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Explore the nomenclature, genetic regions, and significance of HLA testing in organ transplants, platelet therapy, and disease correlations. Learn about HLA gene products, haplotypes, and immunogenicity, emphasizing the critical role of this system in immune response.
Chapter 21 The HLA System
Introduction • Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) testing is a specialized branch or division of immunology for human histocompatibility testing. • It supports specialties in transplantation, transfusion, and immunogenetics. • 1954: Jean Dausset observed that patients whose sera contained leukoagglutinins had received more blood transfusions than other patients.
Nomenclature • The HLA genetic region is a series of closely linked genes that determine surface antigens or receptors responsible for the recognition and elimination of foreign tissues. • It's also called the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). • The HLA complex contains an estimated 35 to 40 genes.
Nomenclature (cont’d) • These genes are located on three regions of the short arm of chromosome 6 • Class I genes • Class II genes • Class III genes
Nomenclature (cont’d) • HLA genes are highly polymorphic, and several alleles exist at each locus. • The antigenic specificities, defined by serologic reactivity, are designated by numbers following the locus symbol.
Nomenclature (cont’d) • Continued investigation using molecular techniques of DNA sequence analysis revealed HLA allelic variants that were not detectable by traditional serologic techniques. • This complexity necessitated the development of a new system of nomenclature for HLA genes.
Antigens and Antibodies • HLA antigen composition must be valuated in prospective donor-recipient pairs before organ transplantation and in candidates for platelet therapy refractory to random donor platelets. • Presensitization to HLA antigens may cause rapid rejection of transplanted tissue or poor platelet survival following transfusion. • HLA-antigen testing is also used in disease correlation, paternity testing, and anthropologic studies.
Antigens and Antibodies (cont’d) • Two codominant alleles for each locus • The physical linkage of the HLA genes results in all of the genes on a single chromosome typically being inherited together. • The entire set of A, B, C, DR, DQ, and DP genes located on one chromosome is called a haplotype, usually inherited as a unit.
Antigens and Antibodies (cont’d) • Genetic crossovers and recombination in the HLA region are uncommon (less than 1 %). • The HLA genotype represents the association of the alleles on the two chromosomes as determined by family studies, and the term haplotype refers to the allelic makeup of a single chromosome.
Crossing Over • The effect of rearranging the genes on the chromosome to produce new haplotypes in the general population • During meiosis, exchange of material between the paired chromosomes can occur. • During chromosomal replication, replicated chromosomes often overlay each other, forming x-shaped chiasmata.
Linkage Disequilibrium • An observed value of the joint frequency of codominant alleles that is significantly different from the expected frequency (the product of the individual allele frequencies) • Disequilibrium between the B and DR loci alleles may account for problems in correlating B locus serotyping with allograft survival and disease associations, with clinical significance for allograft survival.
HLA Gene Products • Globular glycoproteins, composed of two noncovalently linked chains • Class I (HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-C) molecules: heavy chain with a molecular weight of 45,000 daltons associated noncovalently with β2-microglobulin • Class II (HLA-DR, HLA-DQ, and HLA-DP) molecules: two similar-sized chains of a molecular weight of 33,000 (α) and 28,000 (β) daltons associated noncovalently throughout their extracellular portions
HLA Gene Products (cont’d) • Class I molecules: present on all nucleated cells, dendritic cells, and platelets • Class II molecules: present only on B lymphocytes, activated T lymphocytes, macrophages, monocytes, and endothelial cells • Surface topography of these molecules contributes to their potential immunogenicity
Function of the HLA System • Role in the adaptive arm of the immune system • Recognition and elimination of foreign antigens • Self and non-self discrimination • Large degree of polymorphism seen in MHC • Thought to have evolved to present a large range of foreign peptide antigens
Antibodies to HLA • The majority of HLA alloantibodies are IgG and are divided into two groups. • Those that detect a single HLA gene product • Those that detect more than one HLA gene product
Cross Reactivity • Cross-reactive HLA antigens share important structural elements with one another but retain unique, specific elements. • The majority of cross-reactive alloantibodies detect HLA specificities of allelic molecules coded by the same locus. • Most specificities can be grouped into major CREGs or currently defined major cross-reactive groups.
