 days of joining the Troop. The remainder of the uniform should be purchased within 90 days. Exceptions/waivers can be made when financial hardships exist. Note - The uniform makes the Scout troop visible as a force for good and creates a positive youth image in the community. Wearing the uniform shows each Scout's commitment to the aims and purposes of Scouting. The uniform gives the Scout identity and provides a way for Scouts to wear badges they have earned.
Uniform Requirements (continued) • Troop 295 Uniform wear criteria: • 1. Troop meeting, Boards of Review, and Courts of Honor. Complete Official Uniform (w/sash if merit badges have been earned). • 2. Campouts. Travel to and from the destination will be in the Official Uniform. • a. During overnight campouts, any clothing (including hats) may • be worn provided the do not affect the health and • safety of the individual or other scouts. • b. Camporees. Troop Activity/Field uniform; • Official Uniform when directed. • At no time will a Scout or Leader be permitted to wear any apparel item depicting vulgarity, profanity or have anti-religious, sexism, or • pro-drug statements.
Scout Shops • There are many sources for purchasing Scout items. Here are a • few places you could try: • On-line, official BSA National Website: SCOUTSTUFF.ORG • Licensed/approved Scout shops "Previously Owned uniforms" (adult & youth; great for campouts!) • Orange Frontier District Round Table. Second Thursday of every month Hate Sewing? Try your local dry cleaners
Troop Equipment Items • Troop 295 Equipment consists of a variety of • camping/outdoor items that are stored and transported in the Troop's trailer. Items include: • Patrol Kitchens (stoves, pots & pans, utensils, etc.) • Pioneer tools (ax, saws, picks, hammers, ropes) • Lanterns • Dining Fly • First Aid Kit • Tarps
Troop Structure Youth Leadership & the Patrol Method The Patrol Leaders' Council (PLC) is the backbone of any Troop. They meet weekly before the regular Troop meeting to plan, develop, and execute the Troop's program. It is the Patrol Leaders job to bring the interests of the Scouts in their patrol to the discussion table. During the PLC, the Scoutmaster and his assistants provide guidance. The PLC consists of: Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) Assistant SPL Patrol Leaders Quartermaster Troop Guide Librarian Instructor Historian Junior Assistant Scribe Scout Master Chaplain (Qualifications for each position is prescribed in the Troop SOP)
Adult Leaders Carlos Hienstrosa Barry Veale, Chairman
Adult Leaders (continued) Rudy Solorzano Mike Eyre Dave Exter Gary Minot Dave Fuchs Charlie Osaki Joe Lum
Advancement After satisfying a few simple requirements, the Scout Badge (first rank) is earned. Although there is no requirement for Scouts to advance in rank within a certain time frame, Scouts are encouraged to attain the rank of First Class within the first year. The Scoutmaster (SM), Assistant SM (ASM), and youth members (approved by the SM) can sign off requirements for the next three ranks. Parents are discouraged from signing their Scout's requirements. Before advancing to each rank, a Scout must meet with the SM to review his progress. Following the SM Conference, the Scout goes before a Board of Review (BOR). The board is not a test, but an opportunity to review how he got where he is, and set goals for himself. By interacting with his Scoutmaster, Assistants, Committee, and adults at home, we work to dispel the myth: "adults just don't understand!" Eagle Trail
Merit Badges (MB) Each MB must be earned by working with a counselor certified by the district and registered with the counsel. The Troop maintains a list of certified counselors. It is the Scouts responsibility to make contact with a counselor and initiate a MB Application ("Blue Card"). The card is divided into 3 parts. Once completed, copies go to the counselor, Scout, and Troop Advancement Chairman. After the requirements are completed and results are recorded, the badge is awarded to the Scout, along with a certificate, during a Court of Honor. The certificate and/or Scout copy of the Blue Card serve as proof that the badge was earned. The badge itself is not proof. In addition to the Scout exercising individual initiative, opportunities for taking MB workshops occur during summer camp and district sponsored events.
Safety Throughout all our activities, great care is taken when organizing Troop activities. We make a constant practice of the "Buddy System". Prior to any activity involving elements of risk, leaders consult the: Guide to Safe Scouting latest Edition A Unit Leader's Guide for Current Policies and Proceduresto Safe Activities - Preface - The purpose of the Guide to Safe Scouting is to prepare adult leaders to conduct Scouting activities in a safe and prudent manner. The policies and guidelines have been established because of the real need to protect members from known hazards that have been identified through eighty-plus years of experience. Limitations on certain activities should not be viewed as stumbling blocks; rather, policies and guidelines are best described as stepping stones toward safe and enjoyable adventures. Unit leaders should be aware of state or local regulations that supersede Boy Scouts of America policies and guidelines. When considering activities not specifically addressed in Scouting literature, activity planners should evaluate the benefit to the Scouting program versus the risk of injury. The benefit side includes the question: "Does the activity further the aims and methods of Scouting?" Scouts receive basic First Aid skills for each of the first three ranks. The troop offers and encourages scouts and adults to become certified in: First Aid, CPR, and water safety instruction.
Parent/Adult Participation • How can you help? • Register as a leader. Work directly with the Scouts • or become a member of the Troop Committee. • Accompany the troop on overnight trips (campouts). • Help with transportation to meetings, events, etc. • Volunteer as a merit badge counselor. • Offer any expertise that would be helpful to the troop. • Attend the monthly troop committee meeting. • Bring your family and attend your scout's Court of Honor. • Most Important - be there for your Scout! • Encourage him to set goals for himself, and guide him • along the Scouting trail. Understand how the advancement • system, patrol method, and leadership structure • work. Keep in mind, the easiest way to learn • about scouting is to get involved.
Helpful WEB Addresses: http://troop295.ocbsa.orgTroop Home Page http://counciltraining.net/295 Troop 295 Communication Portal http://orangefrontier.ocbsa.orgOrange Frontier District http://ocbsa.orgOrange County Council http://www.scouting.org http://www.usscouts.org
Questions.....? Thank you for taking the time to learn about our Troop. Remember, if you would like to know even more, visit our websites, speak with an adult leader or ask for a copy of our Bylaws & discipline policy. We hope you have a great visit and encourage you to support the BSA Program.