The HLA System • The agglutination methods initially used to define HLA antigens have been succeeded by a precise microlymphocytotoxicity test. • Cytotoxicity techniques require only 1 to 2 μL of serum and are sensitive and reproducible.
The HLA System (cont’d) • Immunomagnetic bead techniques positively select lymphocyte subpopulations for use in HLA typing, both for class I and II antigen. • Alternatively, B cells can be identified by fluorescent labeling or binding of labeled anti-immunoglobulin to the cell surface immunoglobulins on B cells only. • Serologic HLA testing uses a form of complement-dependent microlymphocytotoxicity (CDC).
HLA Molecular Techniques • HLA class I (HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C) and class II (HLA-DR, HLA-DQ, HLA-DP) typing is performed in most laboratories by DNA analysis techniques. • Molecular typing for Class I and Class II alleles is required in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
HLA Molecular Techniques (cont’d) • Sequence-specific oligonucleotides (SSO), involving PCR amplification of a chosen sequence using primers flanking that sequence • Sequence-specific primers (SSP), involving oligonucleotide primers designed to obtain amplification of specific alleles or groups of alleles • Sequence-based typing (SBT), involving terminal-end incorporation of fluorescently-labeled nucleotides during PCR reactions
HLA Antibody Detection Techniques • Recipient lymphocytotoxic HLA antibodies to donor antigens are associated with accelerated graft rejection, poor response to platelet transfusion, and TRALI. • The unknown serum tested against a panel of cells or soluble antigen of known HLA phenotype • 30 cells for screening • 60 cells for accurate antibody identification
HLA Antibody Detection Techniques (cont’d) • Microlymphocytotoxicity methods with sensitivity chosen for the intended purpose of the assay. • Enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent crossmatch assays (ELISA) tests use purified HLA antigens to detect patient antibodies. • IgG and IgM antibodies may be detected. • ELISA can be used as a screening assay for the detection of anti-HLA antibodies as well as a method to determine antibody specificity.
HLA Antibody Detection Techniques (cont’d) • Flow cytometric antibody screen detects antibody binding directly, for screening or for determination of antibody specificity. • Can distinguish between IgG and IgM antibodies • Can also detect noncomplement-fixing antibodies • Utilize T and B lymphocytes as targets or, in a newer technique, employ purified HLA antigens coated onto microparticles 2 to 4 μm in diameter
HLA Crossmatch Techniques • Lymphocytotoxicity is the most widely used technique. • Flow cytometry can be used to facilitate detection of low levels of antibodies in recipients. • Virtual crossmatchinvolves selecting donor-recipient pairs based on donor HLA type and recipient alloantibody profile.
Clinical Significance of the HLA System • The HLA system is of primary clinical importance in transplantation. • Recent clinical applications include paternity testing to identify the polymorphic genetic markers in a paternity trio. • HLA antigens are associated with disease susceptibility more than any other genetic marker, although not solely clinically useful as a diagnostic tool.
Clinical Significance of the HLA System (cont’d) • Platelet Transfusion: HLA Class I antigens are expressed variably on platelets. • HLA alloimmunization can result in refractoriness to random donor platelet transfusions.
Clinical Significance of the HLA System (cont’d) • Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI): the clinical syndrome of new acute lung injury (ALI) developing within a clear temporal relationship to transfusion, in patients without or with alternate risk factors for ALI • Exact pathophysiology of TRALI unclear
Clinical Significance of the HLA System (cont’d) • Antibodies against HLA class I and class II molecules have been found in 50% to 89% of products associated with TRALI. • Suspected TRALI cases are typically evaluated by analysis of donor blood product for anti-HLA and anti-HNA antibodies via immunoassay or serologic techniques.
Clinical Significance of the HLA System (cont’d) • Evaluation determines whether the donor associated with the suspected causative blood product should be removed from the donor pool.
Implications for Organ Transplantation • HLA testing can be part of these decisions • Determination of how best to select potential recipients • Regulation of immunosuppressive treatment • How best to precondition potential recipients so that their immune systems will accept a graft
Potential Applications for HLA Testing • Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation • Kidney transplantation • Heart transplantation • Liver transplantation • Lung transplantation • Pancreas and islet cell transplantation